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A Divided Kingdom: The Books of I & II Kings Stories of Elijah 1 Kings Chapter 17-19.

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1 A Divided Kingdom: The Books of I & II Kings Stories of Elijah 1 Kings Chapter 17-19

2 Announcements

3 I Kings WeekDateTopic 105 Sep 12Introduction 212 Sep 12Fight For the Kingdom: I Ki 1-2 319 Sep 12Solomon Begins His Reign: I Ki 3-5 426 Sep 12Solomon Builds The Temple: I Ki 6-8 503 Oct 12Splendor of Solomon’s Kingdom: I Ki 9-10 610 Oct 12Solomon’s Demise: I Ki 11 717 Oct 12Division of the Kingdom: I Ki:12 824 Oct 12Early History of the Kingdoms, Pt 1: I Ki 12:25-16:34 931 Oct 12Early History of the Kingdoms, Pt 2: I Ki 12:25-16:34 1007 Nov 12Stories of Elijah: I Ki 17:1-19:21 1114 Nov 12War with Syria: I Ki 20:1-43 1221 Nov 12More Stories of Elijah: I Ki 21:1-21:29 1327 Nov 12Ahab’s Final Battle: I Ki 22:1-53

4 Today’s Objectives Review last weeks lesson Review historical maps of Israel and the region Learn about the lessons of Elijah Learn how Elijah confronts the king of Israel and the god Baal Learn how God displays his powers in front of the prophets of Baal Learn why Elijah runs away and ends up at Mount Horeb Learn about God’s commission to Elijah at Mount Horeb

5 Last Week’s Lesson Reviewed last weeks lesson Reviewed historical maps of Israel and the region Studied about how and why kingdoms rise and fall Learned about two kings who ruled Judah: Abijah and Asa Learned why Asa was considered a good king and allowed to rule 41 years Learned about the six kings of Israel who followed Jeroboam Learned how the kings of Israel delivered economic and political success but spiritual failure to Israel

6 Overview of I and II Kings Originally one book –Early Greek manuscripts of the OT combined the books of Samuel and Kings under the title of "kingdoms," or "reigns" –Kings was broken into two books for convenience sake because of its length (Greek translation) Authorship –Some portions of the book identical to the book of Jeremiah –Jeremiah would have personal knowledge of some contents –Evidence that Ezra was the author after the Babylonian captivity Timeline –Approximately 400 years, written between 560 B.C. and 538 B.C. –Start: Death of David in 971 B.C. –End: Jehoiachin's release from a Babylonian prison in 562 B.C.

7 Overview of I and II Kings Books of Samuel and Kings cover Israel's period as a nation under a king: –I Samuel: Life of Saul –II Samuel: Life of David –I Kings: Solomon and the divided kingdom –II Kings: The fall of the divided kingdoms of Israel and Judah Content of I and II Kings –47 chapters (I Ki – 22 chapters, II Ki – 25 chapters) –History of the Jewish commonwealth –Death of David to subjugation to Babylonians

8 Purpose –Imparting of great moral lessons backed up by well- known illustrations –Religious history –Focused upon kings rather than prophets Key Lesson –God does not fail His people; His people, led by their kings, have failed God –God’s covenant has the contingency of Israel’s faithfulness –Covenant also promises a return from exile those that return to God Overview of I and II Kings


10 Main Characters of Chapters 17-19 Elijah – Prophet of God from Gilead Ahab – King of Israel (Northern Kingdom0 Baal – God of rain, fertility, agriculture Widow of Zarephath – took in Elijah in Syria Jezebel – Daughter of King of Sidon, and wife of Ahab Obadiah – Ran the house of Ahab, 1 of 13 Hazael –Most powerful of the king of Damascus Jehu – Followed Ahab as king of Israel Elisha – Prophet anointed by Elijah

11 Places of Chapters 17-19 Gilead – Mountainous region east of the Jordon Brook Cherish – Near Jordan Zarephath – In Syria Mount Carmel – In northern Israel Jezreel – Northwest Israel near Mt. Carmel Beersheba – Negev desert of southern Israel Mount Horeb – Mount Sinai, between Israel and Egypt


13 Gilead Jezreel

14 Mount Carmel

15 Mount Horeb


17 Elijah Prays for a Drought (1 Kings 17:1-7) Elijah tells of God’s Judgment (17:1) –Elijah, meaning Yahweh is my God –Ahab’s (Israel) government provided official support to the worship of Baal and of other gods –Meyer described the prophets of Baal as insolent, greedy, licentious, and debased –Elisha proclaims that no rain will fall again except at Elisha’s word –Elisha was a man with a nature like ours, yet he understood the presence and power of God Elijah flees to Cherith (17:2-5) –God commands him to leave –Hide by a brook at Cherith, to be alone with God –God commands the ravens to feed him there

