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Human Trafficking: A Police Response DS Robin Veitch, National Human Trafficking Unit.

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Presentation on theme: "Human Trafficking: A Police Response DS Robin Veitch, National Human Trafficking Unit."— Presentation transcript:

1 Human Trafficking: A Police Response DS Robin Veitch, National Human Trafficking Unit

2 Introduction Police Scotland – National Human Trafficking Unit A Scottish Perspective Case study Areas of exploitation Conclusion

3 National Human Trafficking Unit Public Protection Unit Scottish Crime Campus, Gartcosh Specialist Crime Departments Partner Law Enforcement Agencies

4 Specialist Crime Division Governance Deputy Chief Constable Iain Livingstone Crime & Operational Support Assistant Chief Constable Malcolm Graham Major Crime & Public Protection Assistant Chief Constable Ruaraidh Nicolson Organised Crime, Counter Terrorism & Safer Communities Public Protection & Divisional Crime Major Crime Intelligence Support Support, Co- ordination & Safer Communities Organised Crime & Counter Terrorism

5 Human Trafficking – Informed Strategy Police Scotland Strategic Group Police Scotland Tactical Group Police Scotland Partners Group Anti Trafficking Progress Group National Human Trafficking Unit 14 Divisional Human Trafficking Champions

6 14 Divisions Key: Division 1 Aberdeen City Division 2 Aberdeenshire and Moray Division 3 Tayside Division 4 Highland and Islands Division 5 Forth Valley Division 6 Edinburgh City Division 7 The Lothians and Scottish Borders Division 8 Fife Division 9 Glasgow Division 10 Ayrshire Division 11 Lanarkshire Division 12 Argyll and Bute & West Dunbartonshire Division 13 Renfrewshire and Inverclyde Division 14 Dumfries and Galloway 4 4 2 1 3 125 8 13 9 11 7 6 10 14

7 Resources Victim Care Strategy e-learning package Standard Operating Procedure Human Trafficking Handbook Interview Strategies

8 Commonwealth Games 2014 Action Plan Intelligence Requirement No increase in trafficking Increase in enquiries

9 Human Trafficking April 2014 – NHTU Statistics 73 Incidents 17 Crimes (some outwith Scotland) 6 Reports submitted (Police Scotland)

10 NRM Figures Jan - June 2014 56 Potential Victims 41 Adults 15 Children (persons under 18)

11 Source Countries

12 Types of Exploitation - Children

13 Police Investigation Victim focussed – what are their needs/requirements Medical assistance TARA – Migrant Help – SWD (assistance for victim) Brief statement to ensure safety of others Work closely with NGO’s to facilitate further statement at pace of victim Work towards best outcome for victim

14 Difficulties of Investigation Difficulties include: Language Geography Vulnerability Fear Traumatisation Consent/understanding of this

15 Victim Vulnerability Debt Bonded Alcohol or drug dependent Mental health issues Vulnerable due to age Homeless Jobless Legal or illegal migrant Can’t speak english

16 Types of Exploitation - Scotland Labour Exploitation Large amount of manual labour required European workers – usually low paid in large groups Illegal workers – low paid, kept in/provided accommodation Unsavoury or laborious work Agriculture Fishing Construction Demolition Restaurant worker Cannabis Cultivation

17 Sexual Exploitation Normally found in large cities and towns Private Low Rent Flats, Hotels, Lap Dancing Bars, Saunas Online Escort Sites Any Nationality is susceptible Mostly Female but also transgender Most alert to fact that one female occupant of premises does not constitute a brothel

18 Domestic Servitude Predominantly found in Asian, African and Middle Eastern cultures House Servants – Child minders, Cleaning etc. Victims often part of Forced or Arranged Marriage Control measures are difficult to understand and often have freedom of movement

19 Organ Trafficking Persons moved for purposes of organ harvesting Semen or blood may also be harvested Mainly seen in Balkan States or Far East Only 2 Cases in UK – Chinese Community

20 Criminal Exploitation Usually found in large Towns and Cities Predominantly Vulnerable or Young Persons Victims normally controlled by OCG Shoplifting, Cannabis Cultivation, Scrap Metal Theft, Forced Begging Sometimes extreme control measures

21 EU Directive 2011/36 Article 8 – “member states shall take all necessary steps to ensure that they are entitled not to prosecute or impose penalties on victims of trafficking”

22 Main Offences Associated with Human Trafficking Scottish Legislation is as follows: Section 4, Asylum and Immigration Act (Treatment of Claimants etc) Act 2004(incorporates the Criminal Justice and Licensing (Scotland) Act 2010 changes to provisions) – General Exploitation Section 22, Criminal Justice (Scotland) Act 2003 (as amended by section 46 of the Criminal Justice and Licensing (Scotland) Act 2010) – Trafficking in Prostitution Section 47 of the Criminal Justice and Licensing (Scotland) Act 2010 provides for the offence of knowingly holding someone in slavery or servitude, or requiring them to perform forced or compulsory labour

23 Legislation - Scotland Although disparate understandable Reflects Palermo Protocol Allowance made for vulnerability through age 19 cases reported by police over past two years

24 Conclusion Legal and moral duty Partnership Working Identify and support victims International Engagement Approach in Police Scotland, focused, victim centred

25 Contact National Human Trafficking Unit Telephone: 01236 818475 Police – 101 Emergency – 999 Crime stoppers – 0800 555 111 Modern Slavery Helpline – 0800 0121 700

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