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Bible Blitz Msgr Ed Thompson And Deacon Norm Kazyk With Technical Assistance Ray Hosler.

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2 Bible Blitz Msgr Ed Thompson And Deacon Norm Kazyk With Technical Assistance Ray Hosler

3 Introduction to Luke Who is he? –A Greek speaking Christian, probably convert of Paul –Luke wants to show the continuity of the Church that has spread throughout the Roman Empire with Jesus and the early Hebrew community.

4 Introduction to Luke (cont’d) –Luke’s readership was unfamiliar with Palestine and Hebrew traditions. –Luke bridged the gap. Themes –Salvation for all. –Mercy and forgiveness; penitent woman, Samaritans. –Joy; especially of salvation

5 Themes (cont’d) –The journey; Jesus from Galilee to Jerusalem. –Fulfillment of prophecy. –Ascension of Jesus: through this glorification that the Spirit is released on the Church and salvation is made available for all people.

6 The Gospel of Luke Ch 1:1-4 The reason for the Gospel The Infancy narrative The Angel speaks to Mary: the first Hail Mary

7 Chapter 2 Birth of Jesus –Census, Shepherds, Angels, circumcision –Presentation in the Temple –Finding Jesus in the Temple –Progressed in wisdom and age

8 Chapter 3 23-38Genealogy Universal nature of Gospel: Back to Adam

9 Chapter 4 Temptation of Jesus: the devil can quote scripture

10 Chapter 5 Catch of fish: Church’s mission Call of first disciples

11 Chapter 6 12-16The “12” 17-26Sermon on the plain: Beatitudes

12 Chapter 7 11-17The widow’s son: (only in Luke)

13 Chapter 8 49-56Power over life and death Trust is needed

14 Chapter 10 The Good Samaritan Martha and Mary

15 Chapter 11 The Our Father

16 Chapter 13 1-5A call to Repentance 6-9The Parable of the Barren Fig Tree 10-17Cure of a Crippled Woman on the Sabbath 18-19 The Parable of the Mustard Seed 20-21The Parable of the Yeast

17 Chapter 13 (cont’d) 22-30The Narrow Door; Salvation in Rejection 31-33Herod’s Desire to Kill Jesus 34-35The Lament over Jerusalem

18 Chapter 14 1-6Healing of the Man with Dropsy on the Sabbath 7-14Conduct of Invited Guests and Hosts 15-24The Parable of the Great Feast 25-33Sayings on Discipleship 34-35The Simile of Salt

19 Chapter 15 1-7The Parable of the Lost Sheep 8-10The Parable of the Lost Coin 11-32The Parable of the Lost Son

20 Chapter 16 1-8The parable of the Dishonest Steward 8-13Application of the Parable 14-15A Saying Against the Pharisees 16-17Sayings About the Law 18Sayings About Divorce 19-31The Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus

21 Chapter 17 1-4Temptation to Sin 5-6 Saying of Faith 7-10Attitude of a Servant 11-19Cleansing of Ten Lepers 20-21The Coming of the Kingdom God 22-37The Day of the Son of Man

22 Chapter 18 1-8The Parable of the Persistent Widow 9-14The Parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector 15-17Saying on Children and the Kingdom 18-23The Rich Official

23 Chapter 18 (cont’d) 24-30On Riches and Renunciation 31-34The Third Prediction of the Passion 35-43The Healing of the Blind Beggar

24 Chapter 19 1-10Zacchaeus the Tax Collector 11-27The Parable of the Ten Gold Coins 28-40The Entry into Jerusalem 41-44The Lament for Jerusalem 45-48The Cleansing of the Temple

25 Chapter 20 1-8The Authority of Jesus Questioned 9-19The Parable of the Tenant Farmers 20-26Paying Taxes to the Emperor 27-40The Question about the Resurrection

26 Chapter 20 (cont’d) 41-44The Question about David’s Son 45-47Denunciation of the Scribes

27 Chapter 21 1-4The Poor Widow’s Contribution 5-6The Destruction of the Temple Foretold 7-11The Signs of the End 12-19The Coming Persecution

28 Chapter 21 (cont’d) 25-28The Coming of the Son of Man 29-33The Lesson of the Fig Tree 34-36Exhortation to Be Vigilant 37-38Ministry in Jerusalem

29 Chapter 22 1-8The Conspiracy Against Jesus 7-13Preparation for the Passover 14-20The Last Supper 21-23The Betrayal Foretold 24-30The Role of the Disciples

30 Chapter 22 (cont’d) 31-34Peter’s Denial Foretold 35-38Instructions for the Time of Crisis 39-46The Agony in the Garden 47-53The Betrayal and the Arrest of Jesus 54-65Peter’s Denial of Jesus 66-71Jesus Before the Sanhedrin

31 Chapter 23 1-5Jesus Before Pilate 6-17Jesus Before Herod 18-25The Sentence of Death 26-32The Way of the Cross 33-43The Crucifixion 44-49The Death of Jesus 50-52The Burial of Jesus

32 Chapter 24 1-12The Resurrection of Jesus 13-35The Appearance on the Road to Emmaus 39-49The Appearance to the Disciples in Jerusalem 50-53The Ascension Alleluia!

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