18 Elijah’s provisions (17:6) –Ravens bring him bread and meat –Bread in the morning and meat in the evening –Elijah comes to trust God more so Dry brook –The brook slowly dries up –Represents the physical bounty of God –God wants us to trust in him, not in his provisions Elijah Prays for a Drought (1 Kings 17:1-7)

19 God Provides for Elijah through a Widow (1 Kings 17:8-16) God calls Elijah to Zaraphath (17:8-9) –To Sidon, and dwell there –Gentile city, to be provide for by a widow (?) –Consider Jesus’ words in Luke 4:24-26, God chooses Elijah addresses the widow (17:10-11) –Widow gathering sticks shows her poverty –Asks for water and bread Their conversation (17:12-16) –She has so little food, her and her son are about to die –Elijah tells her not to fear –State that her bin of flour and jar of oil will not not run out –Widow does as Elijah asks

20 Elijah Raises Widow’s Son (1 Kings 17:17-24) The widow’s son dies (17:17-18) –Blames Elijah Elijah prays for the dead son (17:19-20) –Takes him to the upper room (roof) –Cries out to God The son is raised from the dead (17:21-24) –Stretches himself out over the son three times –Elijah hears God’s voice –Not “resurrected”, but raised – what is the difference? –First instance of revival from death in the bible

21 Elijah Meets Ahab (1 Kings 18:1-19) The drought ends (18:1-2) –Three and one-half years –Directs Elijah to present himself to Ahab Elijah meets Obadiah (18:3-14) –Drought had taken a terrible toll on Israel –King Ahab himself was search for pastureland –Elijah wants to meet with Ahab –Obadiah fears that Elijah will run, and he will be killed Elijah Assures Obadiah he will not run (18:15-16) Elijah and Ahab meet (18:17-19) –Trade accusations, “Troubler of Israel” –Elijah asks Ahab to gather 850 prophets of Israel’s false gods Baal and Asherah

22 Elijah’s Victory at Mount Carmel (1 Kings 18:20-40) Elijah challenges Israel (18:20-21) –Decide between God and Baal Elijah proposes a test (18:22-24) –Between God and Baal –Cut up a bull and see which could bring fire Prophets of Baal pray fervently (18:25-29) –Elijah mocks them –Prophets of Baal work harder on their prayer to no avail Elijah prepares his altar (18:30-40) –Prepares the bull –Prays, giving all glory to God –Fire engulfs the sacrifice

23 Elijah Goes to Jezreel (1 Kings 18:41-46) Elijah prays for rain (18:41-44) –Elijah prays while Ahab eats –Elijah shows persistence in prayer –“There is a cloud, small as a man’s hand, rising out of the sea.” Elijah’s 14 mile run –Ran from Mount Carmel to Jezreel –Deliver the news

24 Elijah Flees to the Wilderness (1 Kings 19:1-4) Jezebel’s threat (19:1-3) –Ahab tells Jezebel all Elijah has done –She becomes furious and vows to kill Elijah –Elisha flees in fear, failing at the very point at which he was strongest (Spurgeon) Elijah’s depression (19:4) –Went a days journey into the wilderness –Sits under a Broom tree –Asks God to take his life

25 God’s Ministry to the Elijah (1 Kings 19:5-21) God ministers to Elijah’s physical needs (19:5-8) –Touched by an angel, who provides food and water –Continues to provide to him for a long journey God allows Elijah to vent his frustrations (19:9-10) –Elijah protests to God, “I have faithfully served” –Furthermore states, “I am left alone” God reveals Himself to Elijah (19:11-12) –Not in a thunder, but in a small voice –God speaking to the human heart God gives Elijah work to do (19:13-15) –Anoint Hazael as king over Syria

26 Further Guidance to Elijah (19:16-18) –Anoint Jehu as king over Israel –Anoint Elisha as Elijah’s replacement –Ultimately justice would be delivered by the sword –7000 true followers remain in Israel, his work had been fruitful Call of Elisha (19:19-21) –Follows Elijah God’s Ministry to the Elijah (1 Kings 19:5-21)

27 Review Review last weeks lesson Review historical maps of Israel and the region Learn about the lessons of Elijah Learn how Elijah confronts the king of Israel and the god Baal Learn how God displays his powers in front of the prophets of Baal Learn why Elijah runs away and ends up at Mount Horeb Learn about God’s commission to Elijah at Mount Horeb

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