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Improving Vocabulary Skills Third Edition (Chapter 8)

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1 Improving Vocabulary Skills Third Edition (Chapter 8)
PowerPoint Flashcards

2 Word: attest Definition: to make a statement
about something on the basis of personal experience; bear witness; testify Part of Speech: verb Link: very best Derivatives: attests, attested, attesting Sentence: I can attest that the very best view of the rainbow occurred in that field.

3 Word: attribute Definition: a quality or feature of a person or thing
Part of Speech: noun Derivative: attributes Link: super cute Sentence: The best attribute of my rabbit is his super cute nose.

4 Word: discern Definition: to recognize; detect Part of Speech: verb
Derivatives: discerns, discerned, discerning, discernment Link: car burned Sentence: After the car burned, it was hard to discern its previous color.

5 Word: dispatch Definition: to send to a specific place or on
specific business Part of Speech: verb Derivatives: dispatches, dispatched, dispatching Link: tear gas Sentence: The police had to dispatch tear gas to stop the riot.

6 Word: enhance Definition: to improve Part of Speech: verb
Derivatives: enhances, enhanced, enhancing Link: romance Sentence: The sunset will enhance the beauty and romance of the evening.

7 Word: enigma Definition: a mystery or a puzzle Part of Speech: noun
Derivative: enigmas Link: Olivia Sentence: Tattoos are an enigma to some people, but not to Olivia.

8 Word: exemplify Definition: to be an example of;
represent; be typical of Part of Speech: verb Derivatives: exemplifies, exemplified, exemplifying Link: large black fly Sentence: The large black fly will exemplify how annoying an insect can be.

9 Word: mobile Definition: moving or able to move from place to place
Part of Speech: adjective Derivatives: mobility Link: dribble Sentence: The player has to be mobile if he is going to dribble the ball down court.

10 Word: nocturnal Definition: of, about, or happening in the night;
active at night Part of Speech: adjective Derivative: nocturnally Link: night journal Sentence: I am definitely nocturnal. I stay up half the night writing in my journal.

11 Word: orient Definition: to determine one’s
location or direction; to locate in relation to a direction (east, west, etc.) Part of Speech: verb Derivatives: orients, oriented, orienting Link: he went Sentence: The dizzy man needs to orient himself because he does not know which way he went.

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