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Presentation on theme: "ACCOUNTING PROCEDURE IN BRANCH OFFICES"— Presentation transcript:


2 Forms & Documents Branch Office Daily Account (BODA) - Click
Branch Office Account Book (Pa-6) Branch Office Slip Click Branch Office Journal(PA-5)

3 Duties of BPM BPM will receive the BO Bag from the A.O.
BPM will open the bag & check the contents. Turn inside out the BO Bag. Last BO balance acknowledged by the AO in BO slip should be confirmed with BO A/C book. Entries of details of articles received should be checked with the BO Slip.

4 Contents of a BO Bag received from the AO: -
Paid & unpaid unregistered articles of the letter mail, Registered articles, VP & Insured articles of the letter mail, Registered parcels, VP & Insured Parcels, Unregistered parcels, MO s for payment,

5 Contents of a BO Bag received from the AO (continued): -
(e) Account Office receipts for MO s booked by the BO s & re-booked at the AO, (f) Speed post articles (g) Cash bag containing cash (including Postage & other stamps), MO forms, etc. (h) SB Documents, Bills & Acquittance Rolls. (j) BO slip ****Rule 166 of BO Rules****

6 BO Slip (Pa-3) It is a due document sent from AO to BO.
It contains details of cash (with details of currency notes) received at the BO from its AO. Details of postage stamps & other stamps sent by the AO is also entered. The AO will acknowledge the Balance of BO Daily A/c with date thereof. Weight of the Cash Bag sent by AO to BO is also entered in both words & figures.

7 BO Slip (continued) Particulars of accountable articles & documents, etc., sent by AO to BO is entered in BO Slip. Any remarks and/or instruction from AO to BO is also entered. BO Slip is duly signed by the Sub-Account PA/SPM of the AO with date stamp.


9 It is divided into 2 sides: - Receipt side, and Despatch Side
BRANCH OFFICE JOURNAL It is maintained in form Pa-5. It is divided into 2 sides: - Receipt side, and Despatch Side All the article/documents sent/received from A.O. are written

10 Preparation of BO journal
(a) Particulars of all registered, VP & insured articles received for delivery, (b) details of all MOs received for payment, (c) Details of SB warrants received from AO, (d) details of IPO s received for sale from AO, (e) A lump entry showing number of unregistered parcels received for delivery,

11 Preparation of BO journal
(f) Particulars of UCR s, (g) A fresh red-ink entry for registered articles & MO s re-issued for delivery/payment, (g) Particulars of amount of postage due on unpaid/insufficiently paid articles received for delivery,

12 Preparation of BO journal
The despatch side of the journal (Pa-5) should contain particulars of :- Details of paid money orders or returned unpaid, Details of Indian Postal Orders paid, Receipts for VP articles delivered by the BO,

13 (d) Receipts for unregistered parcels delivered on
collecting the redirection fee due on them; (e) Insured & VP articles of letter/parcel class returned as undeliverable (f) Registered & Parcel mail articles booked in the BO, (g) MO s booked at the BO or MO s returned as unpaid by the BO, (h) Postage stamps (including Postcards) required by the BPM,

14 (i) S.B. transactions,(vouchers)
(j) Particulars of Unclassified Payments (UCP s) **** Rules 123 BO Rules ***

15 Exercise 4.1 Preparation of BO journal for one day

16 BRANCH OFFICE ACCOUNT The Branch Office Account is maintained in the Form Pa-6. It is a record of the monetary transactions of the Branch Office

17 Under “Receipts” the following items are taken: -
Cash received from the AO (including postage & other stamps), (b) Cash collected by MO s issued, (c) Cash collected by IPO s Sold, (d) UCR s, (e) SB Deposits, (SB,RD,TD) (f) RPLI Premia Collected, etc.,

18 Under “Payments”, the following items are shown: -
Cash remitted to AO, Cash disbursed by paying Money Orders, SB withdrawals,(SB,RD,TD) Establishments Bills paid, UCP s, RPLI payments etc.

