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Office of School Improvement Differentiated Webinar Series Leadership #1 February 1, 2012 Presenters: Judy Johnston Vonnie Kunkel 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Office of School Improvement Differentiated Webinar Series Leadership #1 February 1, 2012 Presenters: Judy Johnston Vonnie Kunkel 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Office of School Improvement Differentiated Webinar Series Leadership #1 February 1, 2012 Presenters: Judy Johnston Vonnie Kunkel 1

2 The ultimate goal in school improvement is for the people attached to the school to drive its continuous improvement for the sake of their own children and students. - Dr. Sam Redding 2

3 Today’s Agenda 1.Welcome 2.Team Expectations 3.Purpose 4.Team reporting 5.Research on Effective Leadership 6.Activity/Discussion : Culture and Climate 7.Reflections/Assignment 3

4 Team Expectations 1.Call in/Log in 10 minutes prior to meeting time. 2.Participate in discussion and complete assignments. 3.Hold side conversations until an appropriate time. 4.Keep an open mind. 5.Remember to mute (*6) and unmute (#6).

5 Purpose To identify the components of effective leadership To examine the impact of effective leadership on student achievement To build leadership capacity in your school 5

6 Today’s Focus To examine elements of effective leadership teams To determine how effective teaming and quality leadership impact the climate and culture To examine the impact of effective leadership on student achievement 6

7 Team Reporting 7 How long have you been principal or in your central office position? How many years has the school been in improvement? What academic areas brought the school into improvement? What are the targeted sub-groups?

8 What the Research Says about Leadership Leadership is second only to teaching among school related factors in its impact on student learning. (DeVita, The Wallace Foundation) 8

9 What the Research Says about Leadership Leadership should not reside with one individual. A team approach to planning and decision-making allows for distributive leadership. (Marzano, What Works in Schools, 2003) 9

10 Team Reporting 1.With your team, discuss the leadership team(s) in your building and district. List your teams. What is the purpose? How frequent are the meetings? What procedures are followed? (agendas, minutes, roles, etc,) What work is produced? 2.Select one member of your team to respond. 10

11 An Effective Leadership Team…  Develops a written statement of purpose  Determines work plans for the year and products  Maintains agendas and minutes for each meeting  Meets regularly (twice a month or more for one hour) 11

12 What the Research Says about Leadership The principal is the focus keeper, consistently pointing to improved student learning as the central goal of the school. The principal sets the climate of high expectations for student achievement. (L. Lambert, Leadership Capacity for Lasting School Improvement, 2003) 12

13 *Clear, shared vision *Commitment to excellence *Collaboration*Cooperation *Communication*Celebration *Community*Cohesion Culture and Climate 13

14 Culture and Climate  Clear, shared vision  Commitment to excellence 14

15 Culture and Climate  Collaboration  Cooperation 15

16 Culture and Climate  Communication  Celebration 16

17 Culture and Climate  Community  Cohesion 17

18 Activity/Discussion Select one of the “C’s” from the list that you feel is a strength for you. How do you exemplify that “C”? *Clear, shared vision *Commitment to excellence *Collaboration*Cooperation *Communication*Celebration *Community*Cohesion Use feedback from your team members to provide examples. 18

19 What was one idea I learned during today’s webinar that I plan to share with teachers at my school? 19

20 Team Assignments for Webinar Session #2 Select one area from today’s discussion (leadership teams, climate and culture) which you would like to strengthen. How will you incorporate this in your Indistar Plan? List the indicator you select and the action steps you will take to improve in that area. Be prepared to share the results. 20

21 Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much. Helen Keller 21

22 Ask and Reflect:  Is your staff working collaboratively?  Are your grade levels and/or content areas working together?  Are your students working together?  Are you, as leaders, providing opportunities, time and encouragement for this to happen? 22

23 Questions? Next Webinar Sessions: February 29, 2012 April 4, 2012 23

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