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Sc Magnet test facility Consolidation Project presentation M. Bajko for the TEMB on behalf of the MSC TF section team 31. Aug. 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "Sc Magnet test facility Consolidation Project presentation M. Bajko for the TEMB on behalf of the MSC TF section team 31. Aug. 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sc Magnet test facility Consolidation Project presentation M. Bajko for the TEMB on behalf of the MSC TF section team 31. Aug. 2009

2 Extracts from the report of the review committee Superconductors and Magnet Laboratories at CERN May 18 and 19 2009 All LHC magnet types can be tested except a few. An adaptation of an SM18 bench for this is recommended All LHC magnet types can be tested except a few. An adaptation of an SM18 bench for this is recommended The OSQAR base program as presented is endorsed. The OSQAR base program as presented is endorsed. The String test appears as a useful step in the construction and system validation but it should not replace the individual components tests…. The String test appears as a useful step in the construction and system validation but it should not replace the individual components tests…. The Fresca 2 program is considered important and should be executed with priority as the facility is important for the CERN program and beyond. The Fresca 2 program is considered important and should be executed with priority as the facility is important for the CERN program and beyond. The HTS leads testing is important, new requests for HTS leads for smaller projects may come up and a re-installation of the facility is recommended. The HTS leads testing is important, new requests for HTS leads for smaller projects may come up and a re-installation of the facility is recommended. Block4>SM18. The motivation is solid. …. The closing of Block4 in due time and the re-establishing of its functions in SM18 is endorsed. Block4>SM18. The motivation is solid. …. The closing of Block4 in due time and the re-establishing of its functions in SM18 is endorsed. SM18 benches: the committee endorses to keep 10 benches alive. SM18 benches: the committee endorses to keep 10 benches alive. The RF line in SM18 is to be replaced to reduce the cryogenic load and to secure the test program as foreseen. The RF line in SM18 is to be replaced to reduce the cryogenic load and to secure the test program as foreseen. programs facilities

3 Goals of the project Unify the Sc magnet test stations ( A + B) Unify the Sc magnet test stations ( A + B) A. the station known as “Block 4” situated in Prevessin, equipped with 4 vertical cryostats ( to test magnet alone in vertical position) A. the station known as “Block 4” situated in Prevessin, equipped with 4 vertical cryostats ( to test magnet alone in vertical position) B. the test station known as “SM18” situated in between point 1 and 8, equipped with 12 horizontal test benches (to test magnets with their own cryostat in horizontal position) B. the test station known as “SM18” situated in between point 1 and 8, equipped with 12 horizontal test benches (to test magnets with their own cryostat in horizontal position) Optimizes the use of : services and man power Optimizes the use of : services and man power Extend the vertical test station to allow testing magnets and Sc of future projects ( NIT, HFM, FCM) Extend the vertical test station to allow testing magnets and Sc of future projects ( NIT, HFM, FCM) Modify the horizontal test benches such to allow testing present and new inner triplet magnets Modify the horizontal test benches such to allow testing present and new inner triplet magnets Prepare a zone for the STRING 3of new inner triplet magnets + Sc link Prepare a zone for the STRING 3of new inner triplet magnets + Sc link

4 Stages of the project Part 1: Move the vertical test station from Prevessin site to SM18 site (Block 4 to SM18 hall) for end of 2010 Part 1: Move the vertical test station from Prevessin site to SM18 site (Block 4 to SM18 hall) for end of 2010 Part 2.: Modify one horizontal test bench of SM18, such to allow testing the new inner triplet magnet for end of 2011 Part 2.: Modify one horizontal test bench of SM18, such to allow testing the new inner triplet magnet for end of 2011 Part 3. : Modify one or two horizontal test benches of SM18 such to allow testing the present inner triplet magnets, produced and tested by two US laboratories ( BNL and FNAL) as soon as possible for eventual need… Part 3. : Modify one or two horizontal test benches of SM18 such to allow testing the present inner triplet magnets, produced and tested by two US laboratories ( BNL and FNAL) as soon as possible for eventual need… Part 4. : Prepare the STRING3 for 2014 Part 4. : Prepare the STRING3 for 2014

5 SM18 layout today Part 1 : The zone where the vertical test station is proposed to be installed Part 4 : The zone we keep for the STRING 3 of about 60 m long Part 2 and 3 : Modification of horizontal benches

6 The vertical test station zone As today As proposed Part 1 The vertical cryostats

7 Main installations Power supply and switches 20 kA Control room He distribution box Vertical Cryostats Platform and electrical racks Magnet preparation zone FCM and Sc Link Powering max. 15 kA Cryogenics Cryogenics for FCM, Sc link and STRING 3 Part 1

