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From choice, a world of possibilities SPRINT ESEAOR UPDATE 15th ANNUAL IAWG MEETING, JORDAN February 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "From choice, a world of possibilities SPRINT ESEAOR UPDATE 15th ANNUAL IAWG MEETING, JORDAN February 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 From choice, a world of possibilities SPRINT ESEAOR UPDATE 15th ANNUAL IAWG MEETING, JORDAN February 2015

2 Revitalized during the 2013 women deliver conference in Kuala Lumpur Initial members : UNFPA Indonesia, IFRC, FPOP & SPRINT ESEAOR SPRINT ESEAOR Regional meeting at Bali in Oct 2013 decided to have ESEAOR QTR as a channel :  To share information & resources to build capacity of priority country partners on MISP implementations.  To share updates on SPRINT initiative in engaging national and regional Stakeholders in advocating MISP integration into National Policy  To identify research opportunities in the region and to share findings of SPRINT Research with stakeholders  To share personal stories gather from beneficiaries, MISP service providers and humanitarian staff  To update national and regional partners on Humanitarian work related to SRH at regional and global field



5 Regional National Provincial Community 2022 42 56


7 Community based MISP training






13 2 Post Emergency Reviews so far Zamboanga Conflict, Philippines Guadalcanal Floods, Solomon Islands Personal Stories Collected and used as advocacy Zamboanga Video 2 Post Emergency Reviews so far Zamboanga Conflict, Philippines Guadalcanal Floods, Solomon Islands Personal Stories Collected and used as advocacy Zamboanga Video

14 “We arrived in Temotu from Honiara 16 days after the tsunami struck. When we arrived there even from the plane I could see the villages that had been affected by the tsunami. The first time I saw it I felt so sorry for them- then I put myself in their shoes and thought what should I do?” Ben Angoa, SPRINT team leader, Solomon Islands “Everyone in Acheh knows someone affected by a disaster. I try to involve the community as much as I can in disaster risk reduction activities, especially those related to sexual and reproductive health” Ibu Watie, Indonesian Planned Parenthood Association (PKBI) Aceh Chapter, Executive Director

15 Challenges: Same champions of SRH in Humanitarian response in the region, Sustainability of regional working groups Different levels of capacity of national RH working groups Moving forward: SPRINT Meetings and workshops can continue to be a platform to engage regional and national partners on SRH in Humanitarian Response Engage with regional partners to produce up to date regional Database on MISP Trainers SPRINT can continue to coordinate in country research and regional research if there are funding support Challenges: Same champions of SRH in Humanitarian response in the region, Sustainability of regional working groups Different levels of capacity of national RH working groups Moving forward: SPRINT Meetings and workshops can continue to be a platform to engage regional and national partners on SRH in Humanitarian Response Engage with regional partners to produce up to date regional Database on MISP Trainers SPRINT can continue to coordinate in country research and regional research if there are funding support

16 SRH during crises is NOT a luxury. Access to SRH care is a Human Right. Thank you

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