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Making Your Own Luck with PGES: “What Happens When Preparation Meets Opportunity” Overview by Jill Cabrera, PhD Educational Administration, Leadership.

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Presentation on theme: "Making Your Own Luck with PGES: “What Happens When Preparation Meets Opportunity” Overview by Jill Cabrera, PhD Educational Administration, Leadership."— Presentation transcript:

1 Making Your Own Luck with PGES: “What Happens When Preparation Meets Opportunity” Overview by Jill Cabrera, PhD Educational Administration, Leadership and Research WKU

2  Identify key attributes of a research-based teacher assessment system.  Describe the Domains of the Teacher Professional Growth and Effectiveness System.  Explain the purposes of the TPGES.  Explore Components from Domain 3 (Instruction) and apply critical attributes to video lesson segments. Learning Targets

3 Effective Teaching: What is assessed & Why? (Hinchey, 2010, National Education Policy Center)  Categories of Teacher Assessment  Quality  Performance  Effectiveness  Measurement Tools  Classroom Observation  Instructional Artifacts  Portfolios  Teacher Self- Reports/Reflections  Student Surveys  Value-Added Assessments

4  Beginning implementation throughout KY in Fall 2014, TPGES is designed to:  Measure teacher effectiveness in 4 Domains  Serve as a catalyst for professional growth and continuous improvement  Meets the requirements for  KY Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) flexibility waiver  Race to the Top grant Teacher Professional Growth and Effectiveness System (TPGES)

5  Danielson’s Model—generic instrument that provides a structure to answer…What is good teaching?  Consists of 4 Domains including:  1. Planning & Preparation  2. Classroom Environment  3. Instruction  4. Professional Responsibilities TPGES based upon Framework for Teaching Charlotte Danielson’s Model

6  Professional Growth/Improvement  Formative Assessment (Students & Teachers)  Reflection  Student Ownership and Involvement in Learning  Questioning  Engagement Areas of EMPHASIS

7 Multiple Measures for Assessing Effectiveness TPGES  Observation (Primarily Domains 2 & 3)  Peer Observation  Reflection  Professional Growth  Student Growth  Student Voice Research Meta-Analysis (Hinchey, 2010, National Education Policy Center)  Classroom Observation  Instructional Artifacts  Teacher Self- Reports/Reflections  Portfolios  Value-Added Assessments  Student Surveys

8 Terminology within Domains  Domain name  Component  Element(s)  Performance Levels  Indicators  Evidence Statements

9  Review the Components and Elements for each Domain.  Discuss the following questions with your group:  Why is this domain important?  How does this domain impact/affect teaching and learning?  How does this domain impact/affect the other domains? Exploring the TPGES Domains

10  In your group discuss, read your assigned component.  Underline and discuss which terms and concepts you perceive as particularly important for this component.  Review descriptors under the “Accomplished” and “Exemplary” categories; read the “Critical Attributes.” What distinctions do you notice between these 2 performance levels? Exploring Domain 3--Instruction

11  Let’s view a few lesson clips for Components 3B & 3C.  Note evidence from these lessons that exemplify the critical attributes for 3B & 3C.  Mathematics    Science  electricity-lesson electricity-lesson  Exploring Domain 3--Instruction

12  “The vision is that every student is taught by an effective teacher and every school is led by an effective principal….KDE is developing a new statewide Professional Growth and Effectiveness System (PGES). The objective is to create and implement a fair and equitable statewide system to provide teachers and principals with a clear understanding of how they can be most effective, regular feedback about how they are doing against effectiveness standards, and the tools, resources and support they need to develop and perfect their craft in order to promote student growth, achievement and readiness” (KDE PGES E-Guide, 2014, p. 1- 2 ). The Vision for PGES

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