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Welcome Meeting # 1, 2015. Program Guidelines 2 PSHSA Safety Group Program Guidelines: (1-5 year Members)

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome Meeting # 1, 2015. Program Guidelines 2 PSHSA Safety Group Program Guidelines: (1-5 year Members)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome Meeting # 1, 2015

2 Program Guidelines 2 PSHSA Safety Group Program Guidelines: (1-5 year Members)

3 Must complete these requirements*:  Attend at least 3 meetings  Complete Workplace assessment  Complete Action Plan and year-end reports Implement 5 steps for 5 elements- (Minimum – implement 5 steps for 3 elements) *failure to complete these results in automatic withdrawal from the group …continued Firm Commitment 3

4 Complete all SG requirements  Document activities  Implement the elements to all branches, locations, and rate groups under the registered account number  Accept a visit from PSHSA consultant  If selected participate in validation audit (10% of firms)  Participate in sharing of group rebate Sponsor has right to take action if firm is not meeting program commitments Firm Commitment 4

5 Review the Employer Guideline 5

6 Start of Year 1 - Workplace Assessment- Template is on Safety Group Members only page - SG Resources tab This self-assessment will help to identify strengths & weaknesses of your H&S programs 4 categories: A. Leadership B. Organization C. Recognition & Assessment D. Controls / Return to Work (RTW) …continued Choosing Your Elements 6

7 Record of elements worked on in 5 years - you may not repeat elements!  Unless you have previously completed the common element Keep this record in binder for completion and follow-up  Select elements that are achievable and will have an impact on your health and safety performance Choosing Your Elements 7

8 8 Available from Members-only section of PSHSA Safety Group website

9 Common element B.1 Roles & Responsibilities for All Workplace Parties (pg 26) was selected by the SG members Choose 1 Leadership Element (Section A, pg 22- 25) Choose 1 Organization or Hazard Recognition & Assessment element (Section B or C, pg 26- 36)* NOTE common element is in this category Choose 1 RTW element (Section D.26- D.30, page 48-50) Choose 2 additional elements from any category  A. Leadership (pg 22-25)  B. Organization (26-29)  C. Hazard Recognition and Assessment (pg 30-36)  D. Control Activities (pg 36-47) Choosing Your Elements 9

10  Members must select one of five RTW elements: See Pages 48-50 D.26 RTW Self-Assessment WSIB RTW Self-Assessment Guide completes a gap analysis of RTW program and develops a RTW action plan. D.27 RTW Program Development Policy, procedure, roles and responsibilities, RTW Plans, forms, and letters D.28 Physical Demands Information A procedure of how information is collected on a form identifying the overall physical demands of a job and breaks down the job into duties with risk identification D.29 RTW Case Management Procedure of contact with injured worker, return to work meetings to identify suitable work, and reporting requirements. D.30 RTW Performance Tracking Defined performance indicators to measure program outcomes Return To Work 10

11 Request approval from WSIB SG consultant Element must be health and safety related, e.g. SEMS Element is not a sub-part of other program elements, e.g. MSDS Indicate how element refers to specific hazard in the workplace Provide an outline on implementing the 5-step model Complete the form in the employer guideline “Other” Element Request 11

12 Written Standard Communication Training Evaluation Acknowledge Success & Make Improvements 5-Steps to Managing Health & Safety 1 2 3 4 5 12

13 1.Written Standard (pg 11-12) 2.Communication (pg 13-14) 3.Training (pg 14-15)  Steps 1-3 MUST be completed in the program year January- December 31 4. Evaluation (pg 16-17) 5. Make Improvements & Acknowledge Success (pg 18)  Steps 4-5 may be completed in the program year January-December 31 but absolute deadline is end of Q1 of the following year) 5-Steps to Managing Health & Safety 13

14 The SG Program Elements List (pages 22–50) outlines the minimum requirements. We encourage firms when and if possible to exceed the minimum requirements by incorporating best practices and improving workplace safety culture. Each Element includes Resources to assist in the development of the standards. They are for reference only. The Elements list will be used in the Safety Group Validation Audit Process. Firms will be measured against the specified criteria. Element Criteria 14

15 15

16 Step 3 Training (pg. 14 of Employers Guide) Training means that management, supervisors and workers ALL attain the knowledge and skills appropriate for their jobs. For each Safety Groups element, you must determine who needs what knowledge and skills, and how they will be developed (in a classroom, on the job, from job shadowing, etc.). To meet Safety Groups Program requirements, training must be completed, or verified, within each program year (January 1 to December 31). What training should be done?  Training on your standards for each element must be provided to those who have responsibility and accountability for knowing and using the information. For example, orientation training is important for everyone when they are first hired, when they change locations or jobs, or after a long absence from the workplace. Training or retraining in safe work procedures for each element must be ongoing.

