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John Richards Email Clients Replacement Project Board 30 June 2006.

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Presentation on theme: "John Richards Email Clients Replacement Project Board 30 June 2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 John Richards Email Clients Replacement Project Board 30 June 2006

2 2 Agenda 1.Introductions and Apologies for Absence 2.Minutes of the last meeting 3.Matters arising 4.Portal presentation 5.Webmail evaluation 6.Any other business 7.Date of next meeting

3 3 Webmail evaluation User survey Performance Accessibility Security

4 4 Recommendation Proposed solution is to choose SquirrelMail Easier to address accessibility issues Likely to have better performance Can improve appearance of user interface

5 5 Some SquirrelMail sites Aberdeen Aston Birmingham Dundee East Anglia Exeter Glasgow Kent London (Metropolitan) London (Queen Mary) Newcastle-upon-Tyne Oxford Warwick Carnegie Mellon Harvard Cornell University of California, Berkeley Pennsylvania

6 6 SquirrelMail: the default interface Listing folder contentsReading a message Composing a message Logging in

7 7 Improving the Interface Listing folder contentsReading a message Composing a message Logging in

8 8 Implementation tasks Make accessibility changes Improve user interface Apply University styling Set up production service Measure performance Run technical sessions for help-desk and support staff

9 9 Plan

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