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Test Prep. Bell RingerThursday If you were to design a time capsule that represents the 8 th Grade, what 4 items would you put in it and why? ◦Please.

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Presentation on theme: "Test Prep. Bell RingerThursday If you were to design a time capsule that represents the 8 th Grade, what 4 items would you put in it and why? ◦Please."— Presentation transcript:

1 Test Prep

2 Bell RingerThursday If you were to design a time capsule that represents the 8 th Grade, what 4 items would you put in it and why? ◦Please write 5-7 sentences.

3 8 th Grade SS Award will based on final Give out Study Guide for Part 1 Test Monday - sub tomorrow WEAR BLACK TOMORROW!

4 Runner Review Walk briskly – do not hurt someone Stay in a straight line You can have 2 passes Candy for best group

5 Bell RingerFriday Please write 5 rights guaranteed in the Bill of Rights.

6 Poster Design a poster in your assigned group. Define the words on the poster and draw a small picture to go along with each word. You will present your words. You must work as a group. Everyone needs to write on the poster!

7 Word Wall Chapter 1Chapter 2Chapter 3Chapter 3-4 Chapter 5 Bering Land Bridge VikingsJamestownBritish mercantilism MontesquieuInflation Hunting and gathering DiasJoint-stock company Sons of Liberty John Locke Tariff MayaDa GammaMayflower Compact Boston Massacre Magna CartaVirginia Plan IncaVespucciSeparation of Church and State Stamp ActArticles of Confederatio n New Jersey Plan AztecMagellanPuritansLoyalistConstitutionGreat Compromise Direct democracy Conquistado rs William PennPatriotSeparation of powers 3/5 Compromise RepublicNorthwest Passage Staple CropsContinental Congress Checks and balances Federalism RenaissanceMiddle Passage Proclamation of 1763 Common Sense Northwest Territory Federalists Printing Press RoanokeTriangular Trade Declaration of Independenc e Shay’s Rebellion Anti- Federalists

8 Bell RingerFriday Write 2 things you know about this political cartoon.

9 Draw a picture of the following: 1. Maya, Inca, Aztec 2. Direct Democracy and Republic 3. Vikings, Dias, Da Gamma, Magellan 4. Northwest Passage and Middle Passage 5. Jamestown and Puritans 6. British Mercantilism, Proclamation of 1763, Boston Massacre 7. Sugar Act, Stamp Act, Tea Act and Sons of Liberty 8. Separation of powers, checks and balances, federalism 9. Articles of Confederation, Shays Rebellion, Constitution 10. Virginia Plan and New Jersey Plan 11. Great Compromise and 3/5 Compromise 12. Federalists and Anti-Federalists

10 Monday As you come in, study for the test! Books to create barrier Test as coversheet Level 0 ! Fewest retakes – outside for Tuesday and/or Wednesday When you are finished – Paper Plate on Wars Absolutely no talking!

11 Wars Divide your paper plate into sixths. In each slice, describe each of the 6 events listed below. 1. French and Indian War 2. American Revolution 3. War of 1812 4. War for Texas Independence 5. Mexican American War 6. Civil War

12 Bell RingerTuesday Build the purpose of the documents below: Row 1 – Magna Carta Row 2 – Mayflower Compact Row 3 - Declaration of Independence Row 4 – Constitution

13 Video Please watch the video. Write 10 notes while

14 Bell RingerThursday As you come in, study for the test! Books to create barrier Test as coversheet Level 0 ! When you are finished – study for retakes or read chapter 16. Absolutely no talking! Please bring a book for tomorrow

15 Bell Ringer Friday How should I behave during retakes?

16 Expectations Level 0 ◦Lunch Detention if talking ◦Retake test 2 nd time Book as barrier Test covered at all times!

17 How do these impact the Civil War? 1. Minnie Ball 2. Railroad 3. Telegraph 4. Medicine 5. Photography 6. Emancipation Proclamation 7. Sherman’s March South 8. 13 th, 14 th, 15 th Amendment

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