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Later Egyptian Rule Pages 150 – 155. Intermediary  A go- between.

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Presentation on theme: "Later Egyptian Rule Pages 150 – 155. Intermediary  A go- between."— Presentation transcript:

1 Later Egyptian Rule Pages 150 – 155

2 Intermediary  A go- between

3 Intermediary  Examples - your mom might be the go-between for you and your dad  How will I remember this?  Inter = Between  mediary = mediate

4 Civil war  When groups of people from the same country fight each other

5 Civil war  Examples: United States Civil War when the North fought the South  How I will remember this?  Civil = between citizens  War = fighting

6 Bureaucracy  A network of appointed government officials

7 Bureaucracy  Examples: President Obama appoints people to do a job in Washington, DC.  How I will remember this?  Bureau = a government office  Performs a specific job

8 Hyksos  Group that invaded Egypt with new weapons  Composite bow  War chariots

9 Hyksos  Examples:  Japan in World War 2 attacked Pearl Harbor  How I will remember this?  SOS = need help

10 Hatshepsut  Egypt’s 1 st female pharaoh  Took on all the jobs of pharaoh  Increased trade = Egypt was richer during her time

11 Hatshepsut  Examples: US – 1 st lady – Mrs. Obama  Hilary Clinton  How I will remember this?  Hatshepsut – she was pharaoh

12 Thutmose III  Followed Hatshepsut as pharaoh of Egypt  Conquered large areas beyond Egypt  Made Egypt richer

13 Thutmose III  Examples: George Washington  How I will remember this?  Mose = more land  He was tough = thut

14 Valley of the Kings  Location of secret tombs of Egypt’s pharaohs  Created after Egypt stopped making pyramids

15 Valley of the Kings  Examples: a cemetery  How I will remember this?  Kings were buried in a valley

16 Akhenaton  Pharaoh who changed Egypt’s religion to the belief in 1 god = Aton

17 Akhenaton  Examples: Abraham in Mesopotamia How I will remember this?  Akhenaton

18 Nefertiti  Wife of Akhenaton  Believed in 1 god

19 Nefertiti  Examples: Abraham’s wife Sarah  How I will remember this?  Nefertiti would not say no to her husband  Nefer = never

20 Rosetta Stone  The Stone that allowed for hieroglyphics to be translated

21 Rosetta Stone  Examples: Declaration of Independence  10 commandments, the Bible How I will remember this?  Stone from Rosetta  Hieroglyphics were written on stone  Online language program- called Rosetta Stone

22 Tutankhamen  9 year old pharaoh  Brought back the old gods to Egypt  Died at 18 years  King Tut

23 Tutankhamen  Examples: How I will remember this?  Tutankhamen = Tut  Amen = monotheism  Tutankhamun  Amun = Egyptian god

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