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PHONETICS. - Representing vocal sounds - Having a direct correspondence between symbols and sounds.

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2 - Representing vocal sounds - Having a direct correspondence between symbols and sounds

3 OBJECTIVE  to be able to pronounce words correctly


5 nunu habar nu kia ora kumusta ka mahal kita

6 Australia, Africa, U.K., U.S, New Zealand, Singlish,Manglish VARIETIES OF ENGLISH The car is in the garden

7 VARIETIES OF ENGLISH rhythm either neither divorce vitamin dance

8 VARIETIES OF ENGLISH semi today Monday ten seven

9 SILENT CONSONANT hour island aisle know mechanic


11 PRONOUNCE THESE WORDS but cut hut nut put

12 Mismatch of spelling and sound Sean Jose Jolo Island Jeanne

13 PRONOUNCE THESE WORDS cheese, cheque, chair chemical, choir, chlorine chalet, champagne, chandelier, chef CARREFOUR

14 PRONOUNCE THESE WORDS live resume read minute refuse does

15 Long vowel / short vowel sit seat fit feet ship sheep to too

16 LEARNING TO PRONOUNCE phonetics ( dictionary ) CD ( dictionary ) electronic dictionary movies subtitles listening to news internet


18 phonetic/home.html phonetic/home.html

19 PHONETIC SYMBOLS Consonants - b, d, f, h, k, l, m, n, p, r, s, t, v, w, z

20 Consonants g ( get ) t ʃ ( cheap ) ʤ ( jar, jump ) ŋ ( sing, ring )

21 Consonants θ ( thin ) ð ( this, the ) ʃ ( she, sharp ) ʒ ( decision, measure ) j ( yes, young )

22 PHONETIC SYMBOLS Vowel ɪ e æ ɒ ʌ ʊ i: eɪ aɪ ɔɪ u: əʊ aʊ ɪə eə ɑː ɔ: ʊə ɜ: ə i u

23 Vowels

24 æ / kæt / / sæt ə dei / / bæt / / fæt / / dæm / / hæmp ə /

25 i: / mi:t / / s i:t / tree, cheese, canteen

26 i / sit / / fit / / rid / city, rich, symbol

27 e / ten / / den / / men / yes, rest,

28 ɑː / ɑː m / / f ɑːðə / /m ɑː tʃ / - start, laugh, after, tomato

29 ɒ / d ɒ g / / w ɒ s / / k ɒ f / wash, want

30 ɔː / h ɔː s / / θɔːt / / s ɔː d / - law, war

31 ʊ / p ʊ t / / f ʊ l / / ʃ ʊ gə / - foot. good, put

32 uːuː / fu:d/ / spu:n / / mu:n / - do, who. rude

33 ʌ / k ʌ m / / k ʌ t / / bl ʌ d / - country, done, one

34 ɜː / b ɜ :d / / f ɜ :st / / g ɜ :l / - fur, nurse, word

35 ə / k ʌ l ə / / ə m ʌ ŋ / / ək ɜ :/ / s ə sai ə ti /

36 eɪeɪ / de ɪ / / le ɪ di / / me ɪ k / - safe, game, may

37 əʊəʊ / s ə ʊ / / h ə ʊ m / / ʃ ə ʊ ld ə / - toe, soul, know

38 aɪaɪ / ta ɪ m / / ba ɪ t / / kla ɪ m / - five, price, try

39 aʊaʊ / ha ʊ / / la ʊ d / / ta ʊ n / / ka ʊ s / - about, mouse, shout

40 ɔɪ / b ɔ i / / t ɔ i / / p ɔ i nt / / b ɔ i l / noise, coin, join

41 ɪəɪə / d iə / / t iə / / b iə / - idiom, fierce,

42 ʊəʊə / p ʊ ə / / t ʊ ə / / ʃ ʊ ə / = cure, rescuer

43 Consonants

44 tʃtʃ / t ʃ i:p / / t ʃ amp ɪ ə n / - chalk, cheer, chat

45 dʒ / dʒ æm / / dʒ ɔ i / / dʒ iə / - jeep, joy, jungle

46 θ /θi:f / / θik / / θ ʌ m / - thing, theme

47 ð / ð ə m / / ð is / / ʌ ð ə / - There, that

48 ʃ / ʃ ip / / ʃ u: t / / ʃ æmpu: / - sheep, shy, shut

49 ʒ / viʒ ə n / / meʒ ə / / pleʒ ə /

50 j / j ʌ ŋ / / j et / / j iə / - yes

51 ŋ / j ʌ ŋ / / si ŋ / / t ʌ ŋ / - ring, cling

52 PRONOUNCE THESE WORDS ate quay go silhouette schedule

53 PRONOUNCE THE FOLLOWING WORDS debris combing kinetic Debut Restaurant tortoise Ticket Police via tongue chasm alibi liasion phoenix Almond choir chore computer

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