19 ***** Rule 124 of BO Rules*****
Under the head “Balance” the items due to the AO by the BO, with details of the balance are to be shown. The Closing Balance should always agree with the Total of the Details of Balance. ***** Rule 124 of BO Rules*****

20 Branch Office Daily Account (BODA)

21 Preparation of B.O. Daily Account
It is prepared by the BPM every day in the form ACG-22 (a) It is a due document It is a replica of BO Account, The closing balance due to the AO must be written in both words & figures

22 RECEIPT SIDE OF BODA Date of last transaction to be noted Balance of last daily a/c (O/B) to be recorded Revenue realized from unpaid articles to be noted Cash received from Account office to be entered Cash received for the issue of Money Orders

23 RECEIPT SIDE OF BODA 8. Savings Bank deposits (SB, RD,TD)
6. Cash recovered from the addressees of the V.P. articles delivered, 7. The amount of UCR s, RPLI Premia. Etc., 8. Savings Bank deposits (SB, RD,TD)

24 PAYMENT SIDE OF BODA Cash Remitted to account office
Amount of Money Orders paid, Savings Bank Withdrawals,(SB,RD,TD) Amount of Establishment Bills paid, and Amount of UCP s, etc. Any other payment

25 the value of Postage Stamps (including postal stationary),
Details of Balance due to the AO, i.e., the amount of cash, the value of Postage Stamps (including postal stationary), the value of other stamps,(Revenue) ---- which form a part of the BO Balance will be shown separately in the space provided in the BO Daily Account

26 PREPARATION OF BODA Details of remittance sent to A.O. should be shown at the bottom of the BODA. Write the amount remitted to AO in words and figures along with denomination of currency Weight of cash bag should be noted in words and figure

27 PREPARATION OF BODA Details of liability like MOs/Passed warrants etc., with date of receipt, amount, reason for non payments to be noted on the reverse side of BODA. The total of liability for the office to be noted on top of the reverse side

28 PREPARATION OF BODA Reason for non-payment of MO s & non-delivery of Insured & VP articles in deposit should be shown on the reverse of BO Daily Account, Details of MO s booked at BO should be shown on the reverse side of the BODA Dates of serving intimation of VP articles in deposit should be noted

29 PREPARATION OF BODA Write details of SB/RD/TD transaction together with Balance After Transaction, Date of Last Transaction Particulars of UCR/UCP to be entered Documents sent to A.O. & articles issued by B.O. and undelivered articles returned to AO are to be entered BO Daily Account should be signed by the BPM, date-stamped & sent to the AO.

30 **** Rule 134 of BO Rules*****
Total postage due on unpaid articles returned to the AO by the BPM should be entered in the column for “registered articles returned”, Similarly, total postage due to articles in deposit at the BO should be entered below the column provided for “registered & other accountable articles in deposit”, **** Rule 134 of BO Rules*****



33 Memo of authorised balance
A memo of authorized balance will show:- the authorized minimum & maximum cash balance for the office, The authorized maximum balance for stamps (including Revenue stamps & other stamps), Monthly limit upto which cash may be indented from the account office,

34 Memo of authorised balance
The aggregate amount to be entrusted to village postmen for payment of money orders/eMO s, etc. Arrangements sanctioned for safe custody of cash, and Sanctioned methods of obtaining funds & remitting of surplus cash

35 Liabilities and its importance
Amount due to be paid on account of money-orders remaining unpaid, and aquittance rolls remaining unpaid. Warrant of payment remaining unpaid In such a situation, cash equal to minimum authorized cash balance plus justified liabilities may be retained in the office overnight.

36 If the liability is more than the authorised balance then the amount equal to liability should only be kept It helps to make payment to the customer even before receipt of BO bag and cash from account office

37 Exercise-4.2 & 4.3 Prepare BO daily a/c for 2 consecutive days for the given data. Find out the discrepencies in the two BO daily accounts given

38 Contents of the BO Bag sent by the BO to its AO: -
BO Daily account, Paid & unpaid unregistered letters posted or returned undelivered, Registered letters or Parcels posted at the BO, VP letters/parcels posted at the BO or returned as undelivered, MO s for issue, Paid MO vouchers,

39 Contents of the BO Bag sent by the BO to its AO (continued): -
(g) Unpaid Money Orders, (h) Documents related to SB transactions, SB pass-books, etc (i) Cash bag containing remittance to the AO, Paid IPO s, Receipts signed by the addressees of registered letters & parcels delivered by the BO. PLI/RPLI deposit forms, etc. ****Rule 170 of BO Rules****

40 Exercise 4.4



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