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ACCI TASK FORCES Update CASC September 22, 2009. Task Force Introduction Timeline 12-18 months or less from June 2009 Led by NSF Advisory Committee on.

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Presentation on theme: "ACCI TASK FORCES Update CASC September 22, 2009. Task Force Introduction Timeline 12-18 months or less from June 2009 Led by NSF Advisory Committee on."— Presentation transcript:

1 ACCI TASK FORCES Update CASC September 22, 2009

2 Task Force Introduction Timeline 12-18 months or less from June 2009 Led by NSF Advisory Committee on Cyberinfrastructure  Co-led by NSF PD’s (OCI) Membership from community  Include other agencies: DOE, EU, etc Workshop(s)  Program recommendations We then go back and develop programs

3 Task ForceLeads Chair – Jim Bottum Consultant – Paul Messina NSF – Ed Seidel, Carmen Whitson, Jose Munoz

4 Task Forces & ACCI Leads Campus Bridging  Craig Stewart, Indiana University Software Infrastructure  David Keyes, Columbia University Data & Visualization  Shenda Baker, Harvey Mudd College HPC  Thomas Zacharia, U of Tennessee, ORNL Grand Challenge Communities  Tinsley Oden, U of Texas Learning & Workforce Development  Diana Oblinger, EDUCAUSE

5 Coordination TF are functionally interdependent TF leaders talk regularly with each other, NSF Monthly conference calls with TF chairs, co-chairs, Paul M, NSF team TF Chairs and ACCI members: please work with ADs! This is NSF wide! Wiki site Public; anyone can contribute to this NSF team will cycle through each TF Joint workshops between TFs encouraged

6 Software Infrastructure Charge Identify specific needs and opportunities across the spectrum of scientific software infrastructure Design responsive approaches Address issue of institutional barriers

7 Campus Bridging Charge Identification of best practices for  general process of bridging to national infrastructure  interoperable identification and authentication  Dissemination of and use of shared data collections  Vetting and sharing definitive, open use educational materials Suggest common elements of software stacks widely usable across nation/world to promote interoperability/economy of scale Recommended policy documents that any research university have in place Identify solicitations to support this work

8 Data & Visualization Charge Examine the increasing importance of data, its development cycle(s) and their integral relationships within exploration, discovery, research engineering and educations aspects Address the increasing interaction and interdependencies of data within the context of a range of computational capacities to catalyze the development of a system of science and engineering data collections that is open, extensive and evolvable Emphasis will be toward identifying the requirements for digital data cyberinfrastructure that will enable significant progress in multiple fields of science and engineering and education – including visualization and inter-disciplinary research and cross-disciplinary education

9 HPC Charge To provide specific advice on the broad portfolio of HPC investments that NSF could consider to best advance science and engineering over the next five to ten years. Recommendations:  should be based on input from the research community and from experts in HPC technologies  should include hardware, software and human expertise  encompass both  infrastructure to support breakthrough research in science and engineering and  research on the next-generation of hardware, software and training.

10 Grand Challenge Communities Charge Which grand challenges require prediction and which do not What are the generic computational and social technologies that belong to OCI and are applicable to all grand challenges How can OCI make the software and other technical investments that are useful and cut across communities What are the required investments in data as well as institutional components needed for GCC’s How can we help communities (outreach) work effectively that do not yet know what they need or how to work together.

11 Grand Challenge Communities Charge (2) How to conceive of and enable grand challenge communities that make use of cyberinfrastructure. What type of CI is needed (hardware, networking, software, data, social science knowledge, etc.). How to deal with the issues of data gathering and inoperability for both static and dynamic, real time problems. What open scientific issues transcend NSF Directorates Can we develop a more coherent architecture including data interoperability, a software environment people can build on, applications to be built on this environment, common institutional standards, etc.

12 Learning & Workforce Development Charge Foster the broad deployment and utilization of CI-enabled learning and research environments Support the development of new skills and professions needed for full realization of CI-enabled opportunities; Promote broad participation of underserved groups, communities and institutions, both as creators and users of CI; Stimulate new developments and continual improvements of CI-enabled learning and research environments; Facilitate CI-enabled lifelong learning opportunities ranging from the enhancement of public understanding of science to meeting the needs of the workforce seeking continuing professional development; Support programs that encourage faculty who exemplify the role of teacher-scholars through outstanding research, excellent education and the integration of education and research in computational science and computational science curriculum development; Support the development of programs that connect K-12 students and educators with the types of computational thinking and computational tools that are being facilitated by cyberinfrastructure.

13 Status Task force charges and membership reviewed at June ACCI meeting NSF staff leads assigned to each TF (staffing still ramping up over summer) Workshops held or being planned GCC and Software Infrastructure TFs drafting a recommendation regarding CS&E program

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