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That’s Just Rude!.

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Presentation on theme: "That’s Just Rude!."— Presentation transcript:

1 That’s Just Rude!

2 You will learn: To define the difference between omission and commission rudeness. To list the four quadrants of rudeness. To explain how the perception of rude customer service affects the bottom line of any organization. To gain knowledge and insight into the behaviors required to avoid rudeness either by omission or commission. To apply the principles and/or behaviors exemplified by each quadrant to individual positions within your organization.

3 Take the Before-and-After Skills Inventory.

4 View Program

5 Business Effect of Rude Behavior
Key Point #1: Business Effect of Rude Behavior

6 Discuss Why is rude behavior the enemy of good customer service?
When a customer leaves a business or stops a transaction in the process, it is like “sending dollars over to the competition.” What are the consequences? What are the consequences when rude behavior occurs between employees? What are other words for describing rude behavior? How is rudeness measured? How is understanding how rudeness is perceived going to help us with our customers?

7 Telephone Doctor® Prescription
Rude behavior is the enemy of good customer service. It hurts both external and internal customers. Rudeness always is measured in the eyes of the offended party. Billions of dollars are sent to the competition each year as a result of rude behavior. Lost sales mean lost profits and lost profits mean lost jobs.

8 Accidental Rudeness by Omission
Key Point #2: Accidental Rudeness by Omission

9 Discuss Why is this type of rudeness considered among the most innocent? What is the key to this type of rudeness? In your opinion, why was Joe “not responding to the invitation” considered rude? When Joe was reminded about the invitation, how did he respond? Why is even accidental rudeness considered serious? Describe instances where you may have inadvertently been rude because of something you did not do?

10 Telephone Doctor® Prescription
Accidental rudeness usually is caused by something we didn’t do. Of all types of rudeness, this is among the most innocent. Even accidental rudeness can be serious. People are social creatures, and mistreating them, even accidentally, can have huge psychological effects.

11 Accidental Rudeness by Commission
Key Point #3: Accidental Rudeness by Commission

12 Discuss How is rudeness determined?
Why was the cell phone ringing at the funeral considered rude? How could this have been prevented? In our society, it is considered “rude” to not shake someone’s hand. Why was this scenario different? What could Joe have done instead? Describe instances where you accidentally may have been rude because of something you did do.

13 Telephone Doctor® Prescription
Accidental rudeness can be easily prevented. It usually doesn’t take much effort to avoid accidental rudeness by commission. Again, rudeness always is measured in the eyes of the offended party.

14 Intentional Rudeness by Omission
Key Point #4: Intentional Rudeness by Omission

15 Discuss Why was Joe’s not responding to repeated voice mails considered rude? When a customer perceives you are wrong in how you treat him, it’s a perception you need to deal with. What do you need to do? If Joe had truly been thinking of Carl, what would he have done? Describe instances where you accidentally may have been rude because of something you did not do.

16 Telephone Doctor® Prescription
Intentional rudeness usually can be prevented. Rudeness by omission usually is caused by lack of action. Taking responsibility for your actions rarely is considered rude. Remember, rudeness always is measured in the eyes of the offended party.

17 Intentional Rudeness by Commission
Key Point #5: Intentional Rudeness by Commission

18 Discuss In the first scenario, what would make you think Joe was deliberately rude? How could the situation have been handled more appropriately? In her discussion of Joe’s call, Nancy poses the question, “Is the customer always right?” What do you think? How does this affect the way you do your job? What perceptions are created when someone responds with one-word answers? Why is this considered “industrial strength rudeness?” Describe instances where you intentionally may have been rude because of something you did. How does creating awareness concerning the “gray fog of rudeness” help you?

19 Telephone Doctor® Prescription
What is done deliberately, and the damage that follows, is difficult to undo. Avoid giving the minimum, especially in dealing with customers. Remember, rudeness always is measured in the eyes of the offended party. Avoiding rude behavior improves customer service and interpersonal relationships.


21 Take the Before-and-After Skills Inventory Again.
ANSWERS   01. C 02. C 03. F 04. C 05. D 06. C 07. T 08. B 09. A 10. F 11. B 12. B 13. T 14. A 15. F

22 A CALL TO ACTION! Memorize the following key points.
Keep them in mind every time you use the telephone. Practice!

23 SUMMARY OF KEY POINTS Business Effect of Rude Behavior: Rude behavior is the enemy of good customer service. It hurts both external and internal customers. Rudeness always is measured in the eyes of the offended party. Accidental Rudeness by Omission: This type of rudeness, which is the most innocent, is usually caused by something we didn’t do. Accidental Rudeness by Commission: It usually doesn’t take much to avoid accidental rudeness by commission. Intentional Rudeness by Omission: Intentional rudeness, which is caused by lack of action, usually can be prevented. Intentional Rudeness by Commission: What is done deliberately, and the damage that follows, is difficult to undo. Avoid giving the minimum, especially in dealing with customers.

24 That’s Just Rude!

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