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 Read Luke 1.26-38  Questions ◦ In the sixth month of what? (see 1.24) ◦ Who is Elizabeth? Why is she important? ◦ Who is Gabriel? When was he mentioned.

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Presentation on theme: " Read Luke 1.26-38  Questions ◦ In the sixth month of what? (see 1.24) ◦ Who is Elizabeth? Why is she important? ◦ Who is Gabriel? When was he mentioned."— Presentation transcript:



3  Read Luke 1.26-38  Questions ◦ In the sixth month of what? (see 1.24) ◦ Who is Elizabeth? Why is she important? ◦ Who is Gabriel? When was he mentioned before? ◦ Where is Nazareth? ◦ Who is Joseph? What is his relationship with Mary?  NOTE: Mary was raised in the temple after her elderly parents died. When she was of age (around 12 or 13), she was betrothed to Joseph (who was around 40-50 years old).

4  Questions ◦ What does “Hail” mean? ◦ What does “full of grace” mean?  It means that Mary was enriched by God with gifts appropriate to someone who would be the mother of the Savior. Mary was wholly borne by God’s grace, which made it possible for her to make her free assent of faith.  It is a title; another name for Mary.  “Full of grace” expresses the fully developed doctrine of the Immaculate Conception. “The most Blessed Virgin Mary, in the first instance of her conception, by a singular grace and privilege granted by Almighty God, in view of the merits of Jesus Christ, the Savior of the human race, was preserved free from all stain of original sin.”

5  Questions ◦ Why was Mary troubled? ◦ What does the angel say to calm Mary?  NOTE: “favor with God” means “grace of God.” So the angel says that God was giving His grace to Mary. Who is the grace of God? (see Titus 2.11) ◦ Why is it important that the angel said “you will conceive in your womb?” ◦ How do the angels words compare to Isaiah 7.14?

6  Questions ◦ What four promises does the angel make?  Son  David  Jacob (Israel)  Kingdom ◦ How will Mary become pregnant? ◦ What does “barren” mean?  How many women before Mary were unable to have children, and then gave birth miraculously?  Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel, Manoah’s wife, Hannah, Anne, Elizabeth, Mary

7  Questions ◦ What is Mary’s answer to the angel?  LATIN: Fiat mihi ◦ What does it mean? ◦ What is the result?  Which words indicate that Mary is the Mother of God?  How can Mary be the Mother of God? ◦ Where does Mary go next?

8  Critical Thinking  When the angel came to Zechariah, he asked, “How shall I know this?” Now Mary asks, “How shall this be?” What is the difference?  KEY: “Know” requires proof. “Be” asks how it will happen.  Mary is curious how God will work His miracle. Zechariah wants proof before he will believe God.  The miracle with Mary is threefold  Virgin before  Virgin after  Too young (just as the others were too old)

9  Critical Thinking ◦ What are the similarities and differences between the First Temptation and the Annunciation?  Angel  Woman  Alone (apparently)  Promise (son of God, like God)  Answer  Result (life, death; sin, obedience)

10  Review ◦ Eve mourned: [Mary] exulted. Eve carried tears in her womb; Mary, joy. Eve brought forth a sinner: Mary the sinless One. The mother of our race brought punishment to the world: the Mother of our Lord brought salvation to the world. ◦ Eve was the source of sin: Mary of merit. Eve by bringing death was our undoing: Mary by bringing life was our profit. Eve wounded us: Mary healed us. Obedience is given in exchange for disobedience, faith atones for infidelity. (St Augustine)

11  Read Matthew 1.18-25  Questions ◦ Who is Joseph? ◦ What does “betrothed” mean? ◦ Why is Joseph a “righteous man”? ◦ Which words indicate that Mary was already pregnant? ◦ Whose child was Jesus?  NOTE: “conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary” ◦ Why did Joseph consider divorcing (sending away) Mary?

