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ENGLISH 9(1) MS. BOTELHO MS. JANSON MR. GORMAN A Tale of Two Cities Book III, Chapter 8 A Hand at Cards.

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1 ENGLISH 9(1) MS. BOTELHO MS. JANSON MR. GORMAN A Tale of Two Cities Book III, Chapter 8 A Hand at Cards

2 In Town Pross and Cruncher are in London gathering a few necessities for Charles’ feast. Both are conscious of their surrounding and are bitterly reminded of the revolutions by the drawl coming from the barges.

3 A Familiar Setting Noticing an establishment with a reduced number of red caps, Cruncher and Pross enter. “..the people, pipe in mouth, playing with limp cards and yellow dominoes …of the two or three customers fallen forward asleep…like slumbering bears or dogs” “The two outlandish customers approached the counter, and showed what they wanted.” Where are Pross and Cruncher?

4 A Familiar Face Alarmed, Miss Pross screams at the sight of a man passing by. The man drags Miss Pross out to the allay, demanding to know the matter. “Oh, Solomon, dear Solomon!” cried Miss Pross, clapping her hands again. “After not setting eyes upon you or hearing of you for so long a time, do I find you here!” m Who does Miss Pross encounter? Speculate why Solomon would be in France.

5 A Familiar Response Miss Pross, teary-eyed, introduces Solomon to Mr. Cruncher as her beloved brother. “Now,” said Solomon, stopping at the dark street corner, “what do you want?” “How dreadfully unkind in a brother nothing has ever turned my love away from!” cried Miss Pross, “to give me such a greeting, and show me no affection.”

6 A Revelation “If you expect me to be surprised,” said her brother Solomon, “I am not surprised; I knew you were here; I know of most people who are here. If you really don’t want to endanger my existence—which I half believe you do—go your ways as soon as possible, and let me go mine. I am busy. I am an official.” Solomon’s words wound his sister as a proud Englishwoman who finds discomfort in France. Solomon implores her to disappear and leave him to his new found success. Miss Pross asks for some encouraging words from her brother first. Ironically, she presents as one who has done wrong and is seeking forgiveness. Why is this interaction between miss Pross and her brother ironic? Who else is aware of the circumstances between them?

7 Mr. Lorry As if Mr. Lorry had not known it for a fact, years ago, in the quiet corner in Soho, that this precious brother had spent her money and left her!

8 A Familiar Situation Suddenly, Mr. Cruncher takes an interest in Soloman. As he remembers it, however, Soloman wasn’t his name back in England. When would Cruncher have encountered this man?

9 Another Clue Soloman used to be a spy. He was supposed to have died. What was the name Soloman used to use?

10 An Unexpected Arrival While Mr. Cruncher thinks, a new voice breaks into the conversation.

11 It’s Sydney. He informs Cruncher that Solomon’s old name was Barsad. Why would Sydney Carton have this information? Why does Cruncher recognize Solomon?

12 Sydney reassures Miss Pross that everything is alright. He showed up a day ago; he’s been to see Mr. Lorry, and he’s now trying to be of some help to the Manettes.

13 Now, though, he’s here to see Barsad.Apparently Soloman/Barsad has become a spy in the French prisons.Sydney explains that he’d like to have a conversation with Barsad at Mr. Lorry’s.When Barsad seems inclined to say no, Sydney gently tells him that he has information which could make life pretty sticky for Barsad.That changes Barsad’s mind!

14 At Mr. Lorry’s, Sydney introduces Barsad.Next, he breaks the bad news to Mr. Lorry: Charles has been arrested again.Not to worry, though: Sydney has a plan.To make the plan work, though, he needs Barsad’s help.As we may have mentioned, Barsad isn’t exactly the helping sort.In fact, he needs quite a bit of convincing.Luckily, however, Sydney as some dirt on Barsad.

15 Barsad has been spying on the prisoners for the French revolutionaries, but he’s also been spying on the French for the English.No one likes a double- crossing spy.Moreover, Sydney knows that Barsad’s friend is passing as a Frenchman – but he’s really an Englishman, Roger Cly.

16 Mr. Cruncher suddenly pays close attention. He wants to know why Roger Cly never got properly buried.In fact, he asks Barsad.Barsad can’t figure out how Cruncher would know this…until Jerry informs them that he tried to dig Roger up. In Roger’s place, however, he found an empty coffin.

17 Barsad knows that Sydney’s managed to beat him in this particular game.Now that he gets the point, Barsad wants to know what Sydney wants from him.As it turns out, Sydney doesn’t want much. Barsad is a keyholder of the prison. He can pass in and out at will, right?Barsad agrees. He’s able to go into the prison whenever he likes.

18 Sydney nods, then asks Barsad to step into the next room so that they can have a word together in private. What do you think Sydney Carton wants?

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