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Sample Co-ordination for the Scottish Government’s Major Cross-Sectional Population Surveys Alex Stannard, Scottish Government.

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Presentation on theme: "Sample Co-ordination for the Scottish Government’s Major Cross-Sectional Population Surveys Alex Stannard, Scottish Government."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sample Co-ordination for the Scottish Government’s Major Cross-Sectional Population Surveys Alex Stannard, Scottish Government

2 Overview Background Process Design effects Common Geography

3 Long Term Survey Strategy To ensure that the Scottish Government's population surveys meet key information needs while maximising the analytical potential of the data they generate, the precision of estimates and value for money. To give full consideration to issues of survey participation, respondent burden, data quality and data security and to make recommendations that align survey practice across Government and promote good practice to other public bodies.

4 Sample requirements SHS+ SHCS SHeSSCJS FrequencyContinuous Biennial Geography of primary interest LAHBPFA Household sample size per sweep c11kc3.5kc13k ClusteringPossiblyYes – 100% Possibly

5 Survey Design Process Identify needs Effective sample sizes Design effects Target sample sizes Response and deadwood Sample co-ordination

6 Design effects Scottish Household Survey Estimated historic design effects Calculated for each strata then combined for each Local Authority

7 Design effects ======

8 Option 1Option 2Option 3 Aberdeenshire1.051.281.36 Angus1.051.111.19 Argyll and Bute1.051.421.50

9 Sample co-ordination Used Address File Common geography Households Data zone 365 Intermediate Geography 1 922 Multi-member ward6 726 Constituency32 525

10 Sample co-ordination Scottish Household Survey Samp Size per sweep DZs per sweep Samp per DZ IGs per sweep Samp per IG Aberdeen City581678.71249.4 Aberdeen- shire638758.51444.7 Angus4293612.1668.6 Argyll & Bute5413117.7698.3

11 Sample co-ordination Scottish Health Survey Samp Size per sweep DZs per sweep Samp per DZ IGs per sweep Samp per IG Forth Valley181931.9199.8 Grampian3551712.13211.1 Lothian4872482.04411.0 Orkney6989.3239.7

12 Common geography Mainland PSUs SCJS – data zones SHS – data zones SHeS – intermediate geographies Island PSUs SCJS – data zones SHeS – data zones

13 Sample Co-ordination

14 Plans Surveys will go into in the field in 2012 First data available Summer/Autumn 2013

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