17 17

18 Complete/update workplace self assessment Complete year-end achievement report:  Have documentation available  Firms in Years 2 – 5, complete maintenance report for elements of previous years Year-End Documentation 18

19 B.1 Roles & Responsibilities (2015 Common Element) 19

20 2015 Common Element B.1 Roles & Responsibilities

21 21 Remember these SG 5-Steps and think about the 5 W’s!!

22 Why do we “do” Roles & Responsibilities?  Legal requirement  Moral obligation  Financial impacts  To improve culture and accountability Why did we select Roles & Responsibilities for the 2015 common element?  To make linkages to the mandatory H&S Awareness training for Workers and Supervisors to be enforced starting July 1, 2014. 2015 Common Element B.1 Roles & Responsibilities 22

23 Now the 5 Safety Group steps!  Step 1 – Written Standard  Company format, logo, dated  Purpose, Definitions, Roles & Responsibilities Communication, Training, Evaluation, Acknowledge Success/Make Improvements  Senior Management sign-off 2015 Common Element B.1 Roles & Responsibilities 23

24  Step 2 – Communication  “Documented method, type and date”  This means it is left to the discretion of each organization  Step 3 – Training  Again, left to the discretion of the organization  Must have evidence of completion  100% employees trained as applicable 2015 Common Element B.1 Roles & Responsibilities 24

25 PSHSA Internal Responsibilities Fast Facts responsibility-system-irs/ responsibility-system-irs/  Board of Members Know Your Liabilities  Caught in the Middles: Supervisors and Occupational H&S  Empowerment & Self Protection: Occupational Health and Safety for Workers  Occupational Health & Safety is Everyone’s Business  Physicians’ Occupational Health & Safety Roles & Responsibilities  The Leadership Factor: Occupational Health & Safety Begins with Us 2015 Common Element B.1 Roles & Responsibilities 25

26 PSHSA Taped Webinars webinars/  Roles & Responsibilities under the OHS Act  Implications of Bill 18  Reporting Requirements under the OHS Act Onsite Training: contact your Regional Consultant for options 2015 Common Element B.1 Roles & Responsibilities 26

27  Step 4 – Evaluation  What are you going to measure to determine the success/effectiveness of your Roles & Responsibilities Program?  Qualitative  Quantitative  Keep the first three steps in mind!  Build measures into your written standard!!!  Step 5 – Acknowledge Success and Make Improvements  Celebrate the goals and targets that were met!  If there were gaps, still recognize the efforts and thank people for their contributions  Create an action plan for revising/improving the element so that objectives are met in the future; set the bar higher 2015 Common Element B.1 Roles & Responsibilities 27

28 BRAINSTORMING: Networking Activity!!!! 5 steps activity sheet 2015 Common Element B.1 Roles & Responsibilities 28

29 Networking Break 29

30 PSHSA Safety Group Contact List 30 Name:Phone:E-mail: Henrietta Van Hillarie Shelly Christine Kamil


32 2015 MEETING DATES 32


34 What’s New 34

35 Individuals who are currently included as workers under the OHSA Secondary school students volunteering as part of a work experience program authorized by the school board operating the student’s school Persons performing work or supplying services without compensation as part of an approved post-secondary program Persons receiving training but who are not considered employees under the Employment Standards Act, 2000 because they fall within an exclusion set out under this Act. (This exclusion captures some unpaid internships) Such other persons as may be prescribed who perform work or supply services to an employer for no monetary compensation Bill 18 - Worker Definition 35

36 Secondary school students who perform work or supply services for no monetary compensation … Cooperative program Work experience program Project based learning Specialist high skills major Ontario Youth Apprentice Program Bill 18 - Significance of Worker Definition 36

37 Persons performing work or supplying services without compensation as part of an approved post-secondary program … Student placements Internship programs International students/researchers Practica Bill 18 - Significance of Worker Definition 37

38 Persons receiving training but who are not considered employees under the Employment Standards Act, 2000 … Unpaid Interns Bill 18 - Significance of Worker Definition 38

39 Such other persons as may be prescribed … Ontario Government may prescribe additional categories to the definition of a “worker” by regulation Bill 18 - Significance of Worker Definition 39

40 Employers now owe unpaid learners same duties owed to workers – treat unpaid learners like any other workers Provide information, instruction and supervision to unpaid learners Provide training to supervisors Appoint supervisor to oversee unpaid learner’s training Bill 18 - Training 40

41 Employer must provide unpaid learners with all mandatory training but may exclude unpaid learners from activities that require additional training H&S Awareness Training Workplace Violence Policy Training WHMIS/Hazardous Material Training Training on workplace health and safety measures Machinery/Equipment Training PPE Training Training under applicable regulations Bill 18 - Training 41

