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 The Whorf hypothesis A hypothesis holding that the structure of a language affects the perceptions of reality of its speakers and thus influences their.

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Presentation on theme: " The Whorf hypothesis A hypothesis holding that the structure of a language affects the perceptions of reality of its speakers and thus influences their."— Presentation transcript:


2  The Whorf hypothesis A hypothesis holding that the structure of a language affects the perceptions of reality of its speakers and thus influences their thought patterns and worldviews.

3  Communications have multiple meanings interpreted by reading the situation  Asian and Arabic languages are among the most high context in the world

4  The words provide most of the meaning  Most northern European languages including German, English, and the Scandinavian languages are low context


6 Basic communication styles: Direct communication = comes to the point and lacks ambiguity. Formal communication = acknowledges rank, titles, and ceremony in prescribed social interaction. Nonverbal communication:  Communication without words  Includes array of behaviors that enhance/supplement spoken communication includes kinesics, proxemics, haptics, oculesics, and olfactics…


8 Kinesics: Communication through body movements:  eg. facial expressions, body posture.  Most Asian cultures use bowing to show respect.  Caution: can be easy to misinterpret gestures.

9 Proxemics: Use of space to communicate:  Each culture has appropriate distances for communication.  The personal bubble of space may range from 9 inches to > 2 feet.  North Americans prefer more distance than Latin and Arab cultures.

10 Haptics (or touching) Shaking hands, embracing, or kissing when greeting one another  No touching (eg. Japan, US, England)  Moderate touching (eg. Australia, China, India)  Touching (eg. Italy, Greece) Oculesics: Communication through eye contact or gaze  US and Canada: people are very comfortable and expect eye contact to be maintained  China and Japan: eye contact is considered very rude & disrespectful

11 Olfactics: use of smells as a means of nonverbal communication  U.S.: find body odor offensive  Arab: consider body odors natural



14  Provide simultaneous translation of a foreign language  Require greater linguistic skills than speaking a language or translating written documents  Insure the accuracy and common understanding of agreements

15  Use the most common words with most common meanings  Select words with few alternative meanings  Follow rules of grammar strictly  Speak with clear breaks between words

16  Avoid “sports” words or words borrowed from literature  Avoid words that represent pictures  Mimic the cultural flavor of nonnative speaker’s language  Summarize  Test your communication success

17  Attribution - process by which we interpret the meaning and intent of spoken words or nonverbal exchanges  Attribution errors

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