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 14 Jan 2013  Which form of reproduction is most likely to give a population of organisms genetic variety?  Why?  Vocabulary  Allele Segregation Activity.

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Presentation on theme: " 14 Jan 2013  Which form of reproduction is most likely to give a population of organisms genetic variety?  Why?  Vocabulary  Allele Segregation Activity."— Presentation transcript:

1  14 Jan 2013  Which form of reproduction is most likely to give a population of organisms genetic variety?  Why?  Vocabulary  Allele Segregation Activity

2  16 Jan 2013  How is an allele related to a gene? Explain and give an example.

3  Nearpod Student  Funny2018  Student PIN: FGOJO  Set up Google Drive Science Folder  5-Lastname,FirstName

4  Male alleles are both brown.  Female alleles are brown and white.  Show the possible outcomes for the offspring.


6  I can differentiate and make connections between phenotypes and genotypes of organisms.

7  The instructions for a specific inherited trait that are found on one section of a chromosome of DNA.  For example, you have a gene(s) for each of the following traits:  Hair color  Eye color  Hitchhiker’s thumb  Tongue rolling  Hairline  Earlobes

8  The different forms of a gene.  Each gene is made up of at least two alleles, one inherited from the male parent and one from the female parent.  For example:  Gene for hair color: Blonde hair OR Black hair  Gene for eye color: Blue eyes OR Brown eyes  Gene for thumb shape: Hitchhiker’s thumb OR Straight thumb  Gene for tongue rolling ability: Can roll tongue OR Can’t roll tongue  Gene for hairline: Widow’s Peak OR Straight hairline


10  Alleles that cover up, hide, mask, or over-power other alleles.  The trait associated with the dominant allele always shows up when it is present (it dominates!).  Writing convention:  UPPERCASE letters.  For example:  H = Dominant (Straight thumb)  h = Recessive (Hitchhiker’s thumb)  Hh = Straight thumb  HH = Straight thumb  hh = Hitchhiker’s thumb

11  Alleles that are covered up or hidden.  The recessive trait will only show up if a dominant allele is NOT present.  Writing convention:  lowercase letters  For example:  W = Dominant (Widow’s peak)  w = Recessive (Straight hairline)  Ww = Widow’s peak  ww = Straight hairline

12  Both alleles are the SAME as each other.  Homo = same  For example:  TT = homozygous DOMINANT (both alleles are dominant)  tt = homozygous RECESSVIE (both alleles are recessive)

13  Each allele is DIFFERENT from each other.  Hetero = different  For example:  Hh  Ss  Ww  Tt

14  The genes that an organism has in their DNA  Genotype = Genes  Represented by letters  Examples:  Hh  BB  tt  Dd

15  The traits or characteristics of an organism  (What it looks like)  Phenotype = “Features”  Examples:  Brown or blonde hair color  Brown or blue eye color  Hitchhiker’s or straight thumb  Tongue rolling ability or not  Widow’s peak or straight hairline

16 Male Alleles Female Alleles

17 Use the letter “B” B = BROWN allele (dominant) b = blue allele (recessive).

18 Rihanna has brown eyes. What is her PHENOTYPE? What is her GENOTYPE? Brown is dominant to blue.

19 PHENOTYPE: brown eyes GENOTYPE: BB or Bb Brown is dominant to blue.

20 Brad has blue eyes. What is his PHENOTYPE? What is his GENOTYPE?

21 Brown is dominant to blue. PHENOTYPE: blue eyes GENOTYPE: bb

22 Brown is dominant to blue. Justin has brown eyes. What is his PHENOTYPE? What is his GENOTYPE?

23 Brown is dominant to blue. PHENOTYPE: brown eyes GENOTYPE: BB or Bb

24 Use the letter “W” W = WIDOW’S PEAK allele (dominant) w = straight hairline allele (recessive)

25 John has a widow’s peak. What is his PHENOTYPE? What is his GENOTYPE? Widow’s peak is dominant to normal hairline.

26 PHENOTYPE: widow’s peak GENOTYPE: WW or Ww Widow’s peak is dominant to normal hairline.

27 LeBron has a normal hairline. What is his PHENOTYPE? What is his GENOTYPE?

28 Widow’s peak is dominant to normal hairline. PHENOTYPE: normal hairline GENOTYPE: ww

29  If yes, what is your genotype?  If no, what is your genotype?  Which geneotype has could possibly be heterozygous? Why?

30 (use the letter “F”)

31 Freckles are dominant to no freckles. JLo has no freckles. What is her PHENOTYPE? What is her GENOTYPE?

32 Freckles are dominant to no freckles. PHENOTYPE: no freckles GENOTYPE: ff

33 Freckles are dominant to no freckles. Lindsay has freckles. What is her PHENOTYPE? What is her GENOTYPE?

34 Freckles are dominant to no freckles. PHENOTYPE: freckles GENOTYPE: FF or Ff

35 Freckles are dominant to no freckles. What is her PHENOTYPE? What is her GENOTYPE? Lady Gaga has no freckles.

36 Freckles are dominant to no freckles. Lady Gaga has no freckles. PHENOTYPE: no freckles GENOTYPE: ff

37 (use the letter “D”)

38 Polydactyly is dominant to 5 digits. These people have 5 digits. What is the PHENOTYPE? What is the GENOTYPE?

39 Polydactyly is dominant to 5 digits. PHENOTYPE: 5 digits GENOTYPE: dd

40 Polydactyly is dominant to 5 digits These people have Polydactyly. What is the PHENOTYPE? What is the GENOTYPE?

41 Polydactyly is dominant to 5 digits PHENOTYPE: Polydactyly GENOTYPE: Dd or DD

42  Lack of pigmentation  Recessive trait  Use the letter “P”  What is the genotype of this family?  What is the phenotype?

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