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ACEC-IDOT Bureau of Local Roads Seminar

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1 ACEC-IDOT Bureau of Local Roads Seminar
Thursday, March 7, 2013 Hilton Hotel Lisle PEI

2 PHASE I Preliminary Engineering
Alex Househ, IDOT

3 Phase I Coordination Field Engineers process ALL Phase I for projects within their area for all fund sources, Local, State and/or Federal. NORTH: Alex Househ WEST: Marilin Solomon SOUTH: Kevin Stallworth EAST: Zubair Haider

4 Field Engineer’s Responsibilities
Federal projects (Phase I) Locally-Let Federal projects (Phase I and II) All MFT-funded projects State-funded projects for which local agency is lead

5 Federal Phase 1 Kick-off Meeting
Planning Liaison should schedule meeting The following documents are suggested: Location Map (show FA routes, functional class, etc.) Plan Sheet(s) with aerial (recommended) Existing and Proposed Typical Sections Initial Project Coordination form (BLR22410)

6 Phase I Engineering Project scoping examples:
LAFO (Local Agency Functional Overlay) CE1 Projects NOT Requiring a PDR Requiring a PDR (Project Development Report) CE2 Projects Environmental Assessments (EA)

7 Local Agency Functional Overlay (LAFO) BLRS Manual Chapter 46, section 46-3
At least 1 block in Urban, or 1 mile in Rural. HMA Overlay up to 3.75 inches. Mill to any depth, HMA replacement to thickness of mill plus 2 inches 10% patching. 20% base repair. Small % curb & gutter improvements. No ROW acquisition or geometric improvements Design Submittals: BLR Form BLR with location map and typical sections Bridge Clearances by IDOT Bridge Unit (if resurfacing over a bridge): Detour Approval by IDOT (if applicable) Design Approval is granted by District 1 (not Central Office)

8 CE 1 Projects NOT requiring PDR BLRS Manual, Chapter 19, section 19-1
No potential for “Unusual Circumstances”: No ROW acquisition (or minimal ROW acquisition) No geometric changes (or minimal geometric changes) No major environmental impacts Examples: resurfacing, sidewalks, signals, signing, lighting, landscaping, etc. IDS projects (if no major environmental impacts, no add’l through lanes) Design Submittals: Form BLR with location map and typical sections: Plans/ Profiles required for new sidewalk Environmental and Special Waste clearances attached (if applicable) Approvals from various IDOT bureaus attached (if State route) IDS (if applicable) Design Approval is granted by District 1 (not Central Office)

9 CE 1 Projects requiring PDR BLRS Manual, Chapter 19, section 19-1.03
Generally requires more documentation than CE1 without PDR No potential for “Unusual Circumstances”: No ROW acquisition (or minimal ROW acquisition) No geometric changes (or minimal geometric changes) No major environmental impacts Examples: roadway resurfacing with minimal widening, bike/pedestrian paths with minimal ROW/environmental impacts Design Submittals: Preparation of Project Development Report (PDR), BLR 22211 Design Approval is granted by District 1 (not Central Office)

10 CE 2 Projects BLRS Manual, Chapter 19, section 19-1.03
Potential for “Unusual Circumstances” Significant environmental impacts and/or controversy Significant impacts on historic areas, historic structures Significant issues regarding Section 4(f) or Section 106 (Parks & Public Lands) Substantial changes in access, access control, or traffic patterns Bridge Removal and Replacement Adding through lane(s) Shifting alignment FHWA/IDOT Coordination Meeting (for approval of CE determination) Design Submittals: Preparation of Project Development Report (PDR), BLR 22210 Take note of the following: Use 2040 Projected Traffic Accidents for the last five (5) years with crash diagrams (new) Any Noise Analysis prior to August 2011 must be updated (new) Design Approval is granted by Central Office

11 Environmental Assessment (EA) Referenced in BLRS Manual, Chapter 19, section 19-2.02
Generally, larger scope than most CE2 projects Examples: New interchange New roadway on new alignment (including bypasses) Project with substantial environmental controversy Actions in which the significance of the environmental impact is not clearly established FHWA/IDOT Coordination Meetings: EA is required to determine the appropriate environmental document required. Numerous Design Submittal Documents

12 Environmental Survey Request
Phase I Engineering Environmental Survey Request

13 Environmental Survey Request (ESR)
Required if the following is involved: ROW Acquisition (including temp or permanent easements) In-stream work “Historic district” “Bridge over 50 years old” (new) Other items which require ESR: Tree Removal (new) Wetland within 250 feet Existing Local Agency ROW not yet studied for transportation Digging within State ROW (Special Waste) Entirely electronic submittal (if no State route involved) ESR submitted online at Exhibits are submitted electronically to IDOT’s ftp site Maps Aerials Plan sheets Photos

14 ESR Submittal for Special Waste
Required if the following is involved: Digging / linear excavation within State ROW ROW acquired in the name of the State ESR submitted online at Submit HARD COPIES of the following documents to Local Roads Field Engineer: Location Map (2 copies) Aerial Exhibit (2 copies) CD including the location map and aerial in pdf format, plus Shape Files. (1 copy) PESA Results or In-house signoff must be granted before Phase 1 Design Approval. Preliminary Environmental Site Assessment (PESA) Required when excavated material is removed from State ROW May take 6-8 months In-house Special Waste Sign-Off Possibly granted if all excavated material stays within State ROW Usually granted within two weeks of initial ESR submittal.

