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Health Analysis Team What did we do with 2011 census data? 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Health Analysis Team What did we do with 2011 census data? 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Health Analysis Team What did we do with 2011 census data? 1

2 Our analysis focuses on... Health and unpaid care 2

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4 What have we worked on? Time comparisons 2001-2011 General Health Disability Provision of Unpaid care Inequalities analyses The gender gap in unpaid care provision: is there an impact on health and economic position? Ethnic variations in general health and unpaid care provision Health Gaps by Socio-economic Position of Occupations in England, Wales, English Regions and Local Authorities, 2011 How do People Rate their General Health? An Analysis of General Health by Disability and Deprivation How do People Rate their Health? An Analysis of General Health by Long-term Limiting Illness and Deprivation Activity Limiting Health Problems by Socioeconomic Position Inequality in General Health and Activity Limiting Health Problems and Disabilities by IMD 2010 Area Deprivation Geographical analyses Local authorities variation in general health for males and females, England and Wales, 2011 Local authorities variation in activity limitation (disability) for males and females, England and Wales, 2011 Healthy Life Expectancy at birth and at age 65: Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) 2010-12 Disability Free Life Expectancy at Birth, at age 50 and at age 65: Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) 2010-12 Unpaid care expectancy across NHS Clinical Commissioning Groups, England 2010-12 4


6 What it involved? DFLE and UCE extend the life table Death counts and mid-year population data (2010-12) are mixed with Health prevalence data from 2011 census Those who answered ‘limited a little’ or ‘limited a lot’ defined as having a disability Those who indicated that they provided care for any duration per week are classified as a carer

7 Why do these analyses? Reducing inequality in health is an overarching objective for Department of Health, NHS England, Public Health England and the Welsh Government the Marmot review profiled inequality in health expectancy across population sub- groups Health and Social Care Act 2012 211 CCGs created Responsible for the allocation of NHS funds and setting priorities for services including emergency, maternity, hospital, community and mental health services. 7

8 Furthermore.... Informing current debates/planning decisions regarding pensions and social care needs 8


10 10 Table 1: Disability-free life expectancy (DFLE) and life expectancy (LE) for the top and bottom five ranked CCGs at birth, males, 2010-12 Years, percentages CCGDFLE rankDFLE LEWith disability Proportion of life spent disability free (%) Top five NHS Guildford and Waverley170.2* NHS Surrey Downs269.9*81.812.085.4 NHS Wokingham369.7*81.611.885.5 NHS Richmond469.5*81.712.185.2 NHS Windsor, Ascot and Maidenhead569.3*81.211.985.3 England 64.1 Bottom five NHS Knowsley20757.3**76.619.474.7 NHS Liverpool20857.2**76.118.875.3 NHS Blackpool20956.4**74.017.576.3 NHS Bradford City21055.6**73.117.576.1 NHS North Manchester21155.1**73.518.475.0 Table 2: Disability-free life expectancy (DFLE) and life expectancy (LE) for the top and bottom five ranked CCGs at birth, females, 2010-12 Years, percentages CCGDFLE rankDFLE LEWith disability Proportion of life spent disability free (%) Top five NHS Surrey Downs170.8*85.114.383.1 NHS Richmond270.7*85.915.382.2 NHS Guildford and Waverley370.6*85.114.682.9 NHS Wokingham470.3*84.514.283.1 NHS Surrey Heath570.0*84.314.483.0 England 65.0 Bottom five NHS Liverpool20758.8**80.221.473.3 NHS Knowsley20858.4**80.722.372.4 NHS Central Manchester20958.2**79.621.373.2 NHS North Manchester21056.6**78.622.072.0 NHS Bradford City21154.8**78.623.869.7 On average females are expected to live a longer life than males in England, but will spend a greater proportion (and more years) of their life with disability People living in the North are expected to live a larger proportion of their lives with disability as they (on average) have a shorter life expectancy compared to those CCGs in the South

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