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Attendance Improvement Program November 2013. Purpose and Program Updates.

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Presentation on theme: "Attendance Improvement Program November 2013. Purpose and Program Updates."— Presentation transcript:

1 Attendance Improvement Program November 2013

2 Purpose and Program Updates

3 I am an Attendance Improvement Counselor… Link : http :// www. youtube. com / watch?v = U w 5 qLiQERBg http :// www. youtube. com / watch?v = U w 5 qLiQERBg Take a moment to think about how you assist our students and families to succeed. Optional : You may submit 2-3 sentences that exemplify your work. You can submit them to me today on paper or via email

4 School Challenges TEST SCORES ( API, AYP, Math, Literacy, EL ) ATTENDANCE ISSUES ( Truancy, Dropout ) BEHAVIOR ISSUES ( Suspension rates, O. T. s ) ACADEMIC FAILURE ( Failing classes, Demotes )

5 How do we work with other staff to support all students?

6 Multi - Disciplinary Teams : Another tool for student success What multi - disciplinary teams meet on your campus? As an AIC, what role do you play on your School - Site Multi - Disciplinary teams ( MDTs ) ?

7 WHAT ROLE ( S ) DO WE PLAY ? Pupil Servic es and Attend ance Counse lors Attend ance Improv ement Counse lors Child Welfar e and Attend ance Studen t Servic es and Suppor t


9 Develop the social and academic skills of all students—including at-risk students Teach academic readiness and reading skills that support academic engagement/achievement Teach social skills that support socially effective behavior (self control, self regulation, social reciprocity) The mission and role of today ’ s school

10 How do you do it ALL? Tracking & Monitoring Coordination Collaboration TEAM WORK !

11 LAUSD Multidisciplinary Team Support (3/08) Universal (All Students) School-wide, Culturally Relevant Systems of Support (75-85% of students) Selected (At-risk Students) Classroom, Family, & Small Group Strategies (10-20% of students) Targeted/ Intensive (3-5%) (High-risk students) Individual Interventions 3 Tiered Approach to Intervention Adapted from Sprague & Walker, 2004 *Incentive Programs *Clear Expectations *Positive School Climate *Safe School Plan * Asset Building *Team Meetings (COST) *Individual Student Plans *Instructional Supports *Documentation & Monitoring *Intensive Interventions *Increased Frequency and Duration *SST Meetings *Additional Follow-up SST Meetings *Case Management

12 COST…what ’ s that? ! A tiered & coordinated approach that systematically identifies at - risk students, develops comprehensive multidisciplinary intervention plans, and regularly monitors student progress. Coordination of Services Team LAUSD Multidisciplinary Team Support (09/09)

13 LAUSD Multidisciplinary Team Support (3/08) FUNCTIONS OF COST SCHOOL - WIDE EVALUATION data review, school-wide problems, gap analysis IDENTIFICATION OF STUDENTS data, screening, anecdotal evidence, referrals INTERVENTIONS triage, referral to program/person, strategies MONITORING / DOCUMENTATION case management, data collection, evaluation

14 LAUSD Multidisciplinary Team Support (3/08) Why have COST? Collaborative coordination of services Personalization Prevents fragmentation of services Avoids duplication of intervention Effective delivery of services available Focuses on the best use of resources and provides a management system for intervention

15 LAUSD Multidisciplinary Team Support (3/08) Why use COST? Team approach to problem solving Share the workload Ensure students receive the appropriate services Accountability EFFECTIVENESS, EFFICIENCY & EQUITY

16 Why Coordinate our efforts? Teacher has concerns Counselor Impact Referral Nurse Referral PSA Current Referral Systems

17 How should students be IDENTIFIED? COST Team reviews data and referrals and makes decisions DATA REVIEW Attendance Achievement Attitude (behavior, social-emotional) REFERRAL Teacher Parents Support Staff Administration Students needing support LAUSD Multidisciplinary Team Support (09/09)

18 Who is on the COST ? COST Team reviews data and/or referrals and makes decisions ASSISTANT PRINCIPALS LITERACY & MATH COACHES PSW PRINCIPAL LAUSD Multidisciplinary Team Support (3/08) PSA COUNSELOR INTRVNTN COORD. TITLE I COORD. NURSE EL COORD. DEAN PSYCH. BRIDGE COORD.