12  Questions ◦ Why is Joseph called “son of David” by the angel?  Of what is the angel reminding Joseph? ◦ Why is Joseph told to name the baby “Jesus”? ◦ What does the name “Jesus” mean?  The name, Jesus, means, “God saves.” It expresses Jesus’ identity and mission as the Son of God who would save the people from their sins. ◦ What is another name for Jesus? What does it mean? ◦ How did Joseph show that he was a “righteous man”? ◦ What does it mean that Joseph “did not know” Mary?

13  Critical Thinking ◦ What was Joseph’s role in Jesus’ life?  Critical Thinking ◦ What was Joseph’s role to Mary?  Critical Thinking ◦ What is the theological meaning of Jesus’ divine sonship?

14 The Genealogies & Visitation

15  What is a genealogy? ◦ Why is it important?  Read Matthew 1.1-17 ◦ What is the key focus (see 1.1)?  What three things does it say about Jesus? ◦ Who are the women? Are they important? ◦ Are there embarrassing persons? ◦ How does it end? ◦ What does it imply about the relationship of Jesus to Joseph?

16  Read Luke 3.23-38 ◦ What is the key focus (see 3.38)?  What is the key thing it says about Jesus?  What does it mean that Jesus it the “New Adam”? ◦ How is this genealogy different from the one in Matthew?  Pattern  Compare Joseph’s father, grandfather and great- grandfather ◦ What does it explicitly state about the relationship of Jesus to Joseph?

17  Luke’s and Matthew’s genealogies teach us that Jesus Christ is ◦ Jewish Messiah (the son of Abraham) ◦ Royal (in the line of the Davidic kings) ◦ Human (a son of Adam) ◦ Savior (salvation is for all men)  The two genealogies teach us that Jesus is not embarrassed about his family history

18  Read Luke 1.39-45 ◦ What happens when Elizabeth hears Mary’s greeting? ◦ What two things does Elizabeth call Mary?  What do these words mean? ◦ Why does John the Baptist leap?

19  What is the Ark of the Covenant? ◦ What three things does it contain?  What does the Ark of the Covenant signify?  How do the contents of the Ark and its signification indicate that it is a type of the Virgin Mary?



22  After David captures Jerusalem, and repels another attack by the Philistines, he and his army transfer the Ark of the Covenant to Jerusalem for its permanent home. As David enters the city, he dances for joy in front of the procession of the Ark.  How is this story a type of the Visitation?  Jerusalem  Question  House blessing  How is John the Baptist, in the Visitation, an antitype of David?

23 Jesus’ Hidden Life

24  What does the word “nativity” mean?  Read Luke 2.1-14  Questions ◦ Why is Luke specific about the rulers? ◦ Why did Joseph and Mary go to Bethlehem? ◦ How far along was Mary’s pregnancy? ◦ Were Mary and Joseph married? ◦ Who were the first persons to be told about Jesus’ birth?  What does this suggest?

25  Why was there no room in the inn? ◦ Crowded, yes. ◦ Mary’s condition ◦ HINT: He was in the world, and the world was made through him, yet the world knew him not. He came to his own home, and his own people received him not. But to all who received him, who believed in his name, he gave power to become children of God; 13 who were born, not of blood nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man, but of God.

26  What is a stable? What is a manger? ◦ Bethlehem = “House of Bread” ◦ Manger = “bread box” ◦ Jesus = “Bread of Life”  What four titles do the angels reveal when they speak to the Shepherds? ◦ “For to you is born this day in the city of David a Savior who is Christ the Lord.” ◦ Jesus is King, Savior, Messiah, God  Why do the angels say “to you”?

27  Read Matthew 2.1-12 ◦ What are magi? ◦ Where did they come from? ◦ How did they hear about Jesus? ◦ What does their visit signify? ◦ What do their three gifts signify?  “Today the Magi gaze in deep wonder at what they see: heaven on earth, earth in heaven, man in God, God in man, one whom the whole universe cannot contain now enclosed in a tiny body. As they look, they believe and do not question, as their symbolic gifts bear witness: incense for God, gold for a king, myrrh for one who is to die.” (St Peter Chrysologus)

28  St Paul says, “You know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sake he became poor, so that by his poverty you might become rich.” ◦ How does Jesus’ nativity exemplify this statement? ◦ How does Jesus’ crucifixion exemplify this statement? ◦ How do the shepherds exemplify St Paul’s statement?

