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TRANSFORMATIONAL LEADERSHIP The Philadelphia Story The School District of Philadelphia’s CEO Region Gregory Shannon, Regional Superintendent Malika A.

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Presentation on theme: "TRANSFORMATIONAL LEADERSHIP The Philadelphia Story The School District of Philadelphia’s CEO Region Gregory Shannon, Regional Superintendent Malika A."— Presentation transcript:

1 TRANSFORMATIONAL LEADERSHIP The Philadelphia Story The School District of Philadelphia’s CEO Region Gregory Shannon, Regional Superintendent Malika A. Savoy-Brooks, Director of Instruction

2 Mission Statement  The CEO Region is Committed to Designing and supporting high performance systems and teams to enable proficient academic sustainability Creating safe and orderly environments Supporting, encouraging and sustaining parental involvement

3 Goal and Objective  Achieve Adequate Yearly Progress  Develop human resources and systems that will build capacity and sustainability within the schools Development of principals, school leaders, students, and parents Individualized assessments, prescribed solutions, and school-based support for all schools

4 The Schools that Entered The CEO Region  3 high schools, 1 large middle school, 1 small middle school, and 7 elementary schools  Average Daily Attendance Elementary= 85%; High Schools= 56%  AYP Status= Corrective Action Two, Year 4  Standardized Assessments= over 60% of the student population scored below the national average  Suspensions and Serious Incidents reporting= 1, 338 suspensions within the Region  Principalships ranging from 2 years – 9 years

5 Current Status of the Schools in the CEO Region  Turn-Around Specialist Principals  30–50% increase in improvement on formal assessments  40% decrease in suspensions and serious incidents  Active Parent Councils in each school  Professional Learning Communities

6 How Did We Get Here? School-Based District and Regional Support Professional Development  Content  Leadership School Reviews School Walkthroughs Principal Coaches Contact Point Persons

7 How Did We Get Here? Partnership with the University of Virginia The Turn-Around Specialist Program The School Teams Leadership Development The Balanced Scorecard The Project Management Oversight Committee

8 The Turn-Around Specialists are Transformational Leaders Develop a vision, share the vision, act according to the vision, and build a collaborative body of employees working towards the goal. Generate and apply new and creative ideas that lead to the vision of the organization. Apply ideas to increase and improve performance, rather than react to past performance and its consequences.

9 Turn-Around Specialists are Transforming Schools The transformational leader’s goal is to Achieve the organization’s expectations Exemplify the values expected by all employees Motivate and encouraging all employees to develop their craft and knowledge of the content of their responsibilities Individualize the rapport and support based on the needs of the employees

10 Key Factors for Success  Consistent communication with the subordinates to ensure the subordinates tasks and beliefs are aligned to those of the organization.  Creation of collaborative environments to look beyond employees to identify root causes and together create and implement ideas to support the organization’s growth.

11 Challenges of the Turn-Around Specialists  Creation of the paradigm  Development trust and rapport  Belief and support by all stakeholders  Accountability for principals, leadership teams, teachers, students, and parents  Development of change and improvement of performance in one year  Development and support for teachers  Principal Appraisal

12 Successes for the Turn-Around Specialists  Within the first three months of the school year, the climate and conversations focused on student achievement  All stakeholders are accountable for the performance of students  Development of leaders that continue the practices of the principals in their absences  Belief in the abilities of the students

13 The Balanced Scorecard  Academic Achievement Curriculum and Instruction Professional Development Special Education English Language Learners Formal Assessments Students’ interventions and supports  School Climate and Safety Attendance, Suspensions, Serious Incidents  Budget and Finances  Parental Involvement  Title One Compliance

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