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Gender Inequality Population Trends and Policies.

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1 Gender Inequality Population Trends and Policies

2 Men, Women, and Work Work and family are the two most important domains of adulthood, and both involve time and labor.Work and family are the two most important domains of adulthood, and both involve time and labor. Paid work outside the home is necessary for the income it provides.Paid work outside the home is necessary for the income it provides. Paid work also provides people with a sense of purpose and satisfaction, although it can produce stress.Paid work also provides people with a sense of purpose and satisfaction, although it can produce stress. Unpaid work within the home is also necessary for the health and well-being of individuals and families.Unpaid work within the home is also necessary for the health and well-being of individuals and families. As with paid work, unpaid work provides satisfaction and fulfillment, but much of this work is mundane and tedious.As with paid work, unpaid work provides satisfaction and fulfillment, but much of this work is mundane and tedious. In the United States, paid and unpaid work have been historically divided along gender lines.In the United States, paid and unpaid work have been historically divided along gender lines. Source: Liana C. Sayer, Philip N. Cohen, and LynneM. Casper. 2004. Women, Men, and Work New York: Russell Sage Foundation.

3 Population Trends and Policies Men, Women, and Work According to a recent study, eight of 10 American adults say they have problems and stress in their livesAccording to a recent study, eight of 10 American adults say they have problems and stress in their lives Nearly two of three say their stress level is higher than they would like it to be.Nearly two of three say their stress level is higher than they would like it to be. Women and men who said that they are stressed out reported feeling more stress in their lives than they did even five years ago.Women and men who said that they are stressed out reported feeling more stress in their lives than they did even five years ago. Both blame trying to integrate work and family.Both blame trying to integrate work and family. Women are more likely than men to claim their lives are stressed.Women are more likely than men to claim their lives are stressed. Women blame family work more and men blame paid work more.Women blame family work more and men blame paid work more. Source: Liana C. Sayer, Philip N. Cohen, and LynneM. Casper. 2004. Women, Men, and Work New York: Russell Sage Foundation.

4 Population Trends and Policies Source: Liana C. Sayer, Philip N. Cohen, and LynneM. Casper. 2004. Women, Men, and Work New York: Russell Sage Foundation.

5 Population Trends and Policies Source: Liana C. Sayer, Philip N. Cohen, and LynneM. Casper. 2004. Women, Men, and Work New York: Russell Sage Foundation.

6 Population Trends and Policies Source: Liana C. Sayer, Philip N. Cohen, and LynneM. Casper. 2004. Women, Men, and Work New York: Russell Sage Foundation.

7 Population Trends and Policies Source: Liana C. Sayer, Philip N. Cohen, and LynneM. Casper. 2004. Women, Men, and Work New York: Russell Sage Foundation.

8 Population Trends and Policies Source: Liana C. Sayer, Philip N. Cohen, and LynneM. Casper. 2004. Women, Men, and Work New York: Russell Sage Foundation.

9 Population Trends and Policies Source: Liana C. Sayer, Philip N. Cohen, and LynneM. Casper. 2004. Women, Men, and Work New York: Russell Sage Foundation.

10 Population Trends and Policies Source: Liana C. Sayer, Philip N. Cohen, and LynneM. Casper. 2004. Women, Men, and Work New York: Russell Sage Foundation.

11 Population Trends and Policies Source: Liana C. Sayer, Philip N. Cohen, and LynneM. Casper. 2004. Women, Men, and Work New York: Russell Sage Foundation.

12 Population Trends and Policies

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