29  What does Jesus’ birth teach you about your material possessions? ◦ Is what you think is so important, what matters so much to you—are these really all that important? ◦ Is the goal to be rich? To die with the most stuff? To experience all that life offers?  All this life offers really is a hand full of sand.  How can material things be a spiritual problem?  What does Jesus’ birth teach about your attitude toward others?

30  Two events take place in the Temple when Jesus is 40 days old ◦ Jesus is redeemed in the temple  What does “redeem” mean?  How is Jesus redeemed?  Why does Jesus do this? ◦ Mary is purified  Why was a woman purified?  Why was Mary exempt from this?  Spiritually  Biologically

31  Why do Jesus and Mary follow the Mosaic Law? ◦ Mosaic Law = laws in the Pentateuch required in addition to the Decalogue  Why did Simeon & Anna recognize Mary?  What did these saints recognized about Jesus?

32  The basic story (Lk 2.42-51) ◦ Why was the Holy Family in Jerusalem? ◦ How did Jesus “get lost”? ◦ Why was Jesus really lost? What does He say? ◦ How long did Mary & Joseph look for Jesus?  Any symbolism here? ◦ Where was Jesus when they found Him?  Any symbolism here? ◦ What happens after they leave Jerusalem?

33  What virtue seems to be overriding in Jesus’ hidden life?  What does obedience involve inside a person?  Why did Jesus live obedience during his hidden years?

34  Why must we follow the Ten Commandments? ◦ Think: Rich Young Man’s Question  What are the “evangelical counsels”? ◦ Chastity ◦ Poverty ◦ Obedience  In addition to the Ten Commandments, Jesus advises (but does not require) these counsels. ◦ Purpose: To aid one in staying on the right path, and in having the mind of Christ ◦ Basis of monasticism

35  How can you adapt these counsels to your daily life? ◦ Chastity = self-control ◦ Poverty = detachment from material possessions. ◦ Obedience requires humility.


37  Listen to John 1.1-14 ◦ Focus questions: Is the Word God? ◦ What did the Word do in the beginning? ◦ What does the Word have to do with us? ◦ Who is the Word?  How does Jesus differ from the other two persons in the Blessed Trinity?  Why was Jesus entrusted with the redemption of the world? ◦ Think: Creation

38  Key Terms ◦ Expiation = to pay what is owed as a penalty for wrong doing ◦ Reconcile = to put in a right relationship  What is the first reason why God became man? ◦ God became man to reconcile people with God by making expiation for sins.  Why is Original Sin (or any mortal sin) serious?

39  Is man reconciled to God, or is God reconciled to man? ◦ Think: who created the rift; who brought sin and death? And who did nothing wrong? ◦ Man is reconciled to God  Why is it impossible for humans to reconcile themselves to God? ◦ Why can we not simply offer atonement? ◦ Define atonement:

40  By His death, Jesus reveals God’s love. ◦ In this the love of God was made manifest among us, that God sent his only Son into the world, so that we might live through him. 10 In this is love, not that we loved God but that he loved us and sent his Son to be the expiation for our sins. (1 Jn 4.9-10) ◦ 6 While we were yet helpless, at the right time Christ died for the ungodly. 7 Why, one will hardly die for a righteous man—though perhaps for a good man one will dare even to die. 8 But God shows his love for us in that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us. (Rom 5.6-8)

41  What is a second reason God became man? ◦ To show how much he loves us.  How does creation itself show God’s love? ◦ God had no reason to create anything except to share his goodness and happiness. Since he did create, it shows he loves his creation.

