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OFFICE OF COLLEGE AND CAREER READINESS Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Updated January 2015 End-of-Course Assessments Training.

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Presentation on theme: "OFFICE OF COLLEGE AND CAREER READINESS Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Updated January 2015 End-of-Course Assessments Training."— Presentation transcript:

1 OFFICE OF COLLEGE AND CAREER READINESS Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Updated January 2015 End-of-Course Assessments Training for Test Examiners Fall 2014-Spring 2015

2 End-of-Course Examiner Training Audio Problems? If you are not able to hear audio, please do the following:  Check to see if your speakers are on, plugged in, and the volume is turned up (not muted)  If you still can’t hear the audio, please contact your District or School Information Technology Coordinator (DITC or SITC) for help 2

3  The Department of Elementary and Secondary Education does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, gender, national origin, age, or disability in its programs and activities. Inquiries related to Department programs and to the location of services, activities, and facilities that are accessible by persons with disabilities may be directed to the Jefferson State Office Building, Office of the General Counsel, Coordinator – Civil Rights Compliance (Title VI/Title IX/504/ADA/Age Act), 6 th Floor, 205 Jefferson Street, P.O. Box 480, Jefferson City, MO 65102-0480; telephone number 573-526-4757 or TTY 800-735-2966; email 3 End-of-Course Examiner Training Non-Discrimination

4 4 End-of-Course Examiner Training Who Receives Training? Two-part Test Examiner training is available for End-of-Course (EOC) Assessments  The first is presented by DESE  The second is presented by Questar Test Examiners must view training  Test Examiners include general classroom teachers, special education teachers, translators, proctors, and other district personnel helping with test administration  District or School Test Coordinator is the ‘go-to’ person for questions

5 5 End-of-Course Examiner Training Resources Recorded Training and Resources are provided  This pre-recorded training, accompanying print-ready PowerPoint slides and other training resources are available on the DESE website at: recorded recorded  The Questar training is located in iTester under the Help tab

6 End-of-Course Examiner Training Overview – What hasn’t changed  Online administration unless paper/pencil, Braille, or Large Print accommodation specified in student’s IEP  Administration, scoring, and reporting provided by EOC vendor, Questar  Students can test on a desktop, laptop, iPad or Android tablet, or Chromebook device  Three testing windows available  Students should test when they have completed the associated course content 6

7 End-of-Course Examiner Training Overview – What new in Fall 2014-Spring 2015  Suite of available EOC Assessments includes:  Algebra I*  Algebra II  Geometry  English I  English II*  Biology*  Physical Science  American History  U.S. Government* * Required for accountability 7

8 8 End-of-Course Examiner Training Overview – What’s new in Fall 2014-Spring 2015 (cont.)  Updated English language arts and Mathematics assessments  English I, English II, Algebra I, Algebra II, and Geometry EOC assessments aligned to Missouri Learning Standards  Missouri Learning Standards: readiness/curriculum/missouri-learning-standards readiness/curriculum/missouri-learning-standards  2014-2015 EOC Blueprints: readiness/assessment/end-course readiness/assessment/end-course  New English I/II Writing Prompt Rubrics: language-arts/resources language-arts/resources  New Algebra I PE Rubrics

9 End-of-Course Examiner Training Overview – What’s new in Fall 2014-Spring 2015 (cont.)  Online Pre-Tests  Full online forms of all EOCs available through Questar’s iTester system  Accessible any time  24-hour turnaround for selected response items (raw scores only)  Local scoring of performance events and writing prompts  TAM Supplement, a training webinar, PDFs of test forms, and scoring materials for PEs posted in iTester 9

10 End-of-Course Examiner Training Overview – What’s new in Fall 2014-Spring 2015 (cont.)  New Accommodations Procedures  Universal Tools, Designated Supports, and Accommodations  Updated codes: readiness/assessment/end-course readiness/assessment/end-course  Things to note:  With the exception of ELA reading passages, all items may be read to a student by a trained reader. Read aloud of ELA reading passages requires an IEP or 504 plan  There are no accommodations that result in a LOSS 10

11 End-of-Course Examiner Training Overview – What’s new in Fall 2014-Spring 2015 (cont.)  Braille/Large Print and Paper/Pencil Test Administration Procedures  All transcription completed locally  See Appendices D-F of the Test Administration Manual for specific procedures related to transcribing 11

12 End-of-Course Examiner Training The Test Administration Manual (TAM)  Step-by-Step Instructions for:  Preparing for testing  Handling special circumstances  Accessing and working within iTester  Administering assessments online  Administering accommodated test forms (Braille/Large Print, Paper Pencil Editions)  Accessing and reviewing test results  Available on the DESE webpage at readiness/assessment/end-course and in iTester under the Help tab readiness/assessment/end-course 12

13 End-of-Course Examiner Training Preparing for Testing  Identify students for testing  Students should test when they complete appropriate course content  All students (including, but not limited to Missouri Option students, homebound students, and students in out-of-district placement) must complete required EOC assessments  Questions about exceptions? DTC should contact Accountability Data – 573-526-4886 13

14 End-of-Course Examiner Training Preparing for Testing – Scheduling  District content windows  7-business day content window for the district  Content windows may overlap, but all testing must be completed within the statewide testing window  After the 7-business day content window ends, iTester LOCKS and students may no longer log into iTester in that content area  Questar will reopen a window only on a limited basis 14

