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Twas the week before finals, when all through my house, My books were all over, papers were flying out. Seminar One was almost finished, only one Wednesday.

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3 Twas the week before finals, when all through my house, My books were all over, papers were flying out. Seminar One was almost finished, only one Wednesday left, As we discussed our final project, that would be of great heft.

4 Puck was nestled all snug in his bed, While Theseus and Hippolyta prepared to be wed. With Bottom as an ass and Oberon with his magic flower, Proved to us viewers that dreams have much power.

5 When out in the woods, four young lovers did run, As a white sheet overhead changed when each scene was done. Rude elementals played by young kids were surreal, As if they were fairies they made each of us feel.

6 The pillows that were thrown by the kids from above, Added to the modern touch Taymor provided with love. Rude mechanicals spoke with accents from everywhere, There was one guy from Brooklyn and one that was bigger than a bear.

7 Shakespeare's "A Midsummer Night's Dream" truly came alive, As Julie Taymor's actors worked hard to strive. So mystical and magical the play came to be, The Theater For A New Audience was the place for me.

8 Now read! Now count! Now rhyme and spell! On, forward! Let's go! Where we're going, I'll tell! To the library, you see! To the books of the past! Now read! Now count! There are children's books so vast!

9 Leonard S. Marcus revealed soon enough, That without children's books, life would be rough. So an exhibit he opened for us to discover, That these books are treasures we need to uncover.

10 And then, within a second, I heard all around, E.B. White reading Charlotte's Web in a harmonious sound. Winnie-the-Pooh and Alice in Wonderland from a long time ago, Made me reminisce as I hopped through the rabbit hole to continue the show.

11 Then dressed in all fur, from his head to his foot, For "Where The Wild Things Are," a wall was put. Innocence and rage was a common debate, To find a balance in life, it is not too late.

12 These books, how they impacted children so many! Receiving messages of how we should act by the plenty! Entertaining and teaching in more ways than one, Pippi Longstocking won't let you stop the fun!

13 What truly caught my eye was an artist at the Met, Florine Stettheimer with her modern painting set. She valued a world that was defined by what's around us, And ignored the beliefs within that can be a big fuss.

14 From the Cathedrals of Broadway to the Cathedrals of Art, Florine painted with bright colors and lights that burst through the heart. She painted each piece as if life was a Gatsby bash, Showing New York as lively even during the stock market crash.

15 Afterwards I spoke not a word, but went straight to my work, And wrote down what I felt about my seminar adventures with a smirk. And laying my pencil down beside the book, I opened my laptop as my PowerPoint was ready to cook.

16 I learned about dreams, and I learned about love, I learned about books that fit my personality like a glove. Seminar One has taught me about the arts in our city, So Happy finals to all, as we enter Seminar Two quite witty!

17 Created By: Fina Vitale Arts in NY, Seminar One Professor Miller

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