42  How does God’s plan of redemption show his love? ◦ Since in his plan he would share in the human experience and suffer for our sins, he shows radical love for us.  What is the greatest love of which man is capable? ◦ To lay down his life for his friends

43  Jesus’ death shows the love of God. ◦ It manifests the infinite depth of God’s love.  Jesus’ death shows us that God’s love is the sacrifice of His Son.  Jesus’ death shows us that all love is sacrifice.


45  What is a third reason why God became man (Incarnate)? ◦ To give us a model of holiness ◦ An example to imitate  Think: What does Jesus do when He is confronted by the Pharisees? Or during His Passion? ◦ Does Jesus fight back? ◦ Does Jesus defend Himself? ◦ Who is supposed to defend Jesus?  What does this teach us about how we should act?

46  St Paul says: “Let this mind be in you which was in Christ Jesus.”  How do we develop the “mind of Christ”? ◦ What does it mean to meditate? ◦ Meditation is prayer which engages  Thought  Imagination  Emotion  Desire ◦ To meditate is to think, imagine, feel and want the will of God as shown in the life of Jesus

47  Where is the “mind of Christ” most simply spelled out? ◦ Beatitudes ◦ Read Matthew 5.1-11 ◦ Meditate  Think  Imagine  Emotion  Desire

48  What is the fourth reason why God became Incarnate (Word made flesh)? ◦ God wants to give us some of his own divine life.  Can we have all of God’s divine life?  Where do we get some of God’s divine life? ◦ God gives us His divine life by giving us grace. ◦ Grace sanctifies. ◦ Sanctifying grace is the free and unmerited favor of God given through the Sacraments. This grace heals human nature wounded by sin by giving man a share in the divine life infused into the soul by the Holy Spirit.

49  Actual Grace is where Sanctifying Grace is made available.  What are actual graces?  They are specific interventions by God that help us, whether at the beginning of conversion or in the course of the work of sanctification.  Actual grace is given, most clearly and personally, in the Sacraments.  Grace, in the Sacraments, is how God gives us some of His divine life.


51  What is Redemption? ◦ “To buy back”  Jesus uses His sacrifice to “pay the price”  Find the words which speak about “redemption” in 1 Peter 1.18-19  18 You know that you were ransomed from the futile ways inherited from your fathers, not with perishable things such as silver or gold, 19 but with the precious blood of Christ, like that of a lamb without blemish or spot.

52  Redemption in 1 Peter 1.18-19 ◦ 18 You know that you were ransomed from the futile ways inherited from your fathers, not with perishable things such as silver or gold, 19 but with the precious blood of Christ, like that of a lamb without blemish or spot.

53  Now find the words in 1 Peter 1.3-7 that state that your suffering has redemptive value. ◦ 3 By his great mercy we have been born anew to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead… 6 In this you rejoice, though now for a little while you may have to suffer various trials, 7 so that the genuineness of your faith, more precious than gold which though perishable is tested by fire, may redound to praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ … 9 As the outcome of your faith you obtain the salvation of your souls.

54  Answer: ◦ 3 By his great mercy we have been born anew to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead… 6 In this you rejoice, though now for a little while you may have to suffer various trials, 7 so that the genuineness of your faith, more precious than gold which though perishable is tested by fire, may redound to praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ … 9 As the outcome of your faith you obtain the salvation of your souls.

55  What does it mean that Christ was offended by sin? ◦ Redemption: The offended One pays the price for the offense done against Him.  For our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God. (2 Cor 5.21)  You know that he appeared to take away sins, and in him there is no sin. (1 Jn 3.5)

56  Q: What part of Christ’s life is redemptive? ◦ His suffering and death? ◦ Also His resurrection? ◦ What about His miracles and or His teaching? ◦ Even His early (hidden) years (ages 12-30)?  “Hidden years” = the years we know nothing about what Jesus did.  ANS: All of Christ’s life has redemptive value, from his Incarnation until his Ascension. (Read p. 97 after the green type) ◦ The redemptive value of Christ’s hidden life shows our ordinary life is also a means of sanctification.

