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Rachel Drayson Senior Research Officer- Environment and Ethics Charlotte Taylor Communities Project Officer NUS Hannah Khan VP Societies and Communication.

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Presentation on theme: "Rachel Drayson Senior Research Officer- Environment and Ethics Charlotte Taylor Communities Project Officer NUS Hannah Khan VP Societies and Communication."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rachel Drayson Senior Research Officer- Environment and Ethics Charlotte Taylor Communities Project Officer NUS Hannah Khan VP Societies and Communication UWE SU Influencing and Engaging Students

2 Understanding your students and what they want What is already out there? Some engagement theory Theory in to practise Feedback

3 From energy saving to food growing…

4 Working within and across institutions…

5 Students’ Green Fund £5m pilot fund from HEFCE for student-led sustainability projects to be run by students’ unions in partnership with their parent institutions Four key themes: Student engagement Partnership Impact Legacy

6 Objectives 1.Initiate a step change in student engagement in sustainability issues 2.Enable students to become meaningful agents for change on sustainability issues in higher education 3.Ensure sustainability remains an institutional priority within the sector 4.Put English higher education on the map for its sustainability efforts Open call to encourage innovation!

7 Education for Sustainability Development ESD is one of the enabling themes of the fund. The 25 Students’ Green Fund pilot projects have ESD woven through them, giving some excellent case studies of students’ unions leading on ESD in higher education.

8 Case Studies Liverpool Guild of Students Developing an institution-wide team of Green Course Ambassadors supporting the embedding of ESD into the curriculum. Wigan and Leigh College Students’ Union Running a dragon’s den style competition for innovative ESD projects. Staff from subject areas will be encouraged to submit bids in partnership with students, to develop and embed a sustainability project within their curriculum area.

9 What is already being done? Students’ Unions Awareness raising Academic and Education Officers becoming more engaged Sustainability starting to be embedded Attendance at ESD events growing

10 UWE Students’ Union

11 Describe your students in 5 words…

12 Over to you… What do your students want? What do you want? (make it SMART- specific, measurable, achievable, time-specific) What do your universities want? Barriers Cultural It’s not our responsibility Someone else is already doing this

13 DEFRA’s 4E’s

14 Breaking down the problem Problem Tree Identify the problems Find the roots of problems Identify solutions to problems Create a step of next steps for engaging with your students

15 Problem tree Problem Roots Consequences

16 Solution tree Effects Vision Solutions

17 Problem Roots Consequences Effects Vision Solutions 4E’s: Encourage, enable, exemplify, engage How will you communicate with your students? Challenge!

18 Questions? Rachel Drayson 07887417104 Charlotte Taylor 07817010044

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