15 Environment Clearance Expiration Timeframe
Cultural Resources Clearance does not expire. Biological Resources Clearance expires two (2) years after initial clearance date Wetland delineations expire five (5) years after the delineators are initiated. If the project letting date is scheduled beyond the five (5) year timeframe The Preliminary Environmental Site Assessment (PESA) is valid for six (6) months. After the initial six (6) months, the PESA requires validation, which is performed in-district by the Special Waste Coordinator. The PESA can be validated every six (6) months for up to three (3) years. After three (3) years the PESA shall be re-done to update existing geologic conditions. The Preliminary Site Assessment (PSI) is valid for five (5) years.

16 Wetland Impact Evaluation (WIE)
Required for all projects that are surveyed for wetlands and determined to have wetlands within the study area Entirely electronic submittal (should be submitted after ESR) WIE submitted online at Wetland Report is submitted electronically to IDOT’s ftp site

17 Phase I Engineering Bridges

18 BRIDGE PROJECT REQUIREMENTS (Bridge Condition Report) BLRS Manual, Chapter 22, section 22-2.06
Bridge Rehabilitation requires Complete BCR including: Administrative, geographical information Results of visual inspection Verification of reuse of existing bridge elements Color photos and justification for the rehabilitation Total Bridge Replacement requires Abbreviated BCR: Short description along with photo(s) Submit 3 copies of the BCR to Local Roads Field Engineer. Field Engineer will coordinate with Bridge Office for approval

19 BRIDGE PROJECT REQUIREMENTS (cont’d) (Preliminary Bridge Design and Hydraulic Report) BLRS Manual, Chapter 10, section PBDHR submittal should include: Form BLR (PBDHR) Type, Size and Location (TS&L) Drawing Scour Critical Evaluation Coding Report Form Scour Analysis Foundation Information Roadway Plan & Profile BLR (Asbestos Determination Certification) Submit 4 copies of the PBDHR to Local Roads Field Engineer District 1 Local Roads will provide review, comment and approval of the hydraulics Field Engineer will coordinate with Bridge Office for approval of preliminary bridge design

Retaining Wall (7’(new) or greater from ground level) must be reviewed and approved by Bridge Office Need Structural Engineer (S.E.) stamp & signature, as well as consultant’s P.E. stamp & signature for all structures (in Phase II) of Plans, Specifications & Estimates (PS&E)


Municipality: Contact Information Project: Municipality Scope of Work: Council/Liaison TIP #: Consultant TIP Years (Ph II / Const): IDOT Section #: Last Cons/E3 Cost (date) Current Cons/E3 Cost (date) Date Prepared: Date Revised: Projected Dates Initial Est. Kick-Off Revised/Actual 1. Project Scoping Notes 2. IDOT Phase I Kick-off Meeting 3. 1st State/Federal Coordination Meeting 4. Categorical Exclusion Concurrence 5. Design Variance Concurrence 6. Submit Draft Phase I Report (PDR) to IDOT (a) 7. Public Hearing/Meeting (or N/A) 8. Right-of-Way Kick-off Meeting (or N/A) 9. Submit Final Phase I Report (PDR) to IDOT (b) 10. Submit Phase II Engr. Agreem't to IDOT (or N/A) 11. Phase I Design Approval 12. ROW Aquistion Initiation (or N/A) ( c ) 13. Phase II Engr. Agreement Approval (or N/A) 14. Submit Pre-Final Plans and Estimates (d) 15. Submit Phase III Engr. Agreement to IDOT 16. Submit Final Plans, Specs & Estimates (PS&E) (e) 17. ROW Acquisition Complete 18. Construction Letting Notes: (a) 3 to 6 month review required per complexity and submittal quality See "Federal Aid Project Initiation to Completion" Flow Chart for (b) 1 to 3 month review sequence of events and estimated review times. (c ) Minimum 9 to 18 months required from plats to acquisition (d) 1 to 4 month review (e) 7 to 10 days before Springfield BLR due date

23 BLRS Manual; Key Chapters
Phase I Chapter 18: General Environmental Procedures – Federal Funds Chapter 19: Categorical Exclusions – Federal Funds Chapter 20: Special Environmental Studies – Federal Funds Chapter 21: Requirements for Public Involvement Program – Federal Funds Chapter 22: Project Development – Federal Funds Phase II Chapter 23: Plan Development – Federal Funds Chapter 24: Letting and Contract Award – Federal Funds Phase III Chapter 25: Construction and Maintenance – Federal Funds

24 LOCALLY-LET FEDERAL PROJECTS (BLRS Manual Chapter 24, section 24-2)
Candidate Projects Very small Scope not typically found on State lettings Non-highway projects Federal funds in materials only Local Agency must submit request for local letting to the District for Central Office concurrence. Phase 1 Design Approval is required CEI typically Local Roads Field Engineer coordinates Phase 2 for locally-let federal projects. Field Engineer reviews plans/proposal and forwards to Central Office Central Office must concur for the project to be advertised for letting. Three weeks advertisement in IDOT bulletin is required After letting, the local agency must request IDOT concurrence to award District 1 and Central Office must concur in award IDOT will provide approval of executed contract

January 15th February 5th March 12th April 9th May 14th June 11th July 9th August 13th September 17th October 8th November 5th December 10th

26 Field Engineer Contact Information Alex Househ: Marilin Solomon: Kevin Stallworth: Zubair Haider: Address: Illinois Department of Transportation Bureau of Local Roads and Streets 201 West Center Court Schaumburg, IL 60196 Fax: (847)

27 QUESTIONS to be addressed in afternoon session
Thank – You! QUESTIONS to be addressed in afternoon session

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