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Wages Capital, Chapters 19-21. Wage & Value of Labor Power Chapter 6: Value of Labor Power Chapters 19-21: Value of LP in money –everything said in chapter.

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Presentation on theme: "Wages Capital, Chapters 19-21. Wage & Value of Labor Power Chapter 6: Value of Labor Power Chapters 19-21: Value of LP in money –everything said in chapter."— Presentation transcript:

1 Wages Capital, Chapters 19-21

2 Wage & Value of Labor Power Chapter 6: Value of Labor Power Chapters 19-21: Value of LP in money –everything said in chapter 6, also true here –money wages = one form of V –there are other forms, e.g., payment in kind

3 Wage hides Exploitation Wage seems to be payment for labor –this is concept of neoclassical micro –this is common sense But Marx has shown what K buys is LP –LP then has to be converted into labor –that is task of management

4 Exploitation Exploitation = surplus value (S) But wage hides S So exploitation disappears And “labor” seems to be fully paid for

5 Hides unpaid labor Hides unpaid labor performed by waged Hides unpaid labor performed by unwaged Working class traditionally defined by wage But this ignores essential and unavoidable presense of unwaged labor

6 Wage as Strategy Some waged Some unwaged Wage is fundamental means of division High waged, low waged, there is always a wage hierarchy Hierarchy not natural, but means of control

7 Time Wages - Ideology Time wages hide existence of unpaid labor The longer you work, the more you are paid Therefore, pay is proportionate to work

8 Time Wages -Strategy With payment by time Lower per hour wage will produce more work Lowering hourly wage will produce desire for overtime 1980s success in lowering wages ended demands for 4-day week

9 Piece Wages - Ideology Piece wages = payment by piece produced –e.g., bag of cotton picked, pieces turned Piece wages hides unpaid work, the more pieces you produce, the more you are paid So clearly your pay is a function of your work.

10 Piece Wages - Strategy By lowering piece rates, workers have to work faster or longer to produce enough pieces to earn same wage With piece rates no supervision necessary, only quality control Piece rates result in “natural” hierarchies Read: “A Worker in a Worker’s State”

11 Piece Wages in School For students, grades = IOUs on future wage –grades “paid” not for hours of work but by pieces produced, e.g., tests, papers –no supervision necessary, only quality control –teachers are quality control For professors –wages and promotion function of publication, I.e., number of pieces produced

12 Piece Wages in Home Kids paid for chores performed Wives “paid” by tasks performed –meals, clothes cleaned, kids reared, sex…. Advertisements portray husbands, mothers in law, bosses, etc as quality control –“ring around the collar” –spots on glasses, silverware

13 --END--

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