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1 Voice Sensor Lie Detector Pre-Employment& Periodic Checks Global Security.

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1 1 Voice Sensor Lie Detector Pre-Employment& Periodic Checks Global Security

2 2 Risk Assessment The product is an automated and unbiased integrity/risk assessment system, based on a Layered Voice Analysis technology The product is designed to validate the integrity and the values of your candidates while maximizing the cost effectiveness and timelines of the recruitment process Comprised of a unique combination of advanced questionnaire methodology and Layered Voice Analysis technology

3 3 Standard test topics Pre-employment Confidentiality and secrecy Theft from a place of employment Credibility history Bribery & kickbacks Fraud and deceit Drug use Alcohol consumption Gambling Periodic Same as pre-employment with additional topics Commitment to the organization Teamwork Test takes 30-40 minutes to complete

4 4 The questioning model General question about the topic 3 rd party committing the offence Own opinion on what to do with offending employee Personal questions: Did you commit the offence Building pressure

5 5 Analyzing the voice response The system measures the emotional content in the voice as the applicant’s answers. –The system identifies emotions only. Those may be related to the sense of guilt, fear, Trauma, etc. –The system does not recognize words, therefore ignores what was said in the answer The system calculates a risk score of the tested applicant based on each answer

6 6 The kit Installation CD +User manual User “introduction to test” document Special handset –Creating a comfortable “phone conversation”- like situation –Noise filtration HASP plug –Software license –Tests stock

7 7 The test process 1.The candidate receives the “test introduction” document to read 2.HR personnel fills out the candidates details and starts the test 3.The candidate undergoes the test 4.HR personnel examines the results 5.HR Personnel interviews the candidate –The interview focuses on areas marked as “High Risk”

8 8 Prior to test The candidate reads the test introduction document

9 9 The test HR personnel fills out the candidate details

10 10 Test environment It is important to provide a quiet testing environment to the applicant –The applicant should be focused exclusively on the test –External noise should be avoid to prevent hampering the recording

11 11 Start of the test The applicant chooses his/her native language for the test

12 12 Interactive questioning All questions are displayed on the screen and read out loud Applicant must wait for the question to be read out completely before answering

13 13 Test results Color coded risk results Allows for quick sorting of candidates

14 14 Basic Risk report Color coded risk indication. Easy to identify “high risk” topics

15 15 Detailed Risk report Detailed information concerning risk score –Breakdown enables to identify risk per topic and per question –The interviewer can listen to the recorded answers before the interview

16 16 Detailed Risk report Identifying the type of risk Personal involvement 3 rd party involvement

17 17 Post-test Interview The test is not meant to replace the personal interview The test results allow the interviewer to focus on specific relevant topics Interview summary can be written and stored within the test result records Test results may be printed or emailed as a PDF file.

18 18 The benefits Easy to use, no special preparation –Applicants choose their own native language –System guides the applicant through the test automatically –No time limit Low cost per test Very simple operator training Non-biased assessments

19 19 The benefits (cont.) –Helps protect your organization from potential workforce liabilities Immediately generated easy-to-read reports –Modular questioning templates Enables testing of a wide range of topics. –Flexible system easily customized; questioner and/or language wise

20 20 Multipurpose platform Variety of usages: Pre-employment & periodic checks Credit risk Mental health (e.g. PTSD detection) Security clearance Customized tests upon request

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