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Travis Richardson, Dustin Farmer, and Laura Bowers.

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1 Travis Richardson, Dustin Farmer, and Laura Bowers

2  Participants will be able to define authentic assessments.  Participants will be able to recognize different types of assessments.  Participants will be able to develop rubrics to help them assess authentic tasks.

3 Traditional AssessmentsAuthentic Assessments Relies on forced-choice, written measuresPromotes integration of various written and performance measures Encourages memorization of correct answers Encourages divergent thinking in generating possible answers Measures acquisition of past knowledgeEnhances development of meaningful skills Promotes “what” knowledgePromotes “how” knowledge Provides a onetime snapshot of student understanding Provides an examination of learning over time Emphasizes competitionEmphasizes cooperation Curriculum directs assessmentAssessment directs curriculum Emphasis on developing a body of knowledge Emphasis on ensuring proficiency at real- world tasks Priority on summative outcomes or productPriority on learning sequence or process

4  Reflect real-world activities  Are more valid when constructed well  Provide comprehensive and robust “moving picture” of students’ learning experiences  Can improve student learning  Can also increase interest and improve attitudes  Require students to construct meaning  Involve students in own learning

5  Write a newscast.  Design a museum exhibit.  Write and direct a play.  Write an advertisement.  Create a budget.  Construct a timeline.  Create a travel or tourist brochure.  Create an eBook.  Write and perform a rap.

6  Four Components: Paper, Product, Portfolio, Presentation  Each component will be scored using a rubric  Successful Completion: Exemplary, Satisfactory  Has Not Completed: Developing/Emerging, Resubmission Necessary, Not Submitted  For more information: Source: NCDPI Website

7 Source: Mertler, 2001

8  Clearly defined learning targets must be established before you begin creating rubric.  Give students the rubric before they begin work on their assignment.  Throughout project, allow students to use the rubric to self- and peer-assess.  Once students become comfortable using rubrics, allow them to help in creating.  Do not try to convert scores into percentages to get a grade.

9 Source: NC Writing Assessment

10 Source: Tierney and Simon, 2004

11 Reliability and Validity could be called into question due to factors such as:  Clarity of descriptors  Use of descriptors without indicators  Design flaws  Inconsistent wording  Negative/Positive Consistency  Use of ready-made rubrics from the internet Source: Tierney and Simon, 2004

12 1) Examine the learning objectives to be addressed by the task. 2) Identify specific observable attributes that you want to see your students demonstrate in their product, process, or performance. 3) Brainstorm characteristics that describe each attribute. 4) Write thorough narrative descriptions for excellent work and poor work for each individual attribute.

13 5) Complete the rubric by describing other levels on the continuum that ranges from excellent to poor work for each attribute. 6) Collect samples of student work that exemplify each level. 7) Revise the rubric as necessary. Source: Mertler, 2001

14 1. Look at models 2. List the criteria 3. Articulate gradations 4. Practice on models 5. Use self-assessment and peer assessment 6. Revise 7. Use teacher assessment Source: Jackson, 2002


16 R ead the rubric and the material to be graded. U se the rubric to give an initial score. B ring a buddy to help you rate again. R eview the material together. I dentify and award the scores together. C heck the scores again. Source: Jackson, 2002

17 Go to NC WiseOwl Click on eBistro Click on Menu Items Click on Entrees Scroll Down to Authentic Assessments

18  RubiStar:  Teachnology:  Scholastic:  Make Worksheets:  Kathy Schrock’s Guide for Educators:  Landmark Project: 

19  Andrade, Heidi Goodrich (2005). Teaching with Rubrics: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly. College Teaching, 53(1): 27-30.  Andrade, Heidi Goodrich (2000). Using Rubrics to Promote Thinking and Learning. Educational Leadership,57(5): 13-18.  Avery, Patricia G. (1999). Authentic Assessment and Instruction. Social Education: 368-373.  Jackson, Cynthia W. and Martha J. Larkin (2002). Rubric: Teaching Students to Use Grading Rubrics. TEACHING Exceptional Children, 35(1): 40-45.  Kohn, Alfie (2006). The Trouble with Rubrics. English Journal, 95(4): 12- 15.  Marzano, R. J. (2000). Transforming Classroom Grading. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.

20  McAlister, Brian (2000). The authenticity of authentic assessment: What the Research Says… Or Doesn't Say. In R. Custer (Ed.). Using Authentic Assessment in Vocational Education. Columbus, OH: ERIC Clearinghouse on Adult, Career, and Vocational Education.  Mertler, Craig A. (2001). Designing scoring rubrics for your classroom. Practical Assessment, Research & Evaluation, 7(25).   Popham, W. James (1997). What’s Wrong – And What’s Right – With Rubrics. Educational Leadership 55(2); 72-75.  Schafer, William D. (2001). Effects of Teacher Knowldege of Rubrics on Student Achievement in Four Content Areas. Applied Measurement in Education, 14(2): 151-170.  Tierney, Robin & Marielle Simon (2004). What’s Still Wrong with Rubrics: Focusing on the Consistency of Performance Criteria Across Scale Levels. Practical Assessment, Research & Evaluation, 9(2): 1-11.

21 Contact Information:  Travis Richardson – Blue Ridge Elementary  Dustin Farmer – Ashe County Middle  Laura Bowers – Westwood Elementary

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