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Published byBrent Blankinship Modified over 10 years ago
DNP Oct. 2008 1 Quasi-Elastic Neutrino Scattering measured with MINERvA Ronald Ransome Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey Piscataway, NJ
DNP Oct. 2008 2 The MINERvA Collaboration D. Drakoulakos, P. Stamoulis, G. Tzanakos, M. Zois University of Athens, Athens, Greece C. Castromonte, H. da Motta, M. Vaz, J.L. Palomino Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas Físicas, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil D. Casper, C. Simon, J. Tatar, B. Ziemer University of California, Irvine, California E. Paschos University of Dortmund, Dortmund, Germany M. Andrews, B. Baldin, D. Boehnlein, C. Gingu, N. Grossman, D. A. Harris#, J. Kilmer, M. Kostin, J.G. Morfin*, J. Olsen, A. Pla-Dalmau, P. Rubinov, P. Shanahan Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, Batavia, Illinois J. Felix, G. Moreno, M. Reyes, G. Zavala Universidad de Guanajuato -- Instituto de Fisica, Guanajuato, Mexico I. Albayrak, M.E. Christy, C.E. Keppel, V. Tvaskis Hampton University, Hampton, Virginia A. Butkevich, S. Kulagin Institute for Nuclear Research, Moscow, Russia I. Niculescu. G. Niculescu James Madison University, Harrisonburg, Virginia W.K. Brooks, A. Bruell, R. Ent, D. Gaskell, D. Meekins, W. Melnitchouk, S. Wood Jefferson Lab, Newport News, Virginia E. Maher Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts, North Adams, Massachusetts R. Gran, C. Rude University of Minnesota-Duluth, Duluth, Minnesota A. Jeffers, D. Buchholz, B. Gobbi, A. Loveridge, J. Hobbs, V. Kuznetsov, L. Patrick, H. Schellman Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois L. Aliaga, J.L. Bazo, A. Gago Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru, Lima, Peru S. Boyd, S. Dytman, I. Danko, D. Naples, V. Paolone University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania S. Avvakumov, A. Bodek, R. Bradford, H. Budd, J. Chvojka, M. Day, R. Flight, H. Lee, S. Manly, K. McFarland*, A. McGowan, A. Mislevic, J. Park, G. Perdue University of Rochester, Rochester, New York R. Gilman, G. Kumbartzki, R. Ransome#, E. Schulte Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey S. Kopp, L. Loiacono, M. Proga University of Texas, Austin, Texas H. Gallagher, T. Kafka, W.A. Mann, W. Oliver Tufts University, Medford, Massachusetts R. Ochoa, O. Pereyra, J. Solana Universidad Nacional de Ingenieria, Lima, Peru D.B. Beringer, M.A. Kordosky, A.G. Leister, J.K. Nelson The College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, Virginia * Co-Spokespersons # Members of the MINERvA Executive Committee A collaboration of ~80 Particle, Nuclear, and Theoretical physicists from 23 Institutions
3 MINERvA Experiment Main INjector ExpeRiment ν-A (at Fermi-Lab) Placed upstream of MINOS near-detector in NuMI beam line Fully active detector designed to make high precision measurements of neutrino-nucleus interactions Built around central tracking volume of fine-grained scintillator t Measure cross-sections t Full event reconstruction Liquid 4 He, C, Fe, and Pb nuclear targets
DNP Oct. 2008 4 NuMI Neutrino Flux Intense neutrino beam with broad energy range MINERvA will use mixture of LE, ME, HE beam
DNP Oct. 2008 5 Neutrino-Nucleon Cross section NuMI flux range 1-20 GeV
DNP Oct. 2008 6 Event Rates 13 Million total CC events in a 4 year run Assume 16.0x10 20 in LE ME, and HE configurations in 4 years Fiducial Volume = 3 tons CH, ≈ 0.6 t C, ≈.6 t Fe and ≈.6 t Pb Expected CC event samples: 8.6 M events in CH 1.4 M events in C 1.4 M events in Fe 1.4 M events in Pb Main CC Physics Topics with Expected Produced Statistics in 3 tons of CH Quasi-elastic 0.8 M events Resonance Production 1.6 M total Transition: Resonance to DIS2 M events DIS and Structure Functions 4.1 M DIS events Coherent Pion Production85 K CC / 37 K NC Strange and Charm Particle Production > 230 K fully reconstructed events Generalized Parton Distributions order 10 K events Nuclear Effects C:1.4 M, Fe: 1.4 M and Pb: 1.4 M
