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Introduction to Milltimber Nursery. The Nursery Team Mrs Chris Darlington Mrs Sue Rhodes Mrs Margaret Fraser.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction to Milltimber Nursery. The Nursery Team Mrs Chris Darlington Mrs Sue Rhodes Mrs Margaret Fraser."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to Milltimber Nursery

2 The Nursery Team Mrs Chris Darlington Mrs Sue Rhodes Mrs Margaret Fraser

3 Curriculum for Excellence

4 Effective Contributors Successful Learners Confident Individuals Responsible Citizens Purpose of the Curriculum 4 Capacities

5 Levels in Primary Schools Early, First and Second Levels run across cross 8 curricular areas

6 Literacy Numeracy Health & Wellbeing Science Expressive Arts Religious and Moral Education Social Studies Technology

7 Each Curricular area is split into levels and within the levels are E&O’s What are experiences and outcomes? experience the how of learning engaging learners in a variety of ways. outcome what is hoped a learner will achieve

8 Within each of the E&O’s, children’s learning is assessed and recorded Developing Consolidating Secure

9 Curriculum for Excellence Responsible Citizen Early Level LiteracyNumeracy Health and wellbeing Expressive Arts, RME, Technology Science, Social Sciences Effective Contributors First Level Successful Learners Second Level Confident Individuals A staggering 190 Experiences and Outcomes across the Early Level Curriculum

10 Active Learning Interdisciplinary learning Collaboration with Parents

11  Topics drawn from children’s experiences & linked to the curriculum  Activities designed to develop different skills  Opportunities for learning inside and outside Nursery  Outdoor play Play and Active Learning

12 Supporting Children’s Learning  Learning Journeys  Celebrating Achievement  Sharing Success  Helping transitions  Next Steps  Key Workers

13  Nursery Times  Cloakroom & Cubbies  White Information Board  Signing IN and OUT  Self-Registration A Day in the Nursery

14  Music  Gym  Nursery garden  Birthday parties  Library  Assemblies Regular Activities

15  Handwashing  Toothbrushing  Snacktime Healthy Habits

16  Children are involved in choosing and making snacks for the week  Range of foods, hot and cold  Fresh fruit always available Snack

17  Open Door Policy  Parent helpers  Drop In Sessions  Trips and Visits  Regular newsletter  Home/School linked activities  ‘Homework’  Library books  Teddies Parental Involvement


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