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Safety Tutorial for Amusement Park Attendant Diane Gibson Thomas Jefferson High School COOP Coordinator.

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Presentation on theme: "Safety Tutorial for Amusement Park Attendant Diane Gibson Thomas Jefferson High School COOP Coordinator."— Presentation transcript:

1 Safety Tutorial for Amusement Park Attendant Diane Gibson Thomas Jefferson High School COOP Coordinator

2 2 Training Tasks for Amusement Park Attendant Announce and describe amusement park attractions. Direct patrons to rides, seats, or attractions. Fasten safety devices for patrons. Maintain inventories of equipment. Operate, drive, or explain the use of mechanical riding devices or other automatic equipment.

3 3 Pre-Test 1. ___ It doesn’t matter how you lift heavy items. 2. ___ You should use any tools necessary to fix a ride. 3. ___ Using cleaning solutions can’t hurt you. 4. ___ If a customer is rude to you, you can be rude back. 5. ___ It doesn’t matter how you look for work as long as you have your uniform on.

4 4 Answers to Pre-Test 1. False 2. False 3. False 4. False 5. False

5 5 Appropriate Clothes Ask you manager when you are hired what the dress code is. Generally a uniform is provided. Make sure your uniform is always clean and looks neat before your shift.

6 6 Safety Equipment Whistle 2-way radio First aide kit Emergency call button

7 7 Tools General tools used are: Wrenches Hammers Screwdrivers Do not use any tools without permission from your supervisor &/or proper training.

8 8 Electrical Most rides and equipment use electric to work. You can get injured by these items. Do not unplug anything your not positive what it is. Do not touch any wires your not sure about.

9 9 Floors, Doors, Exits Know where all of the fire exits are in case of a fire or other emergency. Some doors are only to be used in a n emergency; an alarm may sound when these doors are opened.

10 10 Chemical Hazards There are chemicals you may be exposed to. You need to be careful around them and not touch them without proper training.  Gasoline for generators  Cleaning solutions  Paint/paint thinner

11 11 Ergonomic Hazards - Lifting Always bend at the knees when lifting heavy items from the floor. Use a rubber mat to stand on if you are in one location for long periods of time. Use a back brace if you are standing for long periods of time.

12 12 Infectious diseases Where ever there are people there are germs. ALWAYS wash your hands with soap and water (especially when using the restroom and when you are done with your shift).

13 13 Fire Where are the fire extinguishers? Always be aware of where the fire extinguishers are. Know your responsibilities in case of a fire. Never use an elevator during a fire.

14 14 Robbery, Bomb Scares Be aware of what the protocol is when there is a bomb threat. Report any theft or unusual situations to your supervisor.

15 15 Angry/threatening Customers Always be respectful to the customer. Report any angry or threatening customers to your supervisor.

16 16 HOW and to WHOM DO YOU REPORT AN INJURY Ask your supervisor what the protocol is for reporting and injury. Make sure to follow protocol precisely.

17 17 Post Test 1. ___ You should always report any bomb threats to your supervisor. 2. ___ You should never be rude to a customer. 3. ___ Always know where the fire extinguishers are. 4. ___ Don’t worry about using cleaning solutions without proper training. 5. ___ You never need a rubber mat to stand on.

18 18 Answers to Post Test 1. True 2. True 3. True 4. False 5. False

19 19 Safety Web Resources U.S. Dept. of Labor OSHA http://www.osha-

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