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The utility of reflective practice during the provision of sport psychology support Tracey Devonport Andy Lane.

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Presentation on theme: "The utility of reflective practice during the provision of sport psychology support Tracey Devonport Andy Lane."— Presentation transcript:

1 The utility of reflective practice during the provision of sport psychology support Tracey Devonport Andy Lane

2 Aims This presentation is intended to: –Detail our interpretation and usage of reflective practice –Discuss the role of reflection in: professional practice; personal development; theory development.

3 3 What is reflective practice Many conceptual definitions of reflective practice. Two common elements: –1) a critically analytical process intended to; –2) enhance professional competence. Sits closely with requirements for continuing professional development.

4 Reflective practice…. when it starts…..?

5 How we define our use of reflective practice? Purposeful but largely informal critical analysis of events past, present or future, the intention being to enhance professional competencies and the attainment of professional objectives.

6 Our experiences support the notion of reflective practice as an effective tool for increasing understanding of consultancy practice and/or applied research (Knowles et al., 2007; Tod, 2007).

7 Models of reflection inform rather than dictate the approach we undertake. We tend to: –Analyse an incident considering pertinent thoughts, feelings and consequences (for ourselves and others); –Develop action points taking into account current circumstances, research and theoretical propositions; –Seek and consider the reflections of people relevant to the context of consultancy (e.g., athlete, coach, officials, fellow athletes, parents, partners and so on).

8 Reflecting on past practice - reflection-on-action (Schön, 1987); the product is referred to as knowledge-in-action. Integral to effective practice as it incorporates values, prejudices, experiences, knowledge, and social norms (Knowles et al., 2007). We all have psychopathologies and worries. Recognising maladaptive thinking and behaviours can help us understand and be more empathetic towards clients (Andersen & Stevens, 2007).

9 Reflection-in-action - thinking about a situation whilst it is occurring. Practitioners should be conscious of their own thoughts and feelings and remain adaptable. –Not impervious to experiencing unwanted emotions during consultancy. –It helps to be aware that you are nervous and these nerves will be influencing your thoughts and actions.

10 Honesty and openness are prerequisites for advancing applied practice and theory via reflection (Devonport & Lane, 2009). Applied experiences present practice-based evidence (Margison et al., 2000). Reflecting upon practice-based evidence and evidence-based practice can improve practice knowledge and effectiveness.

11 On being a fraud…. Andersen and Stevens (2007) suggest that feeling like a fraud helps to maintain safe practice. As you become more experienced you realize that there are multiple ways of doing things, each equally correct in its own way. Andersen and Stevens (2007) contend that humans and indeed life are both messy and complicated.

12 Reflection generates knowledge…

13 Take home messages Reflect upon and draw meaning from events that occur across professional and personal contexts. –Life experiences typically exemplify the application of psychological principles in differing contexts, and moreover, sport is a life experience. Rather than having a steadfast reliance on theory and literature look for a more balanced approach.

14 Take home messages Be honest and open, developing confidence to share reflections with the acknowledgement that these might be judged to be incorrect. We all have psychopathologies and worries, failing to acknowledge these can present barriers to effective practice.

15 We hope this presentation has been thought provoking and enjoyable For a further information on reflective practice see: Knowles, Z., Gilbourne, D. Cropley, B & Dugdill, L. Reflective Practice in the Sport and Exercise Sciences / /

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