DNP Oct. 2008 7 Detector Design Fully Active Target: 8.3 tons Nuclear Targets: 6.2 tons (40% scint.) LHe SideECAL Fully Active Target Downstream ECAL Downstream HCAL Nuclear Targets Side HCAL (OD) Veto Wall Thin modules hang like file folders on a stand Attached together to form completed detector Different absorbers for different detector regions 108 Frames in total
DNP Oct. 2008 8 Active Scintillator Target Triangular scintillators are arranged into planes – Wave length shifting fiber is read out by Multi-Anode PMT Particle trajectory WLS fiber 2.5 mm resolution with charge sharing Light yield 6.5 photo-electron/MeV 1.7 cm 3.3 cm PMT WLS Scintillator Clear Fiber
DNP Oct. 2008 9 Nuclear Target region Carbon, Iron, Lead – mixed elements in layers to give same systematics XUXVXUXV (4 tracking points) between each layer Main detector Beam
10 Quasi-Elastic Neutrino Interactions (QE) Charged current: W+W+ n p n p cc ~ c 1 G E 2 + c 2 G M 2 + c 3 F A 2 G E 2, G M 2 extracted from electron-proton elastic scattering F A 2 is the axial form factor (extracted from neutrino- neutron scattering cross section) c 1, c 2, c 3 kinematic factors c 3 F A 2 accounts for about half of cross section
11 Experimental Challenges No free neutron targets, must use nuclei! Need to isolate QE events from other processes Use of nuclei introduces complications: t Non-zero total transverse momentum »Fermi momentum »Final state interactions (FSI) t FSI: »Particle production »Proton Loss t Non-QE processes can mimic QE t Possible modification of form factor »Projected to be a few percent (theoretical) Thick targets cause: t Particle absorption
DNP Oct. 2008 12 Quasi-elastic scattering Signature is p with no other final state particles and zero transverse momentum If reaction occurs in nucleus – t Fermi momentum gives non-zero transverse momentum t FSI can give additional particles t Resonance and DIS can produce proton + unobserved neutrons, mimicking QE QE ranges from 30% of total cross section for 2 GeV neutrinos to less than 5% of total cross section for 10 GeV neutrinos t Requires good background rejection
DNP Oct. 2008 13 Quasi-elastic Question – what is the nuclear dependence of extracted form factor due to contamination and losses, i.e. experimental effects? Question – what is the effect due to nucleon being in nuclear medium, i.e. intrinsic modification?
DNP Oct. 2008 14 Anticipated statistics on Axial FF 800 K QE on C 150 K QE on Fe and Pb Comparisons in low Q 2 better than 1% statistical uncertainty
15 Simulation Use GENIE: t Neutrino event generator t Uses combination of theoretical models and world neutrino data to generate events t Generates events on multiple nuclei t For this simulation – use fixed neutrino energies t Model Detector t Check for track overlap (reduces observed multiplicity) t Particles stopped in interaction target t Count observed tracks t For this simulation – assume perfect particle ID
16 Analysis Analysis Cuts: t Number of tracks » p – ideal case for QE event, or single muon »Also looked at higher multiplicities – improves efficiency, decreases purity t Particle ID: Non-QE processes produce pions »Vetoed charged and neutral pions t Q 2 (GeV/c) 2 »0-1.2 (GeV/c) 2 bins of 0.3 (GeV/c) 2 »1.2 (GeV/c) 2 and greater t Total Transverse Momentum »Less than 0.25 GeV/c cut »No Transverse Momentum cut for this simulation t Event type (supplied by event generator) Efficiency = QE with cuts/Total QE Purity = QE with cuts/(all processes with cuts)
DNP Oct. 2008 17 or p events
DNP Oct. 2008 18 Results Efficiency is high in low Q 2 region (80-100%) t Nearly identical for C and Pb t Little energy dependence Purity – decreases with Q 2 and neutrino energy t Remains above 70%, even for 10 GeV neutrino t C and Pb have similar Q 2 dependence, with Pb 5-10% less than C
DNP Oct. 2008 19 Conclusions Corrections for C and Pb are not dramatically different Relatively small energy dependence Magnitude of correction 30% or less Will need to compare actual data with GENIE output to determine accuracy of GENIE Expect that we can compare extracted cross sections to better than 5% systematics Comparison to He still underway
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