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Unit 4 Body Language. 感恩的心 我来自偶然 像一颗尘土 有谁看出我的脆弱 我来自何方 我情归何处 谁在下一刻呼唤我 天地虽宽 这条路却难走 我看遍这人间坎坷辛苦 我还有多少爱 我还有多少泪 要苍天知道 我不认输 感恩的心 感谢有你 伴我一生 让我有勇气作我自己 感恩的心 感谢命运.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 4 Body Language. 感恩的心 我来自偶然 像一颗尘土 有谁看出我的脆弱 我来自何方 我情归何处 谁在下一刻呼唤我 天地虽宽 这条路却难走 我看遍这人间坎坷辛苦 我还有多少爱 我还有多少泪 要苍天知道 我不认输 感恩的心 感谢有你 伴我一生 让我有勇气作我自己 感恩的心 感谢命运."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 4 Body Language

2 感恩的心 我来自偶然 像一颗尘土 有谁看出我的脆弱 我来自何方 我情归何处 谁在下一刻呼唤我 天地虽宽 这条路却难走 我看遍这人间坎坷辛苦 我还有多少爱 我还有多少泪 要苍天知道 我不认输 感恩的心 感谢有你 伴我一生 让我有勇气作我自己 感恩的心 感谢命运 花开花落 我一样会珍惜 手语歌曲

3 index finger Pointing… Bending …toward you… Tapping …to your head… scold someone Come here/ follow Think carefully

4 Discuss these questions with your partner first. 1.What is the purpose of language? 2.How can you tell someone’s feelings even if they do not speak? 3.What would you do if you need the other’s help urgently while you two speak different languages? 4.What do you think “body language” means?

5 2.How can you tell someone’s feelings even if they do not speak? By looking at their facial expressions. 1.What is the purpose of language? The purpose of language is to be used as a tool of communication. That is, to exchange with others’ ideas, feelings, information, and so on.

6 anger fear joy sorrow /sadness pride surprise disgust 厌恶

7 3.What would you do if you need the other’s help urgently while you two speak different languages? I will try to use my body language to tell the other what I need urgently. I’ll do it by miming, by any proper posture, or gestures, even by drawing pictures. 4.What do you think “body language” means? Body language is the use of actions, gestures, posture and expressions to convey emotions.

8 Match some important words with their meanings local (area) represent approach major express curious general likely to do avoid not limited to one part move nearer to someone tell what you think wanting to know about sth. a particular area in which you live prevent sth. bad from happening probably do sth. speak or act for another person or group very large or important

9 Try to divide the whole passage into several parts and find out the main idea of each part. Part1: ______ ____________________________ Part2: ______ ____________________________ Part3: ______ ____________________________ Part4: ______ ____________________________ Para1 Para2-3 Para4-5 Para6 You are sent to Pudong Airport to meet business people. Examples of learned or cultural “body language”. Different people have different body languages. Summary of body language.

10 America OK Japan money France zero Brazil Germany rude

11 “great”or “good job” USA Nigeria rude Germany Japan one

12 Come here! Choose the right gesture for a Chinese or an American.

13 I’m full.

14 It tells us about the importance and necessity of body language and its differences between different cultures. The main idea of the whole text:

15 Answer the questions after scanning the text. 1. Why are the people visiting China? 2. What parts of the world are not represented by the visitors? 3. Why is Julia Smith surprised? Because they are interested in the development of business in China. She is surprised because Mr. Garcia approaches her so close and touches her shoulder and kisses her on the cheek. Australia, Africa and Central America.

16 4. Why do you move back from Ahmed Aziz? Because he is standing too close to you as you introduce yourself to him. (As a Chinese, people are not accustomed to standing too close to strangers.) 5. What do French people often do when they meet people they know? They shake hands and kiss each other twice on each cheek.

17 6. Can we expect people everywhere to act the same? Why? 7. Why do you think we need to study body language? 8. Is the main character male or female? No. Because people from different culture or countries act quite differently sometimes. It is quite necessary for us to study body language if we don’t want to cause any misunderstanding in communication /so that we don’t misunderstand each other. Male.

18 Person and countrySuitable greeting A man from Columbia To a man: To a woman: A woman from Britain To a man: To a woman: A man from JapanTo a man: To a woman: A man from CanadaTo a man: To a woman: A woman from France To a man: To a woman: A man from the Middle East or some Muslim countries To a man: To a woman: *same as for a woman touches her shoulder and kisses her on the cheek not to close, shake hands *shake hands, will get close bows *bows shake hands *shake hands or kisses on both cheeks if known shake hands, kisses twice on the cheek same to someone she knows comes close, shakes hands nods

19 Fill in the chart: charactercountryaction (body language used) you Mr. Garcia Julia Smith Mr. Cook A Japanese Ahmed Aziz Madame Coulon China Columbia Britain Canada Japan Jordan France Stand watching and listening first, then introduce guests to each others; when introducing yourself to Ahmed Aziz, you move back a bit when the other is very close to you. Approach Ms Smith, touches her shoulder and kiss her on the cheek. Surprised at Mr. Garcia’s action and takes a few steps away from him. Reaches his hand out to the Japanese. Bows to Mr. Cook. Both apologize when Mr. Cook’s moving hand touches the Japanese’s nose. to ask you questions, nods at women. Moves very close to you when introduced, comes closer Shakes hands and kisses each other twice on each cheek.

20 Homework Assignment 1.Fill in the chart above and then be prepared to act out the situations in the text in pairs. 2.Discuss the importance of the body language. 3.Find out the –ing form of verb in the passage.

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