42 This webinar will help you understand how to better protect your business and employees Covers the expanded definition of ‘worker” to ensure OHSA coverage for unpaid learners and co-op students bill-18-recorded-webinar/ bill-18-recorded-webinar/ PSHSA Webinar - Implications of Bill 18 42

43 Bill 18, Stronger Workplaces for a Stronger Economy Act 2014 content/uploads/2014/11/PSHSA-Fast-Facts-Bill- 18-Stronger-Workplaces-for-a-Stronger- Economy-Act-2014.pdf PSHSA – Fast Facts 43

44 As of April 1, 2015, training requirement effective for workers on construction projects who use any of the following: Travel restraint systems Fall restricting systems Fall arrest systems Safety nets Work belts or safety belts MoL – Working at Heights Training 44

45 An Act to raise awareness about radon, provide for the Ontario Radon Registry and reduce radon levels in dwellings and workplaces Bill 11 has passed second reading and is referred to the Standing Committee on General Government e=en&BillID=3003&detailPage=bills_detail_status e=en&BillID=3003&detailPage=bills_detail_status MoL – Bill 11 Radon Awareness and Prevention Act, 2014 45

46 Bill 11 is a proposed legislation titled Radon Awareness and Prevention Act, 2014. If enacted employers will be required to monitor for radon levels in any workplace in Ontario Radon.pdf PSHSA – Fast Facts 46

47 The hour-long webinar is designed to assist organizations with more than one site or location in developing an effective Multi-Site Joint Health and Safety Committee The focus is on roles and responsibilities, legal obligations and health and safety compliance site-joint-health-and-safety-committee-webinar/ site-joint-health-and-safety-committee-webinar/ PSHSA Multi-Site JHSC Webinar 47

48 Take a few minutes to mingle in the group and meet as many people as possible. During this time you will find 2 - 3 participants in the same rate group or similar type of service. Choose one person to interview and share the results with the with the large group. Networking Activity 48

49 2015 Safety Groups Advantage Program Carmela Coffa WSIB Safety Group Program Workplace Health & Safety Services Division

50 2015 Advantage Program Overview 1.Safety Group Advantage Program Objectives 2.Eligibility 3.Employer Duties 4.Rebate 5.Advantage Program Employer Requirements 6.Year-end Requirements Please reference your copy of the 2015 Advantage Program Employer Requirements for complete details

51 2015 Advantage Program Advantage Program Objectives: Assist firms to develop and implement a comprehensive audit of their Health & Safety Management System Equip firms with the tools and knowledge to conduct internal HSMS Audits Maintain a fully functioning Health & Safety Management System Allow firms to continue implementation of a continual improvement plan beyond 2015 Allow greater flexibility

52 Advantage Program Eligibility  Advantage Program recommended for firms who have successfully completed 5 years in the Safety Groups Program (SGP)  Sponsor can approve firms for the Advantage Program who have successfully completed 3 or 4 years in the SGP  Meet Participant Requirements on 2015 Safety Group Program Application and Employer Guidelines – 4 th ed.  Not registered in another WSIB Incentive Program  WSIB account in good standing

53 √Firms entering their 6 th year of SGP participation in 2015 have the option to continue in the regular SG Program format - BUT  must select or maintain element A.6: Health & Safety Management Review Document, and  Maintain all 25 previous SGP elements 53 Not ready for the Advantage Program?

54 √Complete 2015 Safety Group Program Application Form √Complete SGAP Action Plan - outlining the mandatory five (5) requirements with objectives to complete by end of 2015 √Submit all SGAP Advantage Program reports to Sponsor by due dates √Attend a minimum of three (3) Safety Group meetings arranged by the Sponsor in 2015 √Participate in a Validation Audit, if selected Employer Duties

55 55 Safety Group Program Rebate Formula SGAP Participants are eligible for 2015 rebate Group Achievement Score Up to 4% Group LTI Frequency Reductions Up to 1% Group LTI Severity Reductions Up to 1% GROUP REBATE Up to 6% Calculated at the group level – Safety Group and Advantage together Performance scores - 2015 & 2014 compared with 2013 & 2012 Rebates paid-out at WSIB account level (not by location) Rebates paid in November of the following year (2016) Year-end Reports OR Validation Audits Minimum 7% group improvement required *Based on group premiums paid

56 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 2015 ACTION PLAN DUE: FEB 27/15 2015 ADVANTAGE APPLICATION DUE: DEC 12/14 PROGRESS REPORT 1 DUE: SPRING 2015 PROGRESS REPORT 2 DUE: FALL 2015 YEAR END REPORT/ CHECKLIST DUE: DEC 15/15 2015 Advantage Program Timeline Guide ACTIONS: Advantage Program Orientation Intro to Auditor Training Meeting #3 Complete Intro Auditor Training or verify training qualifications Submit completed HSMS Audit Report to Management Create written Standard for HSMS Audit Management develops Continual Improvement Plan Management Starts Continual Improvement Plan Review 2014 Audit/CIP & Start 2015 HSMS Audit MEETINGS: REPORTING : Meeting #4Meeting #5 (---------- 2014 Validation Audits ------------) 2015

