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Self Management and Health Unit 1 Lesson 18. Opening Work: Do opening work quietly and in your assigned seats PLEASE!!! Self Management = the ability.

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Presentation on theme: "Self Management and Health Unit 1 Lesson 18. Opening Work: Do opening work quietly and in your assigned seats PLEASE!!! Self Management = the ability."— Presentation transcript:

1 Self Management and Health Unit 1 Lesson 18

2 Opening Work: Do opening work quietly and in your assigned seats PLEASE!!! Self Management = the ability to demonstrate habits and strategies that have a positive impact on your life How can self management help us when going for a job interview and working with our colleagues?

3 Self Management SELF MANAGEMENT = the ability to demonstrate habits and strategies that have a positive impact on your life

4 Assess accurately personal skills, attributes, and habits Choose habits that promote health and personal and social responsibility Assess situations and decide on healthy choices Know and use strategies to avoid injury Manage and express emotions constructively, including anger Know and use strategies to manage stress

5 SELF MANAGEMENT How would self management help you inquire about a job? Manage your stress and stay calm. Assess the best time to ask for a job application, such as when things are not busy. Manage and express your emotions constructively if someone is rude. and Finding a Job

6 SELF MANAGEMENT How would self management help you when interviewing for a job? Assess accurately and describe your personal skills, attributes and habits. Be on time. Assess the job duties and expectations and decide if the job will work for you. Manage your stress and stay calm. Manage and express your emotions constructively if someone is demanding or rude. and Finding a Job

7 SELF MANAGEMENT How would self management help you when working with others? Assess accurately your skills, attributes, and habits to know how to best work as a team member. Choose habits that promote health and personal and social responsibility, such as being on time for work and completing projects. Assess situations and decide on healthy choices. Manage and express emotions constructively, including anger. Know and use strategies to avoid injury on the job. and Finding a Job

8 Keys to Self Management Using the Keys if a Person has Asthma Assess accurately personal skills, attributes, and habits. Assess personal asthma triggers and decide on a plan for avoiding them. Choose habits that promote health and personal and social responsibility. Assess my ability to maintain a schedule of prescribed medication and choose to carry emergency prescribed medications, such as inhalers. Keep my bedroom free of dust, animals, and other asthma triggers. Assess situations and decide on healthy choices. Assess situations that might elicit asthma symptoms and remove myself, such as being around animals, tobacco smoke, or other allergens.

9 Keys to Self Management Using the Keys if a Person has Asthma Know and use strategies to avoid injury. Avoid air pollution, industrial dusts, and other irritating fumes as much as possible. Manage and express emotions constructively, including anger. Recognize my emotions and talk with others if upset or if overly excited. Know and use strategies to manage stress. Use strategies to calm down if feeling stressed, such as listening to soft music and careful planning of events if schedules are busy.

10 Thinking About Self Management Which of the keys of self management seem the most important to you? Share your reasons. What questions do you have about self management?

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