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Step By Step: Old Testament 2 Lesson 1: Ruth & Samuel Rev. Christopher J. Respass Antioch Bible Institute Fall 2012.

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1 Step By Step: Old Testament 2 Lesson 1: Ruth & Samuel Rev. Christopher J. Respass Antioch Bible Institute Fall 2012

2 Ruth A. Authorship. The author of Ruth is unknown. B. Date. Ruth was written during the time the Judges ruled Israel (Ruth 1:1). Clearly, some established cultural practices had changed between the time the original events occurred and the time events were actually recorded (see, Ruth 4:7-10). At any rate, it was recorded after David was born and his emergence as a significant member of the Israelite community (see, Ruth 4:13-17).

3 Ruth C. Main Figures. 1. Ruth--a Moabite widow whose husband was Jewish. 2. Naomi--a Jewish woman and Ruth's mother-in- law. 3. Boaz--a Jewish man of some social stature. He was the "kinsman redeemer," a close relative with the right to redeem property under certain circumstances.

4 Ruth C.Purpose of Ruth. 1. Show that God works in all things--even difficulty--to accomplish his purpose. 2. Show that God cares for all people--Jews and Gentiles alike. 3. Show that people of different cultures can live in harmony if God is at the center.

5 Ruth Select Passages: 1. Ruth 1:15-18 2. Ruth 3:1-13

6 Samuel A. Background 1. Author. The author of 1 & 2 Samuel is unknown. Hebrew tradition holds that Samuel himself is the author, but since the book records activities following the death of Samuel, this is unlikely. 2. Date. The dating of Samuel is uncertain. Given that 1 & 2 Samuel covers most of David's life, it is believed to be written around the end of David's life.

7 Samuel 3. Unity. In the original Hebrew, 1 & 2 Samuel were one unified book (see, 1 Sam 31:11- 13 and 2 Sam 1:1). 4. Main Figures: Samuel, Saul and David

8 Samuel I.Samuel's Life & Ministry A. Birth and Dedication (1 Samuel 1) 1. Hanna was barren and desired a child for herself and for her husband (1 Sam. 1:1-8). 2. Hannah prayed for a son (1 Sam. 1:9-18). 3. God gives Hannah a son--Samuel (1 Sam. 1:19-20). 4. Hannah dedicates Samuel to The Lord (1 Sam. 1:21-28).

9 Samuel B. The Call of Samuel (1 Sam. 3:1-13) 1. The word of The Lord was rare. Samuel was ministering to The Lord under Eli's leadership (v.1) 2. The Lord call Samuel 3 times (v.4-9) a) Eli realized that God was calling Samuel and told him how to respond. b) It is unclear from Scripture whether God's calling of Samuel was an audible call or an inner call that only Samuel heard. What is crystal clear is that God called Samuel.

10 Samuel 3. Samuel responds to the Lord's call (v. 10-13). a) The Lord came and stood by Samuel. b) Samuel answered and attested that he was the Lord's servant (v.10). c) God informs him of his judgment against the house of Eli (see, 1 Sam 2:12-17).

11 Samuel 4. Contrast between Eli's "sons." A. Phineas and Hophni 1. Had no regard for The Lord (1 Sam. 2:12) 2. The treated the Lord's offering with contempt (1 Sam. 2:17) 3. They slept with the women who served in the tent of meeting (1 Sam. 2:22) They were FOUL!!!

12 Samuel B. Samuel (Eli's "son" in the ministry) "Now the young man Samuel continued to grow both in stature and in favor with The Lord and favor with man." 1 Samuel 2:26

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