57 2015 Advantage Program 57

58 58 1.Write & Implement HSMS Audit Standard 2.Internal Auditor Training 3.Review of 2014 Audit & Continual Improvement Plan (CIP) 4.Complete the 2015 HSMS Audit (with RTW Section) 5.Develop and Start 2015 CIP 2015 SGAP Requirements

59 Detailed company standard outlining: 1.1 Current date (2015) 1.2 Specific reference to your firm 1.3 Roles and responsibilities for the workplace parties 1.4 Auditor(s) qualifications 1.5 Development of an Audit Plan 1.6 Development of a documented Continual Improvement Plan - Identifies priorities - Based on findings of audit - Details specific corrective actions - Responsibilities assigned - Timelines established 59 1. Write & Implement HSMS Audit Standard

60 -Provide formal audit training, or verify previous audit training, for the assigned Auditor(s) -Auditor training must match the qualifications outlined in your written standard -Record of Training required -Train Auditor(s) before they start the audit 60 2. Internal Auditor Training

61 61 3. Review of 2014 HSMS Audit & CIP 1 st year SGAP firms review their 2014 Safety Group Evaluation & Making Improvement Plan 2015 Auditor reviews 2014 Audit & CIP: 3.1 verify all 2014 audit non- conformities were included on the 2014 CIP 3.2 verify all completed CIP action items for implementation and effectiveness 3.3 verify current status of all ongoing CIP action items to determine if implementation is progress as planned Auditor findings are documented in the 2015 HSMS Audit Report, and any deficiencies are added to 2015 CIP

62 62 4. Complete 2015 HSMS Audit Qualified Auditor completes an approved HSMS Audit Criteria: 4.1 The HSMS Audit must include a Return-to-Work section audited to the WSIB WR policies 4.2 Detailed listing of all audit evidence for each criteria 4.3 Documented audit findings (conformity or non-conformity) based on collected audit evidence 4.4 Audit evidence that is required 4.5 Auditor signs/dates audit reports 4.6 Senior Management review of audit findings

63 Develop and implement a 2015 CIP: 5.1 All non-conformities, including RTW/WR non-conformities, and any 2014 audit review deficiencies 5.2 Prioritize high risk hazards and legal requirements 5.3 CIP planned to resolution, responsibilities assigned and expected timelines set for each CIP action point 5.4 Senior Management approval 5.5 CIP reviewed quarterly 5.6 CIP started in 2015 and all non- conformities started within 6 months 63 5. 2015 Continual Improvement Plan 2015 CIP Approved


65 65 2015 Approved list of Audits (page 7) WSIB HSMS Review Form WSIB WorkWell Audit ZeroQuest Audit Infra-Structure Health and Safety Association Audit - Certificate of Recognition (COR) Public Service Health and Safety Association Q5 Audit Public Service Health and Safety Association Audit (Health Care only, Z1000 equivalent) Workplace Safety North (WSN) - Safe Workplace Ontario Safety Audit CSA Z1000 OHSAS 18001

66 66 Notes (page 11) PLEASE READ

67 Due Date – Dec. 15, 2015 Reviewed and scored by WSIB Safety Group Program Consultant Establishes self-reported year-end score SGAP firms selected for audit are required to submit supporting documentation to their Sponsor within 2 weeks of notification Senior Management sign-off 67 SGAP Year-end Report Checklist

68 68 The Supporting Documentation…

69 Only SGAP firms selected for validation audit Based on supporting documentation submitted and received at WSIB by due-date Supporting documentation audited against the 5 SGAP Employer Requirements: Written Standard Auditor Training 2014 Audit/CIP Review Completed Audit with RTW/WR Review Continual Improvement Plan Establishes initial 2015 validation audit score Desk audit scores <60 are not subject to on-site validation audit & become final validation audit score 69 Desk Audit

70 Desk Audit >60 Date/time of site audit scheduled with firm Sponsor welcome to attend audit as an observer Conducted by Safety Group Program Consultant Completion of the 5 SGAP Employer Requirements are verified based on sampling of: documents/records/intervie ws and site observations 70 Site Audit

71 71 Audit Closing: 1.Review validation audit findings with firm may include opportunities for improvement 2.Verify final validation audit score 3.Answer any questions 4.Firm acknowledges review and discussion of audit notes and score by signature 5.Copy of validation audit notes offered to firm 6.Advise firm a formal audit letter will be sent within 4 weeks 7.Audit concluded. Site Audit

72 Thank you! 72

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