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Cooperative Extension Centennial On the 100 th Anniversary of Smith-Lever.

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Presentation on theme: "Cooperative Extension Centennial On the 100 th Anniversary of Smith-Lever."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cooperative Extension Centennial On the 100 th Anniversary of Smith-Lever

2 2014 Marks 100 Years Since the Passage of Smith Lever Yearlong Opportunity for Education and Promotion Honor History, Contemporary Focus An Opportunity

3 ECOP Working Group Organized Fall 2012 Charge to Group Core Team Membership – Frankie Gould and Bill Woodrum, Co-Chairs – Chrystal Checketts, Jimmy Henning, Judy Rude, Jane Schuchardt

4 Research To Determine System Support Survey of Directors, October 2012 Follow-Up at APLU, 2012 in Denver Identifying Partnering and Supporting Organizations Use existing Brand Value work

5 Course of Action Federal Advocacy Convocation Event Scalable Toolkit

6 Federal Advocacy BLC formed a Smith-Lever Advocacy Committee The Case for Federal Capacity Funds Focus-Return on Investment in CE

7 Convocation Event Washington D.C. Event Wrapped around P.I.L.D. (potentially) Monday Afternoon-Federal Workers “Grasstops Event” Tuesday Evening – Delegations may use as States Dinner

8 Website Bought for 3 years LSU AgCenter is the host Rotating images – collected from states Historic and contemporary Channels About the Smith-Lever ActCentennial Celebration NewsResources ToolkitCentennial Team


10 TOOLKIT Graphic Identity PowerPoint Templates Messaging Ad template Banner Facebook








18 1.The Smith-Lever Act of 1914 established the Cooperative Extension Service, a state- by-state national network of educators who extend university-based knowledge to the people. 2.In 2014, we celebrate the 100 th anniversary of the Smith-Lever Act, which established the Cooperative Extension Service, a state-by-state national network of educators who extend university-based research and knowledge to the people. 3.In 2014, we celebrate the Smith-Lever Act, which established the Cooperative Extension Service, a unique educational partnership between the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the nation’s land-grant universities that extends research-based knowledge through a state-by-state network of extension educators. For 100 years, the Smith-Lever Act has stimulated innovative research and vital educational programs for youth and adults through progressive information delivery systems that improved lives and shaped a nation. Join us as we celebrate 100 years of extending knowledge and changing lives.





23 Next steps Social Media campaign Facebook Twitter Pinterest – create an image gallery of extension- yesterday and today Toolkit updates Factsheets More Templates

24 Journal of Extension Commentary articles in each of the six 2014 issues of JOE

25 Promotion Opportunities Association of Communication Excellence Regional Summer Meetings COPs meetings Galaxy IV APLU

26 Next Steps Identification of “External” Stakeholders Fund Raising Process Gather Pictures, Stories, and Impact from System Looking for the Big Idea-DO YOU HAVE IT?

27 Send your great ideas: Frankie Gould Bill Woodrum

28 Questions? Thank You!

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