57  Q: What portion of Christ’s life is a mystery?  NOTE: A mystery is something that can never be fully understood or comprehended by human reason alone.  ANS: Christ’s entire life is a mystery of redemption, from the Incarnation through his Ascension into Heaven.

58  Jesus is God as well as human. So did He really have an “ordinary” or “normal” life? ◦ Yes. ◦ [Jesus] had to be made like his brethren in every respect, so that he might become a merciful and faithful high priest in the service of God, to make expiation for the sins of the people. (Heb 2.17) ◦ For we have not a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but one who in every respect has been tempted as we are, yet without sinning. (Heb 4.15)

59  What are some examples of Christ’s “ordinary” life? ◦ Lived with His family  Jesus lived at home until He was 30 ◦ Suffered grief  Joseph passed away before Jesus was baptized ◦ Went to school  Jesus was a rabbi, which required education ◦ Worked at a trade  Jesus was a carpenter ◦ Jesus had friends  Not just the disciples; also Martha, Mary and Lazarus

60  Now, do you think that Jesus can relate to our ordinary, everyday activities?  Can we turn our ordinary activities into a prayer? ◦ Yes, when we do them out of love of God with as much human perfection as possible.

61  Are Christ’s words redemptive? ◦ Yes. Every part of Christ’s life is redemptive, including His words as well as His actions.  What does it mean to say that the words of Christ are redemptive and can purify consciences? ◦ It means that the actual words that Christ spoke both save us (take away our sins), and help us be better persons.

62  What is the best example of the power in Christ’s Words? ◦ The Sacraments.  Eucharist: The words “This is My Body; This is My Blood” change the bread and wine. (transubstantiation)  Baptism: The Triune formula (“In the Name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit”) wash away the stain of Original Sin.  Absolution: Christ word of absolution spoken by the priest transforms a penitent into one who is forgiven.

63  Christ’s words can change minds, soften hearts, and transform lives.  With His words, Jesus heals and forgives sins.  “But that you may know that the Son of man has authority on earth to forgive sins”—he said to the man who was paralyzed—“I say to you, rise, take up your bed and go home.” (Lk 5.24)  With His words, Jesus drives out demons.  “What is this word? For with authority and power he commands the unclean spirits, and they come out.” (Lk 4.36)

64  With His words, Jesus’ provokes conversion  “And he was teaching them on the sabbath; and they were astonished at his teaching, for his word was with authority.” (Lk 4.31-32)  With His words, Jesus empowers His disciples to do what He does. ◦ “And he called the twelve together and gave them power and authority over all demons and to cure diseases, and he sent them out to preach the kingdom of God and to heal.” (Lk 9.1-2)

65  Christ’s words help us examine our consciences ◦ Christ’s words prompt us to see the gap between Jesus’ teaching and conduct and our own. This can cut us to the heart and lead to contrition and conversion.  What is the two-step process that transforms us into another Christ? ◦ Keeping in mind the words of Jesus when we pray ◦ Striving to put the words of Jesus into practice

66  Christ’s compassion is His most attractive and moving feature.  What is compassion? ◦ Compassion is a special kind of love in which a person identifies with the sufferings of another with a desire to relieve his or her pain  Jesus showed compassion both with what He said and in what He did. ◦ Many times, Christ was moved with compassion; and that, in turn moves us to be compassionate.

67  How did Christ show compassion during his earthly life? ◦ He fed the hungry ◦ He healed the sick ◦ He raised the dead ◦ He cast out demons ◦ He gave sight to the blind ◦ He forgave sins ◦ He stopped storms

68  Is Jesus’ compassion aimed only at physical ailments? ◦ No. Jesus’ compassion is also spiritual. ◦ Example: Jesus healed many lepers.  Leprosy eats away at the skin. It disfigures a person from the outside to the inside.  Sin eats away at the soul. It disfigures a person from the inside to the outside. ◦ Therefore, when Jesus heals lepers, this is an image or figure of Jesus healing a person from the inside out—from sin, from spiritual disfigurement and uncleanness.

