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CURL Supporting the research community Robin Green Executive Director, CURL Cardiff University, 11 May 2006.

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Presentation on theme: "CURL Supporting the research community Robin Green Executive Director, CURL Cardiff University, 11 May 2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 CURL Supporting the research community Robin Green Executive Director, CURL Cardiff University, 11 May 2006

2 What is CURL? Partnerships What we do and how Some current issues

3 What is CURL?




7 CURL Members Higher Education: Aberdeen, Birmingham, Bristol, Cambridge, Cardiff, Durham, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Imperial College, Leeds, King's College London, Liverpool, University of London Research Library Services, LSE, Manchester, Newcastle, Nottingham, School of Oriental and African Studies, Oxford, Sheffield, Southampton, Trinity College Dublin, University College London, Warwick National Libraries: British Library, National Library of Scotland, National Library of Wales Others: Victoria and Albert Museum, Wellcome Institute

8 Mission … increase the ability of research libraries to provide for the information needs of the local, national, and international research community.

9 Influence change and provide a seedbed for innovative projects and services Provide practical tools for finding information Engage members to improve support for researchers and provide opportunities for professional development to underpin new roles Foster synergies through strategic alliances and collaborative partnerships Help to shape at national and international levels the wider debate on improving support for research.

10 Partnerships

11 National and International British Library: monograph interlending, collaborative storage JISC: national digitisation study, COPAC SCONUL: scholarly communications, e-Research RIN: collaborative collection management, researcher use of libraries RLG: database access and resource discovery ARL, CARL, LIBER ….

12 How and what we do

13 Who is CURL CURL Board Steering Group and Task Forces Members Partners in CURL activities Secretariat

14 Strategic Themes 2006-2008 National Framework for Research Support Enhancing Resource Discovery and Delivery New Approaches to Support for Research CURL as Community: improving support for members

15 CURL Groups and Task Forces Resource Discovery Strategy Group Resource Management Task Force Scholarly Communications Group E-Research Task Force Research Support Task Force CURL as Community Task Force

16 Resource Discovery Strategy Group CURL strategy on the development of resource discovery services Role and development for COPAC/CURL database Oversight role: other CURL-related resource discovery projects and services (e.g., Archives Hub) Membership: British Library, JISC, RIN, Manchester Computing, CURL members (including Cardiff’s Richard Mellowes)

17 Resource Discovery Strategy Group David Pearson University of London (Chair) Caroline Brazier British Library Rachel Bruce JISC John Hall University of Durham Michael Jubb Research Information Network Richard Mellowes Cardiff University Jean Sykes LSE Julia Chruszcz Manchester Computing (by invitation) Robin Green CURL Mike Mertens CURL

18 CURL Database c.46m member library and other records Records from 1100s on; half are post-1980 Members contribute their records and have unlimited use Customer income supports CURL initiatives

19 COPAC National and international research resource 31m unique records Nearly 700,000 searches in January 2006 Link out from COPAC to full text; download records into EndNote Real-time information on who holds a work, with classmark and if on loan or not



22 Resource Management Task Force Collaborative collection management COPAC and interlending CURL and digitisation




26 Joint Scholarly Communications Group Lead role on behalf of the UK/Irish academic library community Monitor the impact of UK and other scholarly communications developments Sponsor advocacy in academic communities Identify and promote initiatives


28 Research Support Task Force Identify services to support the research process: create a shared best practice model Engage with LIS and researchers over identifying current or new services Exchange of experience/skills development events Work with other agencies to develop best practice support for physical research spaces and VREs

29 e-Research Task Force Raise awareness/understanding of support for e- research Position library staff to engage with local e-research stakeholders and contribute at research proposal stage Identify skills gaps and assist in addressing them Ensure information management to support e-research is a high priority for future investment by funders Advise CURL and SCONUL on support of e-research


31 CURL as Community Task Force I dentify ways to improve the benefits of CURL membership and increase Members’ engagement Implement a CURL brand and communications strategy Liaise with other CURL groups to facilitate networking and development opportunities

32 Some Issues (of many…) Googlezon/Amazoogle environment Engaging with researchers in an increasingly distributed digital world What makes a research library?


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