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Spring 1307 - reports of Scots preachers exhorting troops v. ‘covetous king’ for Bruce 7 July 1307 - death of Edward I aged 68.

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Presentation on theme: "Spring 1307 - reports of Scots preachers exhorting troops v. ‘covetous king’ for Bruce 7 July 1307 - death of Edward I aged 68."— Presentation transcript:

1 Spring 1307 - reports of Scots preachers exhorting troops v. ‘covetous king’ for Bruce 7 July 1307 - death of Edward I aged 68

2 John Barbour, Archdeacon of Aberdeen. Epic verse of some 14,000 lines, written c. 1371-75.

3 Edward of Caernarvon b. April 1284, 1289-90 - planned marriage to Maid 1299-1302 involved in Scottish wars 1299 - to wed Isabella, daughter of Philip IV of France. 1307 - argues with father over favour to Gascon knight, Piers Gaveston.

4 Edward II and Gascon, Piers Gaveston, 1307-1312? Gaveston made earl of Cornwall, 1307; leading role at Edward’s coronation 1308; Lieutenant of Ireland, 1308-09 Symbolised narrow basis of Edward’s patronage - exclusion of nobility and Queen.

5 Edward II = Isabella of France at Boulogne 25 Jan 1308. Marriage Issue:- 2 sons, 2 daughters.

6 - English administration moved to York 1310 - Edward II > Linlithgow/Edinburgh Gaveston > Perth/Dundee - Bruce scorches earth and evades battle until Edward withdraws - Feb 1311 Edward II returns to Ordainers’ Parliament - Bruce attacks N.England 1311-12… - English civil war May-Aug 1312 Edward II seized, Gaveston executed.


8 - English administration moved to York 1310 - Edward II > Linlithgow/Edinburgh Gaveston > Perth/Dundee - Bruce scorches earth and evades battle until Edward withdraws - Feb 1311 Edward II returns to Ordainers’ Parliament - Bruce attacks N.England 1311-12… - English civil war May-Aug 1312 Edward II seized, Gaveston executed.

9 Scottish Domestic Success 1310-1314 Linlithgow 1311Raids on northern England ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dundee April 1312Dec 1312 Scots attempt Berwick ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Perth Jan 1313 Isle of Man May 1313OCTOBER 1313 - Bruce set a (John Balliol dies?)1 year deadline for Scottish Stirling besieged?opponents to submit ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Roxburgh Feb 1314 Edinburgh March 1314

10 Scots 10-12,000? mostly infantry in 4 schiltroms? 500 horse? English Only 15,000 of 25,000 levied. 2-3,000 horse.

11 Bruce kills Henry de Bohun, 23 June

12 Bannockburn, 24 June 1314.

13 Missed opportunity as Edward II escapes? But exchange of Queen, daughter and sisters, Wishart and Countess of Buchan, Jan. 1315.

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