19 How is staff involved during a COST meeting? Data and/or referrals are discussed including all information gathered from teachers/staff. For example… Administrators provide leadership and decision making ability Nurse provides health histories and support. School Psychologist and/or Special Education Coordinator provide special education history & expertise. Counselors provides social-emotional and academic support PSA provides attendance information and intervention Intervention Coordinator provides insight on available resources Title 1/EL Coordinator provides ELD background and information As a team we discuss and agree on interventions and resources needed. LAUSD Multidisciplinary Team Support (09/09)

20 RESOURCES (+ or -) “ What if my school does not have additional staff to be a part of the support team? ” THINK Data and Perspective (3 A ’ s ) SEE People and students as resources MAKE CHANGES System & Scheduling WORK Differently

21 Team Roles & Responsibilities ( in the meeting ) Facilitator - Directs the meeting, stays positive Recorder - Responsible for group memory Time Keeper - Maintains flow of meeting Messenger – Informs referring party & others needing information about decisions made and actions planned Team Member ( ALL ) - Positive, unselfish contributor, takes on actions It is a good idea to rotate roles to strengthen all team members’ understanding of the group process.

22 How often does the COST Meet? Must meet regularly HOW OFTEN depends on : Student population Student need Primary functions COST serves Support staff availability (5 days vs. 1 day) Recommend that Teams meet WEEKLY LAUSD Multidisciplinary Team Support (09/09)

23 What does the COST do 1 st ? Establish norms and protocols Reviews School-wide Data Student ( Achievement, Attendance, Attitude ) Program Support Services Community Evaluates the effectiveness, efficiency and equity of School - wide Tier 1 UNIVERSAL LEVEL systems and efforts LAUSD Multidisciplinary Team Support (09/09)

24 What does the COST do regularly? Reviews data and screen referrals Makes decisions and develop action plans around student needs ( triage ) Respond to persons making referrals LAUSD Multidisciplinary Team Support (09/09)

25 Where might referrals be TRIAGED and REFERRED? Instructional support / consultation Support Service Providers ( School, District, Community ) Speech screening / consultation ELD support / consultation Language Appraisal Team ( LAT ) Student Success Team ( SST ) Special Education Assessment Healthy Start LAUSD Multidisciplinary Team Support (09/09)

26 What else does COST do? Documents, Tracks, and Monitors Students’ progress (response to intervention) Outcomes of interventions, programs, and services School-wide systems and efforts

27 COST PROCESS COST Team reviews data and/or referrals and makes decisions PROVIDE Support Services MULTIPLE ISSUES Schedule SST Gather Additional Information COST Team monitors & documents intervention services and makes further decisions More Support Exit w/ Monitoring Schedule SST Begin Support DPADEANNURSEPSACOUNSELORADMINSPED LAUSD Multidisciplinary Team Support (3/08)

28 Basic School Model School-wide Data Collection Monitoring Evaluation SST meetings are scheduled after classroom interventions unsuccessful REFERRALS Makes Decisions Intensive Support

29 Grade Level or Track Model School-wide Data Collection Monitoring Evaluation SST meetings are scheduled ONLY by COST team – usually after interventions unsuccessful

30 SLC SMALL LEARNING COMMUNITIES SCHOOL-WIDE Philosophy – Positive Behavior Support – Goals – Practices - Norms SLC Ea. SLC SUPPORT TEAM *Identify students *Determine & Implement Classroom or Counselor Interventions *Monitor & Evaluate effectiveness *Refer to work with coordinating team COST *Provides Additional Support *Monitors intervention implementation *Works with SLC *Refer to SST SST

31 LAUSD Multidisciplinary Team Support (3/08) What is SST? FOR STUDENTS NEEDING MORE INTENSIVE SUPPORT SST meetings require more time Include more staff Include the PARENT and the STUDENT Develop an individualized plan Have scheduled follow - up meetings

32 LAUSD Multidisciplinary Team Support (3/08) Differences Between… COST and SST COST Immediate response Identifies interventions Provides access to student support Monitors initial interventions Used to focus limited resources available Coordinates support services SST Structured strength based approach A comprehensive individualized plan is developed Involves student and family Intensive tracking & monitoring Takes more time and intensive effort

33 Discussion How might you utilize the COST model to support your work with students? If you have a functioning COST what changes might you make to better align with the model?

34 What is my Role? How do / might MDTs support my goals? Questio ns?

35 Thank You !

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