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Bible Question Box And they continued steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrine (Acts 2:42)

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1 Bible Question Box And they continued steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrine (Acts 2:42)

2 2 Is it wrong to be paid “under the table” (not reporting all of your income)? It is dishonest, Eph. 4:25 (Phil. 4:8) It is dishonest, Eph. 4:25 (Phil. 4:8) It is stealing, Eph. 4:28; Matt. 22:21; Rom. 13:7 (Lev. 19:35-36; Prov. 11:1) It is stealing, Eph. 4:28; Matt. 22:21; Rom. 13:7 (Lev. 19:35-36; Prov. 11:1) Not “okay as long as I don’t get caught,” Num. 32:23; Heb. 4:13; Psa. 19:12-13 (Eccl. 12:14) Not “okay as long as I don’t get caught,” Num. 32:23; Heb. 4:13; Psa. 19:12-13 (Eccl. 12:14) Be guided by integrity, not money Proverbs 11:3-6 Be guided by integrity, not money Proverbs 11:3-6

3 3 Is the main reason or “the” reason we gather on the 1 st day of every week to partake of the Lord’s Supper? If not can you please explain why we should show reverence during the song service, sermon & prayer service as well as the Lord’s Supper.

4 4 Is the main reason or “the” reason we gather on the 1 st day of every week to partake of the Lord’s Supper? Multiple activities, all worship Multiple activities, all worship –Lord’s supper, Acts 20:7 (1 Cor. 11:33) –Teaching gospel, Acts 20:7 (11:26) –Giving as prospered, 1 Cor. 16:1-2 –Prayer, 1 Cor. 14:15-16 (1 Tim. 2:8) –Singing, Col. 3:16 All give homage to God & edify the saints, 1 Cor. 14:26 All give homage to God & edify the saints, 1 Cor. 14:26

5 5 Can you please explain why we should show reverence during the song service, sermon & prayer service as well as the Lord’s Supper. We show reverence in… We show reverence in… –Lord’s supper, 1 Cor. 11:24-26, 27-29 –Teaching God’s word, Neh. 8:3, 5-6 –Giving, 2 Corinthians 9:7-10 –Prayer, Matthew 6:9 –Singing, Ephesians 5:19

6 6 Can you please explain why we should show reverence during the song service, sermon & prayer service as well as the Lord’s Supper. Bless God (salute, praise Him) in humble, reverent worship, 1 Chronicles 29:16-20 Bless God (salute, praise Him) in humble, reverent worship, 1 Chronicles 29:16-20 Acceptable words & thoughts, Psalms 19:14 Acceptable words & thoughts, Psalms 19:14

7 7 What is the purpose of the book, The Song of Solomon? What spiritual gain can we take from it? Three characters Three characters Depicts the love of young woman & man Depicts the love of young woman & man An intruder presents her with a choice An intruder presents her with a choice –King or shepherd? Forced or true love? –Must choose: Sensuous love or true love Purpose: Teach true love Purpose: Teach true love Theme: Love cannot be forced, SS 2:7 Theme: Love cannot be forced, SS 2:7

8 8 What is the purpose of the book, The Song of Solomon? What spiritual gain can we take from it? Lessons from Song of Solomon Lessons from Song of Solomon –Traits of true love (Eph. 5:25; Tit. 2:4) (We must know the difference!) –The dangers of sensuality & of being enticed by the flesh –Value, protect & enhance moral purity & virtue

9 9 We cannot force love for God! 1 John 5:3 Put away lying & speak truth (Eph. 4:25) Put away lying & speak truth (Eph. 4:25) Reverence God in all our worship of Him (Jno. 4:24) Reverence God in all our worship of Him (Jno. 4:24) Love God with all our being (Matt. 22:37) Love God with all our being (Matt. 22:37) If you love Christ, obey Him now! John 14:15

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