69  Does Jesus heal every disease? ◦ No. We have no record of Jesus healing cancer or stroke victims. ◦ The diseases Jesus healed are to teach us a spiritual lesson.  Blind = that we are blind to God and His love  Lame = that we struggle to follow Jesus  Deaf = that we often do not hear what Jesus says  Mute = that we don’t speak to God about others, or to others about God ◦ When Jesus heals these infirmities, He shows that He came to redeem men from sin.

70  Jesus liberated man from sin so that we could be reconciled to God. ◦ Reconcile = to be in a right relationship with God  Reconciliation begins and is based on Christ’s sacrifice.  Christ’s sacrifice is not a selfish act  Jesus does not die to save Himself  Christ’s sacrifice is for all mankind  Jesus dies as an act of love.  This is why it is the mystery of redemption

71  A synonym for the mystery of redemption is justification.  Justification is the sacrifice Christ made for the sins of mankind which ◦ paid the debt owed, and ◦ reconciled us with God.  Justification is an act of God’s mercy which ◦ detaches man from sin ◦ purifies His heart

72  God’s redemptive mercy (justification) liberates the soul from sin.  It also gives the soul ◦ sanctifying grace, ◦ the infused virtues of faith, hope, and charity, and ◦ the gifts of the Holy Spirit.  SUMMARY: Redemption ◦ takes away sin ◦ gives us a new start ◦ transforms the soul, producing a profound change in the interior of the human person


74  Why is Mary said to be “full of grace”?  How did Mary respond to grace?  Who is St. Joseph?  What do the genealogies of Christ teach?  How is Mary the Ark of the Covenant?  What is the Nativity?  What is Christian poverty?  What is the Presentation?  What is the Finding in the Temple?

75  Why did Jesus live obedience during his hidden years?  Why did God become man? (4 reasons)  What part of Christ’s life is redemptive?  What is the meaning for us of Christ’s hidden life?  What is the power of Christ’s words?  Is Christ compassionate?  What is justification?

76  Mary is “full of grace” because of her Immaculate Conception, a gift appropriate in virtue of her role as Mother of God.  Wholly borne by grace, Mary assented to and cooperated in God’s plan and never committed an actual sin.  Mary’s spouse, Joseph, a “just man,” also freely cooperated with God’s plan and became Jesus’ foster father, helping provide a human family for Christ.

77  Luke’s and Matthew’s genealogies teach us that Jesus Christ is the son of Abraham in the line of the Davidic kings and a son of Adam whose salvation is for all men: both the Chosen People and Gentiles of every age and condition.  Mary’s visit to Elizabeth reveals that the pregnant Mary is the Ark of the New Covenant.

78  Jesus was born in poverty in a stable in Bethlehem, witnessed by lowly shepherds and wise Gentiles.  We are called to live the virtue of Christian poverty, which is detachment from material things.  At the Presentation, Jesus was recognized as the Messiah by Anna and Simeon.  At the Finding of Jesus in the Temple the child was revealed as wise Son of the Father.  Jesus lived obedience in his ordinary, hidden life to undo the disobedience of Adam.

79  Four reasons God became Man: ◦ God became man to reconcile us with God by making expiation for our sins by his life and sufferings. ◦ God became man to show us the depths of his love. ◦ God became man to give us a model of holiness for us to imitate. ◦ God also became man to give us a share in his own divine life by making us his children.

80  All of Christ’s life has redemptive value, from his Incarnation until his Ascension.  The redemptive value of Christ’s hidden life shows our ordinary life is also a means of sanctification.  Christ’s words have power to bring us to conversion, forgiveness of sins, and transformation.  Christ’s compassion is available to every person in his or her suffering.  Christ has justified us, that is paid the debt owed for sin and transformed our souls.

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