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Partnership and Engagement. Collaborations in Socially Responsible Public Procurement Steve Connor, APUC Jim Cranshaw, People & Planet.

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Presentation on theme: "Partnership and Engagement. Collaborations in Socially Responsible Public Procurement Steve Connor, APUC Jim Cranshaw, People & Planet."— Presentation transcript:

1 Partnership and Engagement

2 Collaborations in Socially Responsible Public Procurement Steve Connor, APUC Jim Cranshaw, People & Planet

3 Partnership and Engagement What is Socially Responsible Procurement? to promote employment opportunities (for example, youth employment, gender balance, long-term unemployed, migrants, people with disabilities); to promote decent work; to promote compliance with “social and labour rights”, including collective agreements to support social inclusion and equality; to support universal access, and to take into account ethical (fair) trade. Definition of SRPP according to Council of European Municipalities and Regions (CEMR) & European Federation of Public Service Unions

4 Partnership and Engagement What does Socially Responsible Procurement look like? Consideration of social impacts of procurement decisions Supply Chain Corporate Responsibility Delivering Value for Money

5 Partnership and Engagement Opportunities during the procurement process to promote/embed Pre-Tender Selection Stage Specification Award Contract Management

6 Partnership and Engagement Risk in supply chains and potential impact – i.e. why bother? Not just about “being good” Managing reputational risk Compliance with policy and legislation Organisational Objectives Supply Risk – it pays to know your supply chain Commercial Opportunity Utilising Good Practise Students

7 Existing practice in the sector Partnership and Engagement

8 Collaboration for Socially Responsible Procurement – no need to go it alone. Opportunities- internal and external Engagement with Staff, Students and Suppliers  Research  Student interest Information sharing  Best practice  Avoid duplication Pooling resources  Greater Influence

9 Partnership and Engagement CASE STUDY – APUC Sustain Working Group Universities – Edinburgh, Aberdeen, Stirling, Dundee, Glasgow School of Art Students - Edinburgh and Aberdeen Student Associations, NUS (Scotland) Experts -People & Planet, EAUC Considered issues which affect us and what we buy – covering Social, Ethical, Economic and Environmental. Developed Code of Conduct - use a standard to assess supplier compliance against.

10 APUC Hunter contract database – available sector wide – is the starting point of the audit process. Purely collaborative spend on Hunter, 2012/13 full year APUC/NEUPC/NWUPC/SUPC/LUPC/HEPCW 418 Institutions/Organisations 580 suppliers £881,000,000 spend Over HALF of that is with just 20 suppliers; in Libraries, IT, Travel and Utilities. Collaboration gives Scope for Influence to Change Non-Collaborative spend is still to be added………………… Partnership and Engagement

11 Features Suppliers can see their score/place against other Category/Agreement suppliers Suppliers can track the status of their supply chain Institutions can see the global location of supply chains and associated risk Buyers can see compliance level of suppliers Suppliers only need to complete one questionnaire per site, regardless of how many agreements/institutions are linked tothem PCA style levels used in assessment

12 Benefits Enables suppliers to build up an understanding of their supply chain See how suppliers compare against competitors Understand supply chain risks Improve supplier understanding and compliance Partnership and Engagement





17 Further and higher education and ICT 1. Concentrated leverage – not used 2. SRPP policies without 'teeth' – you can't manage what you can't measure 3. Deficits in current best practice 4. Students and public buyers are calling for a focus on issues in the electronics industry

18 Partnership and Engagement How Electronics Watch aims to support socially responsible procurement in education and other public sectors across Europe. Eyes and ears of public sector on the ground – monitoring and verification Europe wide collaboration – common PQQs, contract provisions, monitoring, database

19 Partnership and Engagement Barriers and enablers to doing one of these at your institution

20 ‘Aha’moments 1. Socially responsible procurement is easier and more effective if you collaborate with other institutions. 2. Work with APUC's Sustain Initiative to start to monitor, understand and control social outcomes in your supply chains. 3. Join Electronics Watch to start to monitor and improve conditions in your ICT supply chain. Partnership and Engagement

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