8 What would allow the “part 1” and what are the difficulties ? The new installation would allow us to test in Sm18: The new installation would allow us to test in Sm18: present LHC corrector magnets, present LHC corrector magnets, diodes of MBs and MQs, diodes of MBs and MQs, new inner triplet correctors and new inner triplet correctors and new inner triplet quadruple model, new inner triplet quadruple model, HFM proptotypes and HFM proptotypes and FRESCA magnet FRESCA magnet with some modification of one cryostat we should be able to test also the present LHC HTc current leads. with some modification of one cryostat we should be able to test also the present LHC HTc current leads. Difficulties: Difficulties: before installing the new station we have to de-install from Block 4 as we recuperate most of the elements!!!!! before installing the new station we have to de-install from Block 4 as we recuperate most of the elements!!!!! before installation of the vertical cryostats all services has to be ready before installation of the vertical cryostats all services has to be ready for END 2010 Part 1

9 1 st Price estimate The total price to move Block 4 to SM18 and upgrade the control system of the two stations (of 300 kCHF ) is 1622 kCHF distributed as following: This price does NOT includes. 1.FRESCA 2 magnet cryostat ; to be covered by HFM budget 2.FCM cryostat ;to be covered by FCM project 3.Sc link installation; to be covered by NIT and FP7 4.Modification of the horizontal test benches for NIT triplet; to be covered by this project 5.Modification of the horizontal test benches for present inner triplet ;to be covered by the spare parts projects 6. String 3; to be covered by NIT project In aprox. 3.5 year with the operation and investment cost of Block 4 we can pay the new vertical station in SM18

10 Planning Total of 9 months is needed counting from the civil engineering work starting date to test the NIT magnets The block 4 will be not operational for more than 2500 A test after 4 mounts from the beginning ….and completely stopped after the 6 th mounts.

11 Status today Part 1: a. layout drawings in EUCLID and in CATIA sufficiently advanced for colleagues (GS SEM, EN EL, TE CRG) to work for interfaces done by EN MME with TE MSC. b. GS SEM is well advanced with the dossier for call for tender ( “carottage “ this week). We estimate the start of civil engineering for the second week of January 2010. c. Control system defined with EN- ICE and TE-CRG Part 2: a.modelisation of one bench in CATIA has been started Part 3: a.Information has been recovered from USA labs b.Feasibility study is planned for end of year… depending on resources in EN MME Part 4: a. We keep the space available for it.

12 Difficulties @ short & long term @ short term: @ short term: Definition of the cryogenic consumption of the FRESCA 2 magnet Definition of the cryogenic consumption of the FRESCA 2 magnet Adapt one cryostat to test : diodes and CL of all type for LHC Adapt one cryostat to test : diodes and CL of all type for LHC @ long term @ long term Leave with the 25g/s capacity of the 6kW CB Lhe production having the RF cryoline consuming 10 g/s. the estimations made by L. Walckiers shows that in 2013 even with a new line, clearly priorities has to be established between the different activities and a good co-ordination of test will be necessary. Leave with the 25g/s capacity of the 6kW CB Lhe production having the RF cryoline consuming 10 g/s. the estimations made by L. Walckiers shows that in 2013 even with a new line, clearly priorities has to be established between the different activities and a good co-ordination of test will be necessary.

13 Compatibility with 6 kW (@ 25 g/s) CB LHe production Average consumption needed (in g/s) Considering 6 kW CB current capacity 25 g/s, the requirements cannot be fulfilled at a present condition. Only if the CB is fully upgraded (~30g/s) and the cavity transfer line is changed the requirement can be fulfilled except for 2013. Peak of consumption possible: boosting by LHe, GHe to atmosphere or adapting the priorities between the tests. New cavity line and CB upgrade is not expected before 2011. 2009 2 nd 2010 1 st 2010 2 nd 2011 1 st 2011 2 nd 2012 1 st 2012 2 nd 2013 1 st 2013 2 nd 2014 1 st 2014 2 nd Cavities (with new cavity line 2 g/s)* 466610 11252300 Magnets 12.51315 17111011912.59.5 Total 16.51921 2721 363212.59.5 Total if existing SRF cavity line (+10 g/s)** 26.52931 3731 464212.59.5 * Estimated consumption of the new line~2g/s ** Consumption of the existing line~12 g/s Extract from presentatation of V. Benda Numbers worked out with L. Walkiers

14 Number of Tests in SM18 up to 2014 Extract from presentatation of V. Benda Numbers worked out with L. Walkiers

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