15 End-of-Course Examiner Training Preparing for Testing – Scheduling ContentTime Suggestions English IISession I: 90 – 110 min / Session II: 90 – 110 min Algebra ISession I: 90 – 110 min / Session II: 60 - 70 min BiologySession I: 55 – 60 min / Session II: 65 - 70 min English ISession I: 90 – 110 min / Session II: 90 – 110 min Algebra II90 – 110 min Geometry90 – 110 min American History60 – 80 min Government60 – 80 min Physical Science60 – 80 min 15

16 End-of-Course Examiner Training Preparing for Testing – iTester System  Two components  iTester Admin  iTester Student  Test Examiner logins  Test Examiners can review students’ support and accommodation codes and check testing status 16

17 End-of-Course Examiner Training Preparing for Testing – Tutorials  Tutorials are available in iTester Student for students to practice using the tools within the system.  Login information in the TAM 17

18 End-of-Course Examiner Training Preparing for Testing – Testing Location In the testing facility, if in doubt, cover or move materials  Cover or remove materials that are related to processes or content  Remove or cover anything that could not easily be defended during a Quality Assurance visit 18

19 End-of-Course Examiner Training Test Administration - Test Security Everyone MUST follow security procedures  Examiners and proctors MUST NOT read, copy, score, or review test books, except for transcribing purposes  Translators MUST NOT discuss test items or answers with anyone at any time  Student testing materials must be stored OUTSIDE of the classroom in a secure locked location before and after testing  Computer labs must be prepared with test security as a top concern when using the online platform  Students must not be allowed access to cell phones or other electronic devices during testing  If cell phones or other electronic devices are allowed into the testing room, they must be collected and stored in a central location until testing is completed 19

20 End-of-Course Examiner Training Test Administration – iTester Student Students test in iTester Student  Tests download to a student’s workstation  In the event of a lost connection, do NOT turn off the student’s device  Directions for walking students through the iTester Student login process are located in the TAM  Test Examiners can track students’ testing status in iTester Admin 20

21 End-of-Course Examiner Training Test Administration – Status Codes Only two status codes are found in iTester  Absent: Use the absent status code for a student who will never take the assessment prior to graduation  Teacher Invalidation: This code is only used when a student is caught cheating 21

22 End-of-Course Examiner Training Test Administration – Designated Supports & Accommodations  All Designated Supports and Accommodations must be marked in iTester Admin under the Test Sessions tab  Exception – Braille and Large Print must be marked on the Student Demographics page  All Accommodations must be documented in the student’s IEP or 504 plan 22

23 End-of-Course Examiner Training Test Administration - Paper/Pencil Edition In order to take a Paper/Pencil edition, students must meet one of these criteria:  The student has an IEP stating that a computer may not be used for testing. Mark accommodation code A102.  The student is testing out-of-district  The student is a homebound student who cannot test at school  Immediately return the Paper/Pencil assessment to the STC/DTC for shipment to Questar 23

24 End-of-Course Examiner Training Test Administration - Paper/Pencil Edition (cont.)  Each Paper/Pencil edition test book has a unique security code on every page  The Examiner is accountable for a 100% return to the STC of every page of each hard copy test  Talk to the School Test Coordinator about any contaminated testing materials 24

25 End-of-Course Examiner Training Test Administration – Braille/Large Print Administration  DTCs order Braille/Large Print assessments from Questar  Test Examiners will receive a kit for Braille and Large Print test administration  Accommodation code A012 for Braille or A021 for Large Print marked in iTester  Test Examiner will transcribe student responses into iTester Student  Return all testing materials to the DTC or STC  Consult DTC/STC regarding contaminated testing materials 25

26 End-of-Course Examiner Training Test Administration – Permitted Tools  Some Universal Tools and the Mathematics Reference Sheet are provided in iTester  Hard copies of the Mathematics Reference Sheet may be printed from the iTester Help tab  Calculators that meet the guidelines  The English I and English II performance events allow for scratch paper, English dictionary, and/or a thesaurus  Unlabeled grid or graph paper for the mathematics assessments 26

27 End-of-Course Examiner Training Test Administration - Calculator Policy During testing, calculators:  Are not needed or required, and are not provided, endorsed, or recommended by DESE  Cannot have Internet connectivity or connect to anyone inside or outside of the classroom during testing  Cannot contain stored equations or functions at the time of testing  Can only be used where specified in the TAM 27

28 End-of-Course Examiner Training Test Administration - Disruption During Testing A student may need to move during testing because of disruption or illness  Procedures are in the TAM  The student must be escorted and not allowed to converse with other students 28

29 End-of-Course Examiner Training Test Results Test results are available online via iTester Admin  Students’ scores are available 5 business days after the end of the district 7-day content window  For assessments that have been updated, or are new (English I, English II, Algebra I, Geometry and Algebra II, and Physical Science), only raw scores will be reported 5 business days after the content window closes. Updated reports with scale scores and achievement levels will be posted following the Spring adminstration  Test Examiners can view and print scores for their students from the Reports tab in iTester 29

30 End-of-Course Examiner Training Thank You!  Questions? Please contact your DTC.  2014-2015 LEA Guide to the Missouri Assessment Program  (Resources Tab) Thank you for attending training! 30

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