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Lesson 5 OBJECTIVES: Analyze multiple forms of communication to identify major ideas; generate a definition with textual support.

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Presentation on theme: "Lesson 5 OBJECTIVES: Analyze multiple forms of communication to identify major ideas; generate a definition with textual support."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lesson 5 OBJECTIVES: Analyze multiple forms of communication to identify major ideas; generate a definition with textual support.

2 Today’s Agenda SAT Introduction The Promise of America Writing Prompt
Image p. 8 “The New Colossus” p. 9 “Address…Liberty” pp. 10+ Writing Prompt p. 11

3 SAT section of binder

4 SAT – an overview Total 200–800 516 Math Critical Reading 200–800 501
SECTION FORMAT/ TIME QUESTION TYPES SCORE 2010 Averages Multiple Choice Grid-Ins 200–800 516 Math 3 Sections Critical Reading Multiple Choice 200–800 501 3 Sections 200–800 492 Multiple Choice Essay Writing 3 Sections 0–12 SAT should be a section in your binder Experimental 1 Section Multiple Choice Not Scored N/A 10 Sections 3 hours, 45 minutes Multiple Choice Grid-Ins Essay Total 600–2400 1509

5 Sat: the English part Critical Reading Writing Section Content
Number of Questions Critical Reading 70 minutes Two 25-minute sections One 20-minute section Extended Reasoning Literal Comprehension Vocabulary in Context Sentence Completions Total 36-40 4-6 19 67 Writing 60 minutes One 25-minute essay One 25-minute multiple choice One 10-minute multiple choice Essay Improving Sentences Identifying Sentence Errors Improving Paragraphs 1 25 18 6 50 Most test also contain a 10th unscored, 25-minute subsection – the “equating” or variable subsection – that maybe critical reading, math, or multiple choice writing subsection Both the placement and the content of this section varies on different versions of the test Students will have different versions of the test as far as the order of the content and what is included in this section

6 SAT prep in English 11 (A) Each one of the dogs in the show (B)require a (C)special (D)kind of diet. (E)No error Questions of the Day Handout Note-taking Discussion Quizzes over SKILLS on Questions of the Day

7 Testing Dates SAT Test Date Registration Deadline Oct. 11, 2014
Sept. 12, 2014 Nov. 8, 2014 Oct. 9, 2014 Dec. 6, 2014 Nov. 6, 2014 Jan. 24, 2015 Dec. 29, 2014 Mar. 14, 2015 Feb. 13, 2015 May 2, 2015 April 6, 2015 June 6, 2015 May 8, 2015

8 Activity 1.3 continued

9 End Product: Writing prompt
Write a well-developed paragraph using details from the illustration, the speech, and the poem to define the promise of America for those who come to the United States. Use the definition strategy of EXEMPLIFICATION. Include a clearly stated thesis that states the definition of the promise of America. Explain the most significant and relevant details from the texts with commentary. Use definition strategies effectively to define the promise of America. This is the end product for today’s activities. Keep it in mind as you go through the three different forms of communication.

10 Analyzing a Primary Source
What point is the source trying to convey? What is the source of the illustration and why is that important? Why might the date of the source be significant? How does this picture exemplify the promise of AMERICA? PRIMARY SOURCE goes into your vocab section Use OPTIC, have them make chart in their notes Source: “An ocean steamer passing the Statue of Liberty: Scene on the Steerage Deck,” from Frank Leslie’s Illustrated Newspaper, July 2, Reproduced by permission of Accessible Archives. Arrival at Ellis Island

11 Title of Piece: ____________________________________________________________ Artist: ______________________ Type of artwork: ______________________________ O OVERVIEW: Look at the artwork for at least 10 seconds. Generate questions. What is the subject? What strikes you as interesting, odd, etc? What is happening? P PARTS: Look closely at the artwork, making note of important elements and details. Ask additional questions: Who are the figures? What is the setting and time period? What symbols are present? What historical information would aid understanding this piece? T TITLE: Consider what the title and any written elements of text suggest about meaning. How does the title relate to what is portrayed? I INTER-RELATIONSHIPS: Look for connections between and among the title, caption, and the parts of the art. How are the different elements related? C CONCLUSION: Form a conclusion about the meaning/theme of the text. Remember the questions you asked when you first examined it. Be prepared to support your conclusions with evidence. p. 464 in their books

12 How does the image exemplify the promise of America?

13 “The New Colossus 1883” Paraphrase each of the three sentences in the poem. Annotate the places in the text where you see the connections to the imagery of the illustration. What does the torch symbolize? Evidence? Simpsons (really poor quality, but we need a brain break) Talk about word ALLUSION

14 How does the poem exemplify the promise of America?

15 “Address on the Occasion of the Fiftieth Anniversary of the Statue of Liberty”
Audio Audio starts at 1:55

16 How does the speech exemplify the promise of America?

17 Writing prompt Write a well-developed text using details from the illustration, the speech, and the poem to define the promise of America for those who come to the United States. Use the definition strategy of EXEMPLIFICATION. Include a clearly stated thesis that states the definition of the promise of America. Explain the most significant and relevant details from the texts with commentary. Use definition strategies effectively to define the promise of America.

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