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MEGAN and WYNONNA Setting At grandfather’s house in the morning.

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4 Setting At grandfather’s house in the morning.

5 Characters Searchlight - loyal Grandfather - depressed Little Willy - caring

6 SummarySummary In chapter one, Little Willy finds Grandfather sick in bed. Little Willy rushes to get Doc Smith to help. Doc Smith lives down the road from Little Willy. Searchlight, Little Willy’s dog, ran all the way from their house to Doc Smith’s house without stopping. Little Willy also ran. We couldn’t find a reason why Grandfather was sick.

7 Brooke

8 Setting In Jackson Wyoming during harvest time

9 Characters Energetic Searchlight Responsible Little Willy Lazy Grandfather

10 Summary Little Willy had to harvest crops for grandpa because he was sick. Searchlight wanted to help by pulling the plow. At least they finished harvesting the crops. They were so glad.

11 By Hailee and Christy

12 Setting One morning in Grandfather’s barn

13 Characters Lester - helpful Searchlight - thankful Grandfather -hopeless Little Willy- loyal

14 Summary Little Willy and Searchlight would get ready for winter. Little Willy and Searchlight would practice racing against the clock on their dog sled.

15 Tori Rachel

16 Little Willy’s house one afternoon

17 Clifford Snyder Rude Little Willy Determined Grandfather Hopeless

18 In this chapter, Clifford Snyder wants Little Willy to pay taxes. Grandfather is ill because he can’t pay his taxes. Little Willy has to find a way to pay the taxes.

19 Marshal and Mason

20 Setting One afternoon, Little Willy went to the General Store for his Grandfather.

21 Characters Mr. Foster Kind Little Willy Helpful

22 Summary Little Willy had to pay his Grandfather’s taxes. Mr.Foster told Little Willy to sell the farm or the farm will be taken away.Little Willy entered the race for his Grandfather. Grandfather

23 Ray and A sher

24 Setting In the city hall building one winter afternoon.

25 Characters Mayor smiley - doubtful Clifford Snyder - nasty Stone Fox - kind

26 Summary In chapter 6 Little Willy entered the dogsled race. Mayor Smiley laughed at Little Willy. Little Willy entered the race with his college money.

27 Brendon Jared

28 Setting Friday night in the town

29 Characters Stone Fox/caring Little Willy/persistent

30 Summary In chapter 7 Little Willy meets Stone Fox. Little Willy gets hit by Stone Fox for touching his dogs. Then he got a black eye.

31 By Dylan and Michael

32 Setting On Saturday morning Main Street

33 Characters Grandpa Stone Fox Little Willy determined caring hopeful

34 Summary This chapter is mostly about the race where Searchlight dies and Stone Fox drew a line. Then Stone Fox said, “Whoever crosses this line, I shoot.” Little Willy carried Searchlight to the finish line.

35 Emma

36 Setting Saturday on a race track

37 Little Willy is determined, Stone Fox is speedy, and the Five Samoyeds are very strong. Characters

38 Summary In chapter 9 of Stone Fox Little Willy and Searchlight race. One of their contestants is Stone Fox. Little Willy and Searchlight are in the lead. Stone Fox is nowhere in sight. That is what happens in this chapter.

39 Mia

40 Setting Outside on Main Street and North Road on a cold snowy day 10 miles

41 Characters EnergeticBrave Compassionate Searchlight Little Willy Stone Fox

42 Summary In chapter 10 Searchlight pulls Little Willy almost 10 miles. Ten more feet and they would have won $500 for taxes. Searchlight can’t make it and she dies. Stone Fox lets Little Willy cross the finish line and win $500.

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