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Practical B: Full agricultural census module for a linked population and housing census PNG, Solomon Is, Vanuatu, Fiji.

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Presentation on theme: "Practical B: Full agricultural census module for a linked population and housing census PNG, Solomon Is, Vanuatu, Fiji."— Presentation transcript:

1 Practical B: Full agricultural census module for a linked population and housing census PNG, Solomon Is, Vanuatu, Fiji

2 1. Relevant items in Annex 1 Minim core questionsSupplementary questions Insert a question on land ownership before Q2 Q2. remove since its already in Core Qs Q2. Use of standard ‘units’ eg. Sports field instead of hectares to be related to easily Q3. Establish/define list of temporary crops Q3 rewording of ‘parcel’ and could be removed and included in Supplementary Qs Q6. Tendency for double counting of land area in mix cropping Q4 pose some confusion between ‘ownership’ and ‘raising’ Q8 replace meadow with grassland or pasture Q22 replace name with activity name Q23 Should be multiple response. Insert column on quantity (percentage etc..) > Insert a ‘Other & specify’ category The questions need to be tailored to suit the users demand (Economists, food security etc…) and mode of collecting the information.

3 2. Other key items not covered By country choice – there are a lot of questions already being considered.

4 3. Questions to be used to enumerate selected data Need for pilot test of methodologies first

5 4. Issues needing consideration Overall could reduce cost (adv) Could increase number of Agric indicators i.e more use (adv) Likely increase in field management due to complexity in Improve in (disadv) Overloading of questionnaire = response burden (disadv) Better coordination between NSO and Agric, fisheries and forestry (Adv)

6 5. Advantages and disadvantages

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