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Huawei ICT for a better world Leapfrogging from Resource-based society to Knowledge-based society.

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Presentation on theme: "Huawei ICT for a better world Leapfrogging from Resource-based society to Knowledge-based society."— Presentation transcript:

1 Huawei ICT for a better world Leapfrogging from Resource-based society to Knowledge-based society

2 Smart manufacturing Real-time translation Telemedicine Smart grid Smart traffic Digital logistics Connected , Digital and smart world…

3 Continuous pursuit for better user experience is the fundamental driving force… 1. The Internet will become a fundamental element of our business mindset. 2. All Mobile, at least Mobile first … 3. The new, connected and shared wisdom… 4. Social media's influence is everywhere…

4 1. Digital restructuring for the Internet era… Value of digitalization L3: Contributing L4: Unique value L2: Enabling L1: Functional L5: Innovative change Business transformation ICT infrastructure Business model Innovation model R&D model Marketing model Operation model

5 2. Transforming ICT Infrastructure… 5G Big Data Analytics Cloud Operating System Bandwi dth Archite cture NG- PON ALL IP SDN app

6 Suggestion1 : With MBB fast development, government should scientifically plan spectrum in advance Suggestions: (focus on MBB frequency spectrum) 1.ATU should urge WRC-15 assign more spectrum for African MBB, 2.Broadcasting TV system freeing more spectrum for MBB by end of 2015 3.Government Clean up existing spectrum and prepare for future wireless development 4.based on new technology to improve the spectrum utilization, such as refarming or spectrum sharing Source:FCC MHz More Spectrum needed for MBB Africa need more FS for future MBB MBB Spectrum distribution

7 Broadband network 4th Utility of life ROW, Open access.. policy Infrastructure economy Human right Regulatory Strategy Proposal 1: NBN as national strategy focus on social-economy development, not profit in short term Subsidy Industry digitalization

8 Proposal 2: Localized contents & APPs, National Security Systems, Local Storage to establish healthful NBN ecosystem Healthful NBN ecosystem Government establish healthful NBN ecosystem Healthful NBN ecosystem create “win-win-win”situation End user government CP/SP

9 Residential Property Real Estate Developers Operators Open access for last mile Subscribers Business model  Open Last mile Access and socialization, introduce private investment to promote development of last mile access  Revenue sharing model will be adopted among operator, real estate developers and residential property, for example , Guangdong Unicom maximally give 75% revenue to residential property and real estate companies for last mile access Proposal 3: Open access for last mile through new business model, Achieve tripartite benefits

10 Changing the Game before the Game Changes You

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