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Advancing the National Geospatial Platform Jerry Johnston US Department of the Interior.

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Presentation on theme: "Advancing the National Geospatial Platform Jerry Johnston US Department of the Interior."— Presentation transcript:

1 Advancing the National Geospatial Platform Jerry Johnston US Department of the Interior

2 2 Brief History of FGDC OMB Circular A-16 (rev. 2002, Supplemental Guidance 2010) Provides for improvements in coordination and use of spatial data Establishes vision for the National Spatial Data Infrastructure Establishes FGDC as coordinating body for NSDI activities within federal government Exemptions include: Classified NSI-related activities of DoD unless declassified by EO 12951 Intelligence spatial data activities

3 3 FGDC Structure and Participants

4 4 FGDC Recent Accomplishments FY 2011 Migration of Geospatial One-Stop to Beginning implementation of A-16 Supplemental Guidance / Portfolio Management Endorsement of 64 non-Federally authored standards (partnership with DoD / IC) Continued design, planning, implementation for Geospatial Platform

5 5 Open Government “Information maintained by the Federal Government is a national asset.” President Obama January 21, 2009

6 6 Open Government January 21, 2009 Memo for Heads of Federal Agencies and Departments Government should be Transparent Government should be Participatory Government should be Collaborative CTO Directed to issue Open Government Directive Instructions for Executive Branch on required actions for implementing these principles How data will be released to the public How agencies will engage the public in policy making How to leverage emerging platforms “ Hardwiring Executive Branch Accountability ”

7 7 Open Government December 8, 2009 Release of OGD Numerous key deadlines and deliverables established, including:  1/22/2010: Each Department to publish 3 high value datasets to  1/22/2010: Each Department to designate high-level senior official to be accountable for open government data quality, objectivity, etc.  2/6/2010: Each Department to create open government webpage at http://www.[agency].gov  4/7/2010: Each Department to publish its Open Government Plan that describes how it will improve transparency and integrate public participation and collaboration into its activities

8 8 There are over 24, web sites – difficult to navigate Public must understand the federal organizational structure to find datasets on key topics Data exists in portals – are not “ raw ” machine downloadable or data locked in legacy systems Web sites not designed for new generation of technologies on the web

9 9 Beyond Transparency: Driving Innovation The Federal Government does not have a monopoly on good ideas Access to Information unleashes creativity Innovation drives sustainability

10 10 When GPS was made available (w/o Selective Availability) markets were created innovation happened!

11 11 Break down stovepipes to increase access to data Encouraging development of innovative applications Instant access: Downloadable data only one click away Data that can be manipulated and mashed-up (“machine readable”) Tools that provide access to complex datastores Widgets


13 13 History and Challenges Great success in making data available through metadata catalogs (Geospatial One Stop, Products in these catalogs still not easily accessed and understood by key decision makers and “non-experts” A proliferation of portals – no single place to develop and publish geospatial information products across USG Adoption of standards and publishing of open data / services has been widespread across USG agencies Some agencies have difficulty in getting through the technical hurdles and effort / cost required to publish Opportunities for moving data, services and applications to cloud computing Limited adoption and uptake to date

14 14 Call to Action – Geospatial Platform Background "In 2010 and 2011, Federal data managers for geospatial data will move to a portfolio management approach, creating a Geospatial Platform to support Geospatial One-Stop, place-based initiatives, and other potential future programs. This transformation will be facilitated by improving the governance framework to address the requirements of State, local and tribal agencies, Administration policy, and agency mission objectives. Investments will be prioritized based on business needs. The Geospatial Platform will explore opportunities for increased collaboration with, with an emphasis on reuse of architectural standards and technology, ultimately increasing access to geospatial data." President’s Budget, Fiscal Year 2011

15 15 Supporting Decision Making The Geospatial Platform will enable decision makers to work more effectively through: Putting issues and events in the context of location, the surrounding environment, and the people affected Understanding complex issues and integrate multiple data elements through one map Recognizing trends and relationships that might otherwise be missed Communicating clearly and effectively – a picture is worth 1000 words Integrating disparate types of data from multiple organizations into quickly and easily understood formats


17 17 Target Technical Architecture

18 18 “Phase One” “Map Gallery” and

19 19





24 24 Open Standards Current support for and reliance upon: WMS, CS-W (and metadata content standards) Near term needs: WFS, OGC GeoServices REST Longer term: WCS, WPS Open service standards are what will make this successful

25 25

26 26 High Priority Work in Progress Shared Hosting Infrastructure Communities of Practice / Interest Federation and Sharing among multiple “Platforms” Building the user experience that leverages ArcGIS Portal / ArcGIS Online






32 32 Conclusions & Road Ahead The Geospatial Platform is evolving to a policy and technology layer that will help: Enable access to information products that support timely policy decisions Support easy and inexpensive data publishing and sharing Facilitate collaboration with partners to produce information products Promote better understanding of cross-government issues Present users with a “consumer mapping” experience for non-experts Empower government agencies and their partners to more effectively use geography to tell their stories to a wide variety of stakeholders

33 33 Supplemental Links * General Services Administration (organization responsible for building and parts of * Open Government Initiative: * White House Office of e- Government:

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