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Presentation on theme: "NEW STATUTORY REGULATIONS FOR TEACHER APPRAISAL AND CAPABILITY 2012 Mary Higgins, Advisor."— Presentation transcript:


2 Objectives Familiarise school leaders with changes to Teacher Appraisal and capability regulations and process Provide an opportunity to consider the new Teachers’ Standards Respond to questions and concerns Identify future needs Consultation

3 The Challenge “ I want to ensure that all my teachers are at least good without any hindrance or bureaucracy ” “This is a bully’s charter, if we are not careful” “The next thing will be a staff shortage” “What are we going to do with all these satisfactory teachers?”

4 Context Expectation that all teaching will be consistently at least “good” -Teachers’ Standards (2011) and Ofsted 2012 grade descriptor of “Good” match significantly -“Satisfactory” grade to be replaced with “requires improvement” Teachers’ Standards provide criteria for what does a good job look like? What does a good job look like? (Including professional conduct)

5 Teachers’ Standards High expectations Good (secure) and curriculum knowledge (including English) Accurate and productive use of assessment Ofsted 2012 Grade Descriptors (Good) Teachers have high expectations Well developed subject knowledge, teaching, reading, writing and communication is very efficient Accurate assessment of pupils’ prior skills, … to plan effectively and set challenging tasks

6 Teachers’ Standards Plan and teach well structured lessons -set homework -promote a love of learning Manage behaviour effectively Ofsted 2012 Grade Descriptors (Good) Appropriate and regular homework to enthuse and motivate ….Strategies for managing and improving behaviour applied consistently, disruptive incidents seldom occur

7 Teachers’ Standards provide criteria for what does a good job look like? Other standards expected Post Threshold/AST/Excellent Teachers Accepted by S of S for consideration by STRB Standards – how I must work day in\day out? Objectives - what I should achieve?

8 Local Context Level of DFE monitoring in Birmingham Ensuring success of school to school support Recent Ofsted inspections – first mention of leadership and management being “too slow” in dealing with underperformance

9 Our Preferred Approach Build on what you have already… majority of schools, PM is robust! No need for complete revision Supportive - recognising that the majority of teachers want to do a good job Leadership -enabling good performance is a key function A duty of care - Preparation is everything No surprises! Keep it simple!

10 Principles Fairness Consistency Balance Enablement Confidentiality

11 Key Features of Best Quality Performance Management CLARITY of expectations What does a good job look like in our school for our pupils? “Code of practice?” Key question – Have you already got an understanding? Are you sure? ALIGNMENT to School Improvement Plan CONSISTENCY -across all leaders at every level -the “message” - and the practice!

12 - (inconsistency – a performance issue) Key question – How do you make sure there is consistency now? ROBUST systems/activities and record-keeping to provide evidence ON-GOING DIALOGUE LINK to other policies -CPD -Teaching and learning (Pay Policy, Managing Sickness Policy revision by LA)

13 Regulations Governing Bodies required to:- Establish an annual appraisal policy for teachers Appoint an external adviser to support appraisal of Headteacher Ensure objectives are set for each teacher Annual appraisal Each teacher receives their appraisal report to include -assessment of performance -assessment of development needs -recommendation on pay progression (if applicable)

14 What’s the difference between current and new? Limit on observation removed Assessment against Teachers’ Standards (and any other relevant standards) No overlap between performance management and capability, “a seamless process”

15 The Policy LA recommend the National Model Policy (Part A only) Part B. Capability Procedure – work in progress Appraisal period – academic year Appointing appraisers – as previously

16 Setting objectives – as previously (October 31 st ) -SMART -No limit on numbers but will be recognised across all sectors that, where there are no or very few issues, 3 is still reasonable -Pupils progress in key area(s) -Wide contribution to improving provision -Professional development

17 Teachers’ Standards All teachers – Teachers’ Standards 2011 plus other relevant sets of standards published by the Secretary of State

18 Reviewing performance Include all your systems, processes which will provide robust evidence of a teacher’s performance, eg book scrutiny, PPR’s, data analysis, “voice”

19 Observation of Teaching Internal and External Scrutiny of Learning Outcomes Pupil progress reviews Book scrutiny Test/Exam Results Data Analysis Voice Pupil Parent External partners Teacher Balancing your Judgement

20 Observation -As per policy as you are doing now and for the majority of teachers

21 Development and Support -As per policy and as you are probably doing now Feedback -As per policy Annual Assessment -As per policy

22 Capability Procedure As document… still consulting on whether we should clarify further, eg. timelines? You will need and receive ER support anyway! Contact early!

23 Making links to the Ofsted Framework for the Quality of Teaching – to what extent do teachers understand and use the criteria to self-reflect and offer professional advice to colleagues? Have all staff understood and agreed what is meant by key components of effective teaching and learning such as progress, pace and depth of learning? What evidence could teachers use to exemplify these aspects?

24 In order to ‘keep their knowledge and skills as teachers up-to-date and are self-critical’ how does the leadership use the performance management process to foster a learning ethos and support staff to evaluate the impact of any CPD?


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